Every action of every player in the game at this moment can evolve the mentality and mood of the player at this moment.

Lin Feng also noticed, and Murong Wuwu, who was beside her, said nervously.

"Actually, don't be so nervous, don't worry, everything is covered by me."

"Maybe we will meet stronger and more powerful opponents, but ~ is no problem.

This sentence comforted Murong Wuwu at this moment, but it also made Murong Wuwu have a particularly strong sense of pressure, and she couldn't help asking Lin Feng.

"Then what do you think our chances of winning this battle are-huh?"

"Will this second freshman team be particularly powerful?"

Although he heard Lin Feng say a lot about this target, he was still somewhat scared in his heart.

I am afraid that I will not be able to win this championship, and I am afraid that I will drag the entire team down.

Seeing that he was still so nervous, Lin Feng frowned slightly, thinking of what he said to her before the final match.

There are some small regrets in my heart, if I had known that he would be so nervous, I would not have said these things to her.

In this case, he doesn't know the opponent's strength, so naturally he won't be too afraid. Once a person is afraid, his own strength will drop.

"it does not matter."

"Again, haven't you mastered your new supermarket this time? Later, you just need to use your new moves at them, so that they can catch them by surprise.

Murong Wuwu just nodded.

The other team members were not as nervous as Murong Wuwu, they remained calm and calm, waiting for the new team to join.

Everyone in the entire battlefield cheered, looking forward to this battle.

"The duel between the freshman team and the Mengwang team has finally arrived. I have been waiting for this day for a long time. I didn't expect that today will finally come. It is indeed a good day. Although I didn't get the ranking, I can see such a powerful team. Duel, this life is also satisfied."

"Yes, yes, finally this battle has finally come. If it were the same as before, I wouldn't think about the results of their battle at all, and I don't know who the captain of this new team is. I have been curious for a long time, but have not found any news about this person.

"I heard that the captain of this freshman team is also very powerful. This battle can be described as a fight between gods and gods. Although I don't know who will win, but in the end, it should be those fools on the side of Meng Wang. There are people who fight against other teams, don't they know that every time they have such a record, they will lose?"

"That's right, it's true that I discovered that there are still a lot of people on the freshman team. It seems that the reputation of this freshman team is quite big, but I feel that most of them are sailors. You only have those sailors Will support some teams with no reputation like this."

"I feel that this freshman team just doesn't know what tricks they used to raise their reputation. If it were another team, it would definitely be able to raise it in this way. Everyone still cares about this battle to the end. Whoever loses wins."

"Don't be stupid, it must be a freshman team. You haven't seen the freshman team. The real strength is definitely much stronger than that of the Mengwang team, and their combat moves are also different from theirs. You will know when the time comes gone."

In the audience area of ​​the entire battlefield, many people also started arguing.

There is no way, after all, this duel is what everyone has been looking forward to, so it is normal to quarrel.

The light of time flashed across the air and landed on the battlefield, and all the members of the freshman team appeared in everyone's eyes.

Lin Feng looked at the captain of the freshman team with a faint smile on his lips.

"I didn't expect to meet so soon, I thought we would meet later."

After hearing what Lin Feng said, the captain of the freshman team sneered, with hatred in his eyes for his sneak attack last time.

"of course."

"After all, it's not that enemies don't get together."

Li Yuan looked at the freshman team in front of him, and the captain quickly searched for the shadow of this person in his mind.

I found that I had seen this person somewhere, but I couldn't figure it out clearly, maybe some unremarkable players.

I didn't expect that some players who passed by him would have such great abilities today.


Murong Wuwu noticed the piercing hatred for Lin Feng in the eyes of the freshman team captain, squinted at him, and said with a muffled grunt.

"Why don't enemies get together? It's obvious that you took the initiative to find fault. It's really shameless to act like it's me."

After Murong Sisi listened to Murong Wuwu's murmur, she chuckled lightly, patted her on the shoulder and said.

"I really didn't expect to help my sweetheart so soon. Why didn't you help us in the past?"

Sure enough, for Murong Sisi to not take things about other people seriously, it is more fun to watch Murong Wuwu angry at this moment.

Murong Wuwu snorted and Murong Sisi let out a muffled sound.

The members of the entire freshman team also wore very ordinary clothes and brought some simple equipment.

It seems that they take their own strength too seriously, and don't put the bonus of equipment on themselves at all.

Murong looked at the members of the entire freshman team, and the smile on his face became deeper and deeper.

"Sure enough, they are all low-ranking little people. They take themselves too seriously, and they don't even bring equipment. Alas, when the time comes, it will be me who loses. 7"

After hearing what Murong Er Er said, the members of the freshman team said to him angrily.

"What do you mean by low-level people? It's because you take yourself too seriously. With so many equipment, I think it's only because of the strength of equipment that you have won so many victories."

"Look, we don't need these equipments, we can all beat these annoying players and get the number one ranking in this World's Best Martial Arts Tournament."

The other team members also petted Murong and shouted in their ears.

That's right, it seems that your Mengwang team is not very good. I thought your Mengwang team was so powerful.

"The captain is another character who likes to play some tricks. You are some mammalian gadgets. It is only because of your luck that you are lucky. If you meet us today, you will be unlucky. This time you lose Set wide!".

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