National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 46 Game Update, Ten Thousand Clans Fight For Hegemony!

"Eh!" Murong Wuwu was a little dazed. If Lin Feng directly said "Kill me", she would naturally be happy in her heart. It would be a lie to say that she is not interested in a hidden profession, but she has her own principles in life.

She will also convince Lin Feng not to worry about it.

It's just... Lin Feng scolded so directly, there was no room for negotiation at all.

No matter how you look at it, the dragon in the sky is infinitely stronger than them. If you curse like that, Lin Feng will die!

And Lin Feng did this for her!

"Teacher, I'm sorry! You helped me change jobs successfully, but in the end I got you in trouble." Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng with deep gratitude and apology.

"Don't think about it, I'm doing it for myself... I level up really fast." Lin Feng grinned calmly and unrestrainedly.

Of course he was calm, because from the very beginning, he planned to let the old dragon king kill him, and then soared his level.

This time I finally have the chance to help Murong Wu, of course that would be even better.

Murong Wuwu shook her head slightly, then raised her head again: "Kill me! Didn't you say, let me choose?"

But before he finished speaking, he was suddenly covered by loud laughter.

"Hahahaha...haha..." Sky Burial Dragon King Ao Yuan let out a hearty laugh, the laughter shook the entire Longyuan, as if it was going to collapse Longyuan.

Both of them were a little baffled by the laughter.

It lasted like this for almost ten seconds, the laughter stopped, and the Dragon King of Sky Burial Ao Yuan said: "Congratulations, you two, the test is successful."

A reminder sounded in Lin Feng's mind: "Complete the hidden task [Sky Burial Dragon King Ao Yuan's Test], and get Ao Yuan's gift: the skill book [Dragon Transformation]. And the favorability of the Dragon Clan +50."

Murong Wuwu said pleasantly: "We don't have to die? And there are rewards!"

"Damn... did you get the wrong script? I'm always scolding, but this old dragon king doesn't want to kill me? It seems that next time I have to change the lines and scold me harder, otherwise the big boss will not kill me. It's a very tangled thing! It's so difficult to give away a human head, life is so difficult!"

Lin Feng felt a little disappointed in his heart, but of course he didn't show it on the surface, and at the same time he was also a little happy. After all, there is a skill book reward, and the name sounds very powerful!

At this time, the old voice of Ao Yuan, the Dragon King of Sky Burial, contained a trace of warmth: "For hundreds of years, the 32 successors who have successfully completed the Nine Passes of the Dragon Gate all came to me with the help of their companions. , they all retreated."

"Those who can pass through the nine gates of Longmen are all geniuses among geniuses. Because they are outstanding, they cherish their own future and life even more. When they really want to give up everything about themselves and make their companions better, they hesitate instead."

"And you didn't hesitate. I can see that you are ready to die. Use your own life and the strength you have worked hard to exchange for the other party to have an infinitely brilliant future. This kind of dedication is what I, Long Yuan, need. , is also a must for a Longyuan Daoist."

After a pause, one of his beards suddenly elongated, and he nodded between Murong Wuwu's eyebrows: "Congratulations, you have completed the test and become the new guardian of Longyuan, and you will also succeed me as one of the elders of the Shenlong clan."

Following this touch, Lin Feng saw a bloody strange symbol appear between Murong Wuwu's eyebrows, resembling a small dragon flying and wandering in the sky.

"Alright, I need to convene a meeting of the elders of the Dragon Clan to announce your presence. You all go back! When you become stronger, you can enter the Holy Land of the Dragon Clan, and there will still be inheritance waiting for you. Go back!"

After speaking, Lin Feng and Murong Wuwu felt a powerful force pushing them at the same time.

In an instant, the two appeared outside Longyuan City.

"How many levels can enter the Holy Land of the Dragon Clan? Do you have any hints?" Just after coming out, Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu and asked.

Murong Wuwu quickly flipped through the missions, and said pleasantly: "It really is! It said that at level 60, I can go to the Holy Land of the Dragon Clan. It's a pity... At present, I can only enter Longyuan once a day with my skills, and I can't go to the Dragon Clan. Looking forward to going to the Holy Land of the Dragon Clan!"

At this time... the game prompt sounded: "The game is about to be updated, please get ready, the ten-second countdown..."

"Game update? It's only been three days since it started, why is the game updated so quickly?" Murong Wuwu was puzzled.

"So suddenly!" Lin Feng frowned slightly.

He has a feeling that maybe this update has something to do with them.

"Okay! I can't play anymore, but it's too late, I should go to bed, and I should be fine when I wake up tomorrow." Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng and said, "Teacher, I'll see you again tomorrow! "

"Yes, yes." Lin Feng smiled.

At first I wanted to say that I was not a teacher anymore, was too hasty, so I finally thought about it and let it go for now.

Afterwards, the two quit the game at the same time.

I looked at the time, it was almost twelve o'clock.

Just as he was about to take a shower, he saw a WeChat transfer prompting 400.

At the same time, there was Murong Wuwu's WeChat message: "About four hours, I'll transfer it to you! Also, you helped me pass the Dragon Gate Nine Levels Pass. If I were by myself, I would never be able to complete this. This hidden job is definitely gone."

"WeChat can't transfer too much, you tell me your bank card, and I will transfer it to you. Well, I read the forum, it is very popular in the second world now, a gold coin is 700 yuan, and the equipment is more expensive. I heard people say that seven dragons The hall spent 1 million to buy a set of gold equipment."

"You help me this time is worth more than gold equipment... But I don't have that much money right now, so... let's say two million! Can I transfer you 200,000 first, and then transfer it to you every month? Will pay off."

Looking at the text message, Lin Feng shook his head slightly, and replied: "I once agreed to look at the difficulty. It's too difficult and the price is high, and the simple ones don't cost much. This task is too simple for me, and it's not worth much."

"After completing the task, I got such a good baby dragon, which is enough. After all, without you, I haven't sent this task yet, let alone the baby dragon, so there is no need to give it."

Afterwards, Lin Feng threw the phone on the bed and went to take a shower...

At this time, in the villa.

The door of Murong Wuwu's room was suddenly pushed open, and Murong Sisi quickly ran in, excitedly saying: "Wuwu, my chance has come! Hehe... It's finally time for me to rise up in the second world."

"The game was updated just now. The official website called this update "All Races Contest", which roughly means that you can change into other races in the second world in the future. And just before the game update, I was doing the task of changing races. My The race is quite powerful, after the change, it far surpasses your hidden profession."

"Huh?" At this time, Murong Sisi found that Murong Wuwu didn't seem to hear what she said, but was lying on the bed, looking at the phone, in a daze!

"Huh? This avatar... looks familiar!"

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