National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 481 Exploring The Monster City!

Murong Wuwu looked at the big hole dug in front of her eyes, she didn't know at all how Lin Feng was going to solve the problem, how to trick the murloc monster at the gate of the city.

"Meng Wang, are you sure we can really trick monsters into it by digging a hole?"

"I don't think these monsters seem to have such a low IQ, do they?"

Lin Feng silently rolled his eyes to Murong Wuwu.

Seeing her harmless appearance, she didn't know what to say for a while.

Forget it, that's it..

In fact, the eyes of murlocs like this are straight, and they can't see what's under their feet at all...

Although it is said that this is in the game, in fact, I discovered at a very early time that this game is still closely related to reality.

Murong Shanshan looked at Murong Wuwu's harmless appearance, and didn't want to explain anything.

"Now that the pit has been dug, let's hide and lure the murlocs here!"

Lin Feng smiled faintly, took out a glowing mermaid stone from his backpack and threw it towards the trap.


Immediately shocked the Quartet!

Lin Feng immediately hides with Murong Shanshan26 and Murong Wuwu beside him.

Sure enough, it was exactly as he had imagined, and saw the murlocs on the city walking towards the trap they had dug with a Yaksha.

Murong Wuwu looked at the murlocs walking over and kept staring in a straight line, and understood why they wanted to dig a hole in the ground......

It turned out that the existence of this trap could not be seen in their line of sight.


Lin Feng instantly summoned his own bow and arrow in the grass, and shot towards the murloc who fell into the pit.

Before the murlocs standing on the city gate could react, the three murlocs who fell into the pit were already dead.

The three quickly picked up the fallen equipment, put it on their bodies, picked up carbon stones and drew a murloc on their faces, successfully disguised as soldiers.

Lin Feng looked at the changes of Murong Wuwu and Murong Yiyi. The two of them looked exactly the same. Now in this painting, it is impossible to tell who is who.

Murong Wuwu asked excitedly.

"Then we're all dressed up now, what shall we do?"

"Should we divide into two ways and go to understand each other?"

Murong Shanshan took a look at Murong Wuwu, although the two of them are now completely identical [Actually, looking more or less carefully, their eyes can still be a little bit different.

"Come on, both of you, I will split up with you, and we will meet here in 40 minutes.

When Murong Wuwu heard it, she snorted and said.

"Why did you split up with us?"

"Why do I feel like you look down on me.

When Murong Shanshan heard this, she chuckled lightly, and glanced at Lin Feng.

"What do you say?"

"If you are an idiot, what if you are exposed and beaten by the crowd?"

"If you fight with Meng Wang, he can still protect you."

"If you follow me, you will probably only..."

Hearing what Murong Shanshan said, Lin Feng felt that she was telling the truth!

The current Murong Wuwu's combat power has indeed been strengthened a lot, but in general she still needs to be led.

Otherwise, if they are discovered at that time, group fights will be bad.

Murong Wuwu snorted unconvinced, and said to Murong Shanshan and Lin Feng.

"This time, I think we should go our separate ways!"

"I think I'm definitely qualified for this kind of private task now."

"Don't always think I can't do it."

"This time I must prove myself!"

Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu's bloody look, and remembered that Murong Sisi was indeed by her side to do tasks with her in normal times.

Seeing how she wants to do the task by herself so much, I'd better give her a chance.

After all, people always need to grow up.

"Okay, let's divide into three ways this time."

"You must come back within 40 minutes. This is a carbon stone, you keep it. It takes half an hour to consume each carbon stone. An hour is enough for the two of you, and there is still time left when you come back."

"The main task this time is to inquire about all the things in this city, as long as you can inquire about it, you must seriously remember it.

"Especially what are the most monsters in this city, you may meet some NPCs, remember to ask.

Lin Feng instructs Murong Shanshan and Murong Wuwu.

The most important thing is to let Murong Wuwu remember her own need.

Murong Wuwu nodded seriously!

"Don't worry, I will work hard!"

Seeing that they were all ready, Lin Feng took the two of them to the city.

As soon as the three of them stepped into the city, they saw a lot of monsters walking around inside.

Some of the more powerful murlocs are no longer holding yakshas, ​​but have become pearl swords, patrolling around.

Seeing so many murlocs patrolling, Murong Wuwu became nervous for no reason.

Lin Feng was afraid that Murong Wu would be too nervous at the ball, so he said hastily.

"You are all of the same kind as them now, don't need to be nervous, they won't be able to see any flaws in you.

"Remember to take it easy."

"The same kind will not be afraid of seeing the same kind.

I saw a murloc holding a pearl sword 233 walking over, looking at Lin Feng, Murong Wuwu, and Murong Shanshan, the dead fish eyes were completely unwavering, staring at them all the time.


The scene became, big eyes staring small eyes, looking at each other.

Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan also didn't know what to do, so they didn't speak for a long time.

Seeing that the other party didn't move, Lin Feng didn't understand himself, so he wanted to see what the other party was trying to do.

After waiting for half a minute

"How did you get up from the tall building..."

A strange and resentful voice came from the murloc's mouth.

Listening to it makes people feel chills on the back and goose bumps all over the body.

After speaking, the whole atmosphere fell into an inexplicable silence...

After half a minute, Lin Feng said.

"We've changed the guard and now it's our time to rest."

The mermaid didn't say anything more, but walked in another direction and continued to patrol.

Murong Wuwu couldn't help but whispered.

"What the hell is this's so strange..."

"It takes half a minute to say a word."

Lin Feng was also very speechless about this monster.

Suddenly, the mermaid walking not far away turned around and looked at Murong Wuwu talking to Lin Feng.

Eyes wide open again. .

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