National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 483 Accidentally Came To The Undersea Palace

"What are you doing?"

"I didn't expect to meet you here again. How can I meet you everywhere every day?"

The murloc spoke, and Lin Feng looked at the murloc walking towards them.

Suddenly fell into embarrassment for no reason, because these monsters looked too much alike.

It can be described as exactly the same, so it is a very normal thing to admit that they are wrong.

The man in black looked at the slowly approaching murloc, and then started making strange noises, staring in the fisherman's direction and saying.

"Don't come here, don't come here, I'm just a mushroom, don't come here!"

Lin Feng heard what the man in black robe said, and immediately looked vigilantly at the murloc walking slowly in front of him.

After all, I am now in the monster city, if there are any flaws, I will be besieged soon.

Although the current self can be regarded as a relatively powerful existence among the players.

But in the face of these monsters, in fact, he is not the weak side.

Although the fisherman in front of him doesn't seem to have good attack ability, and his level is not as high as his own.

If you do it yourself, you can definitely solve it with one move 373.

But if you make a careless move in the city now, you will definitely be beaten by other fish crowd.

But if such a situation really occurs, then he can only break out of the encirclement.

However, the murloc walked in front of him, but just stared at him, and the two fell into the staring and awkward atmosphere again.

Half a minute passed, the fish said.

"Why don't you hurry up and go to patrol, what are you doing here?"

After finishing speaking, the fisherman took out a pearl sword from his pocket and threw it to Lin Feng for him to patrol.

Lin Feng held the pearl sword in his hand. After all, he was now disguised as a murloc, so it was normal for him to be mistaken for it.

"Okay, throw it back.

After speaking, Lin Feng took the pearl sword and began to patrol in other directions.

After seeing Lin Feng leave, he didn't say anything more, and continued to patrol at his own location.

Lin Feng looked at the surrounding environment, and saw a dark underwater palace in front of him that attracted his attention.

Looking at this dark underwater palace, if you guessed correctly, there must be something hidden in it.

Lin Feng walked towards the dark underwater palace.

As soon as he came to the door, there was a bang, and the door of the palace could not be opened.

I saw many female murlocs wearing very beautiful skirts running out of it one by one.

These female murlocs are all so good looking that they all have goosebumps, and they all appear.

At that moment, Lin Feng also knew what the underwater palace in front of him was...

I didn't expect that the game official really knows how to set it up. It's amazing to build such a palace in Monster City.

But actually think about it, after all, monsters have to multiply, and it is normal to have such a palace.

This will also allow the development of one's own race, and at the same time develop one's own power faster.


"This young man looks quite handsome, do you want to come in and have a seat?"

Lin Feng heard a murloc in a red dress with a pissed face say these words to himself.

I just felt a chill.

After all, no matter how you say you are a person, even if you are not a person, you are an npc.

They wouldn't even take a fancy to these murlocs, they looked scary one by one.

I heard that the murloc's aesthetic is very strange, and he likes whoever is more accurate.

This also seems to mean that murlocs who are more accurate will have better reproductive ability.

"Don't, I think your cheeks are quite long. I think you look good too. Why don't we give it to you for free!"

All the female murlocs stared at Lin Feng with strange eyes.

Immediately, Lin Feng felt as if he was seen very (cgff) by them.

Just when Lin Feng was about to refuse, these female murlocs had already used them and pushed Lin Feng into the underwater palace by himself.

The decoration of the entire submarine palace is very magnificent.

There were also many male murlocs walking around, but when the female fisherman present saw Lin Feng coming.

They all looked at him with strange eyes, all staring at his gills.

"Hee hee hee hee, I really never thought that there would be such a young master with gills!"

"Yeah, yeah, it looks really handsome, I just like this kind of fish with such long gills, let me come, I want to give birth to this son.

"What does it mean to let you come? Why is everything yours? Obviously, we should be allowed to come. Besides, we can be at the same time."

"Yes, yes, I also think we can do it. At the same time, the key point is that the male murloc next to me doesn't seem to be very good."

"I didn't expect to see a young master with such long gills like this today. It's amazing to look at! Sure enough, the young master Yuzhai looks so charming."

"Hey, didn't you see the pearl sword in his hand? If I'm not wrong, he should be on patrol recently. I didn't expect that even the patrolling son is so handsome recently."

Lin Feng listened to these female murlocs chattering in his ears and looked at their faces that were neither mermaid nor fish.

Sora's lips have already been engraved.

But generally speaking, the monster Sun Wukong met was also a beautiful woman. What kind of thing is this thing I met.

My God, what the official game has done is too scary.

Forget it, if it weren't for not being able to directly expose his identity now, he must directly hit three fish essences now.

"Everyone, I think I should go first, after all, I still have things to do, goodbye everyone, I will come back in a few days.

After speaking, he would wait for the door of the Undersea Palace to be closed, and Lin Feng rushed out immediately.

All the murlocs looked at Lin Feng's leaving figure reluctantly.

"I didn't expect this young man to leave with such a handsome voice. Do you think this young man will really come back in a few days?"

"I think we'd better ask the other patrolling young masters to find out where this young master is, and now we can go find it ourselves.

Among the many female fisherman, a female fisherman in red clothes with slender gills uttered a sharp cry into the void.

This cry was very ear-piercing, and it directly conveyed to fill half of the monster city.

Lin Feng heard the ear-piercing cry coming from the underwater palace, and immediately understood what it was.

It seems that now I need to go out quickly, I didn't expect that I would lose to this place. .

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