National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 458 The Attack Power Is Too Strong!

Murong Wuwu saw that her blood volume was actually weakened by Mengdao Xuemei, she still felt a little scared and nervous in her heart.

Fear that I will really lose to the opponent, fear that I will really drag the whole team down.

Today is still my birthday, if I lose the chain at this time, I will definitely be uneasy for a long time.

Although I also know that Lin Feng will definitely not blame himself, but this anxiety comes from not wanting others to think that he is weak.

Seeing that Murong Wuwu was dodging her own attack, Junior Mengdao laughed lightly and mocked.

"What are you running for?"

"Is this why you're afraid?"

"It seems that the members of your Mengwang team are really not good. Everyone in the forum praises how good you are, but it's just that they didn't see your weakness."

"Meng Wang is really in a state of decrepitude when he meets you weak and frightening students."

These words undoubtedly seemed to be piercing Murong Wuwu's heart one after another continuously.

What she hates the most is when someone says her team is weak.

"I tell you, I will definitely defeat you!"

Murong Wuwu was completely furious!

Originally, she was still flying the water dragon with both hands to avoid all the water wave attacks of the cute school girl, but at that moment, she didn't want to dodge 120 anymore!

After all, hiding like this is useless at all!

I saw that Murong Wuwu's body was also tightly surrounded by a blue light.

Combat power also began to rise crazily!

Straight into the crit state!

The body and scales of the water dragon's body and scales glowed with frightening light, flickering...

The oncoming dangerous aura spread around.

Water Sword Aurora!


All the scales on the water dragon turned into many sword rains flying in the void, and they were still shining with dazzling light.

The long sword continued to drive towards the position where Mengdao Xuemei was, and the rain of thousands of swords made the whole scene magnificent!

It seems that under the long sword, the entire battlefield can be bombarded by this move!

Seeing the completely erupting Murong Wuwu, Junior Mengdao also raised her horns, showing no fear at all.


"This is what I want!"

The magic scepter in his hand was also raised in the void!

Unexpectedly, many sword rains exactly like Murong Wuwu also appeared in the void.

"what happened......"

Mu (cgeh) Rong Sisi was also anxious, and hurriedly asked Lin Feng beside him.

Lin Feng shook his head and said seriously.

"No way, this person's copying ability is very strong, if you want to really defeat this person, you have to rely on Murong Wuwu herself.

When Murong Sisi heard this, she frowned and clenched her fists tightly.


"I feel like I'm going to help her."

"This person's combat power is completely a step higher than Murong Wuwu's."

"I feel that the moves of the two sides are exactly the same this time, but I can feel the attack power is completely different."

Seeing that Murong Sisi was in such a hurry, Lin Feng spoke seriously again.

"Don't worry about these things for now, we must let Murong Wuwu go alone.

"I think you don't want Murong Wuwu to blame yourself when she comes back, do you?"

"She definitely wants to win this time by herself, so you don't always want to help her one by one.

Murong Sisi was convinced by what Lin Feng said.

Murong Wuwu watched Jian Yu, who was exactly the same as her, confront each other's moves, and became even more nervous.

Mengdao Xuemei smiled lightly: "What's wrong?"


"Are you scared so soon?"

"It's really weak."

As soon as the words fell, both hands suddenly steered the sword rain in the void to gallop towards Murong Wuwu's body.


In the entire mid-air, there are flashes of sword light, constantly cutting through the void.

Murong Wuwu also used the same moves against Murong Sisi, and Jian Yu kept blocking the opponent's long sword.

Ping ping pong!

The Sword Rain of both sides was under the control of each other, and it only reached the level of a draw between the two sides.

Both of them dodged in the rain of swords, and letters kept jumping out of their bodies.




At this moment, she knew that she had to use the attack when she was not paying attention so as not to be copied by her.

Otherwise, if this continues, the consumption of mana will be too great...

Xuemei Mengdao seemed to see Murong Wuwu's concerns at this moment, and said with a smile.

"Do you feel that you consume too much mana?"

"Do you think you can't beat me?"

"If you surrender now, maybe I will let you go.

Murong Wuwu gritted her teeth secretly, looking unhappy.

wait for me......

Both hands broke out again in a more powerful battle!

This time, we must seize the opportunity...

Otherwise, if this continues, he will lose.

Linglong Sword Art!


Murong Wuwu continued to radiate waves of condensed sword rain like stormy waves towards the position of Mengdao Xuemei!

One cover down!

The school girl Mengdao also summoned the same move at the first sight!

Two waves crashing against each other!

The corner of Murong Wuwu's mouth suddenly raised into a smug smile.

"It's now!"


Suddenly summon a move with both hands!

Volley Ice Jue!

Many ice cubes turned into ice needles in the void and instantly pierced through Jianlang!

Junior Mengdao subconsciously opened her eyes wide, when she originally wanted to summon exactly the same attack.

But, it's too late!

"Damn it!"

Many long needles pierced her body!

The blood keeps coming up!






More than half of the blood volume was gone in an instant!

Xuemei Mengdao instantly released teleportation and disappeared into the ice needle.

Murong Wuwu's palms were also sweating at this moment, she knew that this cute school girl was going to play a sneak attack with her!

call out!

Before she could react!

A silver needle flashed past her side!

The amount of blood also emerged from her head!


did not expect.…………

This little silver needle actually lost 20,000 of my blood volume...  

Mengdao Xuemei said: "I really didn't expect that you could lose half of my blood volume.

"It seems that I've over-exaggerated what you think, but you're going to end soon!"


Murong Wuwu looked to the other side, but she still didn't see the figure of Xuemei Mengdao.


A silver needle flew towards her again!

Murong Sisi yelled!

"Get out of the way!".

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