National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 461 In The Midst Of A Great Battle!

A faint smile rose from the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, and he flashed towards the empty space on the side again, and suddenly summoned a powerful move with both hands.

The sword of the Archangel in the hand of the guardian angel's counterattack directly expanded to a height of more than ten meters!

I saw the sword of the archangel slashing in the direction of the budding scholar.

The Meng Dao scholar also began to imitate the way Lin Feng released the guardian angel's counterattack just now, launching the same skill.

I saw the Archangel Sword of exactly the same height appearing in front of Lin Feng.

The two archangels collided directly, and there was a powerful bang, which was deafening.

bang bang bang!

An even louder sound continued to fill the surroundings, causing earth-shaking changes in the surroundings. The ground of the entire battlefield seemed to be directly ruptured by this powerful sound.

Everyone took a deep breath one after another, and the members of the freshman team didn't dare to look away from the duel between Meng Dao Scholar and Lin Feng at this moment.

"I didn't expect our captain 26 to be blocked by him so calmly. Do you think it will be a bad luck to organize the captain? Will our team really lose this time?" Moe Invincible said.

"How is it possible? Can you think about it one by one? The captain Ke said that he has figured out all the fighting rules of this cute baby. Besides, everyone said that, we have to believe it Captain?" Mengwa answered most favorably.

Mengdao Xuemei rolled her eyes when she heard what the two team members said.

"What are you two talking about? What is bad luck?"

"Besides, look at the current captain. Although all the moves are blocked outside the door, doesn't this mean that our captain can defeat the opponent as long as he launches a more powerful attack?"

When the other team members heard what Mengdao Xuemei didn't say, it seemed to make sense after careful consideration, so they nodded without saying anything more.

"Yes, I think you have some truth in what you said, but it still feels like something is almost there."

Junior Mengdao stopped talking, and continued to look forward to this matchup that she had been looking forward to the most. Deep in her heart, her team was the strongest.

Murong Wuwu couldn't help but said as she watched the Mengdao schoolgirl who was staring at Lin Feng fighting with the Mengdao scholar.

"Actually, you don't need to be so serious and big-eyed. After all, you lost. Besides, if you are slowing down, I guess the first one is to blame you for slowing down the entire team.

He told himself these words word by word before the battle, so since he worshiped himself, it is indeed necessary to return these words word by word to her.

Junior Mengdao glared at Murong Wuwu again angrily and said.

"If you have the ability, after the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament is over, let's compete again. I will definitely not lose to you again. I wouldn't have lost if you hadn't played those tricks at that time."

Murong Wuwu was furious when she heard this, and said seriously.

"Better than you, I'm afraid of you, what are you, really."

Suddenly, the two of them stopped talking to each other.

Lin Feng looked at the guardian angel's counterattack in the void and still had no progress with him now.

It seems that it is necessary to increase some attacks, so that the battle can be ended sooner, and he doesn't want to play anymore.

In an instant, Lin Feng quickly formed a seal with both hands, and the whole person dodged to the side.

The Meng Dao scholar also started to imprint the moves used by Lin Feng, but for some reason, the speed of remembering seems to be not as fast as him.

Immediately, he winked in the direction of Meng Zhe Wudi.

I saw Meng Zhe Wudi flying towards the direction of Meng Dao scholar [with his hands facing Lin Feng sitting in the direction.

Released the move Lingbo Slash and two attacks, instantly distracting his mind.

Lin Feng also knew clearly at that moment that he wanted to win himself by sneak attack.

But it's just a dream!

All of a sudden, the sword of the Archangel in Lin Feng's hand shot up into the sky with a whistling sound.

A huge magic array appeared under him, and the protective light array directly protected him.

The cute and invincible Ling Bo Zhan directly blocked the outside when it hit him, and with a bang, Ling Bo Zhan shattered directly.

At that moment, the two of them were completely speechless, and they were also surprised by Lin Feng's defense. They didn't expect anything.

His defense ability is also so high, and his attack ability is also so strong.

Speaking of it this way, they didn't even think about it at all. Originally, they thought that there was only a small distance between themselves and him.

I didn't expect to find out that these distances are still big now.

Murong heard that the cute is invincible, so he went to help the cute scholar to defeat his captain by sneak attack.

He also quickly went to Lin Feng's side, who thought that the cute baby was the best, but also directly blocked in front of her.

"Don't go, your opponent is me, let the two of them fight."

"Besides, didn't your Mengwang team all say that you can fight one hundred against one? I want to see what you can do against one hundred.

Murong Er'er couldn't help but smiled coldly.

"It's just shameless!"

"It's just courting death!"

The audience under the auditorium also started to talk about them one by one

"I really didn't expect that the members of this new team would be so shameful. I didn't expect that they would actually want to use a sneak attack to win the world's number one martial arts championship this time. It's so shameless."

"Yes, yes, I didn't expect to be so shameless. I didn't think so before, but now I have been completely defeated by what they have done. Get out, what kind of broken team is this? .”

"This damn team, I never thought that there would be such a bad team, why didn't I think of it before? Tmd I was on their side because of those sailors, I didn't expect it to be this A shameless thing."

"Don't worry, you're not the only one who thinks this way, there are many other people who think this way. This kind of naval army is simply too good. I thought how good the people who form the team are. I can't see it. I don't want it." Extremely face."

"Oh my god, I have never seen such an annoying team. Come on, Mengwang, the best Mengwang, Mengwang is the most powerful person in the world, what is this thing? The way to sneak attack, Don't you know how to be fair and just?"

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