Little Liu kept running in other directions, and his body speed became faster and faster.

I thought I had already got rid of Murong Sisi, but I didn't expect Murong Sisi's new type of cannonball to follow me lingeringly!


Little Six quickly cloned himself and appeared in front of Murong Sisi.

He still wanted to use this method to defeat Murong Sisi.

Murong Sisi looked at the Little Six who had transformed into many identical phantoms, and a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

He muttered to himself: "You're really an idiot, I didn't expect to use the same method to defeat me!"

"It's just a dream!"

I saw that the cannonball in Murong Sisi's hand directly exploded many cannonballs towards Xiao Liuzi's avatar!

With a sudden move with both hands, two cannonballs with more powerful lethality gathered and flew past again!

Little Six opened his eyes wide and looked at the shells flying towards him, for a moment he didn't know where to hide with his flying body at this moment...

Murong Sisi saw that the little six sons didn't know where to hide at this moment, so she let out a cold snort.

"This time you are dead."

After finishing speaking, I saw the cannonballs she summoned hitting Xiao Liuzi's body!


The huge bombing sound is deafening!

All the clones of Little Six were bombarded and disappeared.

The lost blood volume also appeared on Xiao Liuzi's head.


Unexpectedly, in the end, he was killed in seconds!

Little Six was completely stunned, seeing that his blood volume was instantly killed by Murong Sisi, he also took his place.

Murong Sisi smiled triumphantly, looking at the little six who was finally killed by herself in a flash.

I have to say that this battle is really a bit difficult to fight.

However, it would be nice to have won in the end.

Seeing this situation, Little Wu couldn't help but said, "What's your situation||!"

"How did you lose?"

"I thought you would be so powerful, but I didn't expect that you still lost in the end!"

Upon hearing this, Little Six rolled his eyes at Little Five.

This time, after all, I still lost. Although I was still very unconvinced in my heart, there was nothing I could do. After all, everyone still took the final result seriously.

Seeing that Little Six didn't talk to him, Xiao Wu thought that after all he had already lost, and there was no need for him to continue talking to him, so he followed the captain Xiao Yi who was beside him.

"Captain, the little six lost first this time, do you think it is necessary to switch in our next battle?"

"It seems that the Mengwang team is indeed much stronger than we imagined."

Xiaoyi also thought about it carefully, and found that this was indeed the case.

Originally, he thought that things were not as complicated as he thought, but unexpectedly, it was indeed more complicated than he thought.

"Then let's go directly!"

Fight them directly!"

"I feel like we have a better chance of winning this way."

The fifth son said to the first son next to him.

The little one thought about it carefully, and according to the situation that the little six could be instantly killed by the other party, it is indeed necessary for everyone to go together.


"Then let's go directly this time!"

"If you want to go, go directly!"

Everyone else nodded and agreed with the tactic their captain said.

Seeing other people provoking him, Lin Feng also used different tactics, and he also told the players around him.

"We immediately followed the same tactics."

"To kill one is one."

"But you have to look at it, the strength of most of the people in their team is still different this time.

Murong Er'er nodded, seeing other people rushing towards him, he quickly summoned a shield and blocked it in front of Lin Feng.


Wan Jian was shining brightly, and began to go to Murong Er'er's shield, constantly trying to invade it!

The atmosphere of the entire battlefield suddenly became very tense.

"Captain, go on! This time I will do the shielding!"

Lin Feng looked at Murong Er'er who suddenly summoned a powerful formation map with both hands, and nodded!


"Everyone else is ready."

"Start immediately!"

I saw that the sword of the Archangel in Lin Feng's hand quickly slashed towards Xiao Yizi again!

Unleash moves!

Guardian Angel Cross!

The two slashed swiftly like flying knives in the air!

Seeing the guardian angel cross-slash flying towards his eyes, the little boy also quickly slashed to the side, and his body flicked slightly to the side.


The guardian angel's move of cross slash directly missed Xiao Yizi's side.


Lin Feng didn't expect this little guy to be able to dodge his own attack, didn't expect, didn't expect...

After so long, I have finally found an opponent that I can seriously fight against.

Xiao Yizi also looked at Lin Feng seriously at this moment, not daring to relax a bit in his heart, fearing that if he relaxed a bit, he would lose.

Although the casual team I belong to really does not attract the respect of other members, but it has come to this day, so everyone still has some feelings

If he loses, he will indeed feel sorry for the entire team.

I saw that Xiao Liuzi suddenly summoned a double star sword with both hands, and stabbed in Lin Feng's direction with both double star swords.

The blue streamer also rushed to Lin Feng's side quickly... Qin...

The entire battle scene began to become dizzying, and it was difficult for everyone to distinguish what kind of situation the people inside were like.

"This battle is so grand! I can't find where Meng Wang is now. Can any of you see (Li Qian's) Meng Wang? I don't know who will win this time."

"That's right, that's right. I don't know who will win this time. Thinking about it carefully, I don't know, but I feel that this little six's moves are really powerful!"

"It must be Mengwang. I heard that the most powerful part of this little boy is on this double star sword, but now that Mengwang can keep up with the opponent's speed, it means that he is very powerful!"

"That's right, the Meng Wang itself is very powerful, why do you all always disbelieve the other Meng Wang, and question the other Meng King every time you see a powerful one!"

"I really didn't expect this little guy to be able to evade Meng Wang's attack so quickly. After watching it for so long, this is the first time I've seen it. It's really amazing."

"I remember that some people dodged it at the beginning, but it's not very powerful... Even if you dodge the first attack, there will be the second and the third."

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