Seeing that Lin Feng was silent, Li Yuan went and hung up the phone silently.

Lin Feng took the necklace he had prepared and went to the second place to buy a large bouquet of flowers.

After two and a half hours, he finally prepared a gift for Murong Wuwu and drove to her home at high speed.

When Murong Yiyi returned home, she looked at Murong Wuwu in a princess dress, with a gentle smile on her face.

"Not bad, Wuwu, it's rare to see you dressed so grandly, you just want to show it to Lin Feng, right?"

When Murong Wuwu heard what Murong Yiyi said, her calm face turned red instantly!

Murong Sisi said with a smile while eating the small cake.

"Yiyi, look at Wuwu's face is blushing, and her body has naturally expressed her true inner thoughts."

Murong Wuwu snorted, looking in the direction of the alarm clock from time to time.

I don't know why, but I always feel very excited about my birthday today!

Murong Yiyi looked at Murong Wuwu's anticipation, and inexplicably many thoughts appeared in her heart.

If only today was my birthday.....

If it was his birthday, would he give himself these things like Dui Wu 26 Wu did.

Will it be like what I saw just now, writing business cards so seriously.

Inexplicably, many pictures began to appear in my mind... …

Murong Sisi silently called Murong Yiyi from the side, but seeing that she was distracted, a few traces of suspicion also flashed in her heart.

It's strange to think about it. The recent Yiyi seems to be a little different from her back then.

However, in general, what is different, I can't tell, it seems... I just don't know where there has been a change.

Murong Erer was wearing a simple outfit and kept watching Murong Wuwu from the corner of her eye at this moment.

I don't know why, but there is a special feeling of discomfort in my heart.

Thinking of the past parties where none of the sisters were together, and every time it was Wu Wu's birthday, Wu Wu's birthday party was also held by herself.

Didn't expect it to be completely different this time!

Because Wuwu invited Lin Feng to come, she designed the birthday party herself.


In the past, she might not have put so much effort into it, and she might not have worn this princess dress for other people's birthday parties, but now she actually put it on for a man?!

It's simply a matter of emphasizing color and despising friends!

The smile on Murong Er'er's face became more intense while thinking about it.

The two small fists were clenched together, as if they wanted to hit someone.

The most normal thing now is only Murong Shanshan and Murong Sisi.

Murong Shanshan came to Murong Wuwu's side without any attire at all, as if she was treating ordinary days.

"Wuwu, why do I feel that you seem to be in a hurry, those who didn't know thought you were going to get married today."

On the surface, there is no ups and downs in the expression when speaking, but the heart is really at this moment...


Unexpectedly, Wu Wu actually put on such a grand attire for a man now!

And, I look forward to him more than anyone else!

Thinking of our sisters for so many years, it seems that she has never seen her looking forward to herself!

It's just so annoying!

However, there are indeed two reactions on the surface that are completely different from those in my heart.

"Wuwu, as a girl you have to learn to be reserved, look at how excited you are, we can all see that you are looking forward to this person's arrival.

"In the past, you may not have expected our arrival.

Murong Sisi looked at the sisters beside her, and always felt that she was the only one here observing them like a bystander.

I don't know why, it seems that the whole atmosphere was made by them as if something big was about to happen.

Moreover, this is just a simple birthday party.

It seems that this Lin Feng really made some small changes in the personalities of all his sisters.

Lin Feng parked the car outside the villa, and knocked on the door with a bouquet of flowers and gifts.

I saw Murong Wuwu happily opened the door, and the flowers came into view.

Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu who hadn't reacted yet, and a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"Happy birthday."

"Dance dance.

What he said was still very plain.

Murong Wuwu could only feel her tears falling down like uncontrollably.

"Whoa whoa!"

"It never occurred to me that you would still send me flowers!"

"I thought you..."

Lin Feng looked at the crying Murong Wuwu, and reached out to touch her head.

"Okay, don't cry."

"Isn't it normal to send you off?"

"And your birthday present."

After speaking, Lin Feng handed the prepared birthday present to Murong Wuwu.

Murong Sisi stared at them as if she had been fed several meals of dog food.

However, in fact, she has become accustomed to the way the two of them are now, and her eyes fell on other people's faces.

Murong Yiyi looked at Lin Feng at this moment with a slightly lowered gaze.

Originally, she was still intoxicated in fantasy 110, but when she saw him handing the gift to Murong Wuwu, she also felt some discomfort in her heart.

Murong Er'er's clenched fist changed from a small white hand to a bright red one, and the smile on his face was as bright as the sun, making people unable to take their eyes off it.

Didn't expect, didn't expect...

This Lin Feng actually sends Wuwu flowers...

Then, if you compare it like this, the gift you gave to Wuwu seems to be a bit unsurprising?

Otherwise, take it for a while while there is still time?

But recently, I haven't asked Wu Ball what gift she wants...


For a moment, Murong Er'er fell into hesitation.

Seeing the tears of Murong Wuwu being moved by Lin Feng's flowers at this moment, I feel even more angry in my heart!

Thinking about it, I seemed to have sent flowers to Wuwu before, but she just took them without any expression...

Did Mao Lin Feng cry when she sent flowers?!

Murong Er'er was even more angry, wishing she could rush up and give Lin Feng two slaps!

But in the end, he endured it, turned around and saw that no one had found him, and sneaked upstairs, "I'm going to exchange the gift I prepared for Murong Wuwu this time.

I hope she can be moved this time, and it would be even better if she could cry...

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