"It will take about three days and three nights. If everyone plays well, they should be able to attack and finish this monster city three days ago.

Lin Feng replied.

At this time, the first Krypton Gold player also came to Yashan City and came in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was also very surprised to see this player coming, remembering that he doesn't seem to be a member of his No. 1 guild in the world.

"What do you want me to do?"

Lin Feng asked.

He answered Lin Feng with erratic eyes.

"it is me…………"

"Can I join your guild? Although my level is very weak now, my equipment is quite good. I believe that as long as I work hard, I will surpass many people soon."

Lin Feng was also very surprised to hear about him. He never thought that he would come to join his guild, seeing his current level.

It's only a short level of 20, which should be joined not long ago, and I also bought my own golden sword, it seems that it should be related to me.

Murong Wuwu looked at this player's arrival of 26 in confusion, and Lin Feng, who originally wanted to say something when he saw his level, still took a step ahead and answered.

"Yes, in the future the two of us will also have fate."

"If you want to join in, join in."

The No. 1 Krypton Gold player never expected that Lin Feng would agree so quickly and join the guild himself.

Lin Feng frowned and remembered yesterday that some players said that he didn't pay any attention to these things.

I didn't expect to come to join my guild today, and he seems to be persistent. I think he should be a very ambitious player.

It just so happens that there is really a lack of this kind of particularly ambitious players in my guild, and although many players are also ambitious.

But most of their styles are too eager for success, only looking at him like this can be regarded as a clear stream among ambitious players.

"Then, do you want to participate in the attack on monsters this time?"

After Lin Feng asked, he saw the first player of Krypton Gold, his eyes glowed when he heard this, he nodded heavily, and immediately spoke.

"Is it really possible? But at my level, will it hinder the whole team?"

Lin Feng shook his head. For his current level, it is indeed easy to be stabbed instantly if he goes there.

However, because of his equipment bonus, he is actually much more advanced than some ordinary players, so if he goes there, he will not be suddenly hindered.


After hearing what Lin Feng said, the first player of Krypton Gold sighed, as if the burden in his heart had finally dropped.

Murong Yiyi also didn't understand why Lin Feng accepted a player with such a low level to come to his side, and asked in a low voice.

"This person's level is only level 20, and he must have just played this game. Are you sure you want him?:"

"Aren't you afraid that he will drag the entire Zhengzhou back, you have to know that it's a wrong step now, and the monster city can't be destroyed by just attacking it casually.

Lin Feng could see what Murong Yiyi was thinking in his heart, but he thought of how hard he looked.

Although the level is still relatively low, but looking at him like this, in fact, if you practice, you will still go up.

"This time it's just a direct practice. Let's see how his ability is. If it's really poor and the equipment can't make up for it, then just let him quit the guild."

"However, I think he is quite serious in this way, and he should not disappoint everyone.

Really, it doesn't matter what you say about Lin Feng for a while, after all, he is the president.

I am just a vice president, and I can't make any decisions for him. Since she said so, then do as he said.

The first Krypton Gold player also seemed to see the concerns on their faces, came in front of them, and said to Murong Yiyi and Lin Feng.

"You two, please rest assured that I will definitely complete this siege battle well, and I will definitely not hold you back."

"If I really drag everyone back, I will not stay in this guild anymore, I will continue to work hard to upgrade, and I will come back when I can join this guild one day.

Lin Feng saw that he was talking about this point, it seemed that he really wanted to join his team.

Now that you have said that, there is definitely no need to refuse any more.

"Okay, then let me talk about the rules first. Later, Murong and I, and Murong Erer will lead the team. They will be in the next three teams. "Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi will stay with me."

"Yuanyuan and Qingqing Grassland lead a team together."

When Murong Sisi heard this sentence, she rolled her eyes silently, and couldn't help but said to Lin Feng.

"Why should I stay with you guys? I want to lead the team alone. I think with my current body, I can break through the siege alone.

When Murong Wuwu saw Murong Sisi, she didn't want to be with her, so she took her hand abruptly and said.

"Oh, don't say that."

"There's nothing wrong with 587 staying with me. When the time comes, we will take care of each other and prevent each other from encountering other dangers, right?"

Murong Sisi rolled her eyes, but she didn't think so.

But looking at Murong Wuwu who always wanted to stay with her, and Lin Feng had already given the order.

Thinking about it, now that everyone has a team led by themselves, it won't be a big deal if they stay with her.

"Okay, okay, I have convinced you, so be it."

"But when the time comes, I will let you go to the left. You must follow me and don't run around casually. Although we say that we are in the same group as Meng Wang."

"But, they will definitely do things that we don't, and they will be the first to bear the brunt, so you have to follow me and don't run around."

Murong Wuwu nodded obediently.

"Okay, don't worry, I will always follow you no matter what, and I will never run around.

Lin Feng was also very surprised to see Murong Wuwu's cute appearance.

I didn't expect that she would be so obedient today. Thinking about her in the past, she seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood.

In fact, after much deliberation, Murong Wuwu's temperament does not seem to be well-behaved.

Maybe it was because I also felt that the matter this time was more serious in my heart, so I naturally behaved a lot. .

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