National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 50 The Terror Of The Monster's Comprehensive Enhancement

Although the general attack of the Apprentice Reaper is not high, after level 30, the soul-binding magic circle learned by Lin Feng has a cooldown of only 15 seconds, and the chain of dead souls has a cooldown of only 5 seconds.

Relying on high agility, Lin Feng can quickly deplete an elite monster's health to less than 10% with these two skills alone.

Lin Feng's main purpose is to recapture the servants, and he will kill them only if he fails to rein them in.

And the cooldown of Death's contract is only 10 seconds.

In this hell, there are so many monsters, even the elite monsters, there are countless, there are dozens, dozens of them in a certain area.

From finding to recovering or killing, Lin Feng took no more than 2 minutes.

Just over two hours later, Lin Feng once again gathered 20 servants, all of whom were elite bone wolf cavalry.

During the period, he recovered other level 40 elite monsters, but was given up by Lin Feng.

Because after comparison, he found out.

Although the level 40 bone wolf cavalry was not as fast as myself, but carrying a bone knife and riding a bone wolf was much faster than other elite monsters of the same level, and the attack was not low, very suitable for pulling monsters.

During this period of time, Lin Feng didn't kill many, and was still at level 33, while Xiao Hei, the Dragon King of Taiyin, had actually risen to level 10.

It has to be said that although the attributes of legendary monsters are much higher than those of the same level, they also need a lot of experience. They all killed level 40 elite monsters. With so much experience, he didn't upgrade too much.

"There is still about half an hour to leave here, find some bosses, if there is a chance, it would be better to subdue the boss." Afterwards, Lin Feng led 20 bone wolf cavalry boys and ran again.

After searching for about ten minutes, Lin Feng finally saw a boss on a hill.

BOSS·Skeleton Dragon

Level: 45

HP: 85000

Although this monster only has bones left, it is not small. It is more than ten meters long. Its front claws are sharp bone claws, its back has sharp bone spurs, and it has a mouthful of sharp teeth.

"Damn, the enhancements are too much! The original boss was not too exaggeratedly higher than ordinary monsters. Now... It feels like the same level, and the boss has 10 times the attributes of ordinary monsters, which is simply terrifying."

"No, I have to get a set of level 30 gold equipment. Otherwise, it will be difficult to fight the boss alone. I will go out in a while, and first go to the level 30 boss near the main city."

While planning in his mind, Lin Feng really did not move slowly. He first created the soul-absorbing circle, and then created the soul-binding circle.

Then, Lin Feng pointed at the boss and shouted: "Fuck him!"

Ha la la... Twenty bone wolf cavalry rushed towards the boss, Bone Earth Dragon.

Almost 20 bone wolf cavalry had just approached, and the boss, Bone Earth Dragon, reacted ahead of time, drawing its long tail straight across.

The first one to rush over hadn't attacked yet, but had already been blown away.




5 bone wolf cavalry were drawn first

The 15 bone wolf cavalry behind rushed forward, hacking and slashing.





A series of damage appeared, although the attack is not high, but the number is large, just this one, it caused close to tens of thousands of damage.

"Everyone come back!" At this moment, Lin Feng, who was more than 50 meters away, called out loudly. Following his control, 20 bone wolf cavalry quickly turned around and ran towards Lin Feng.

"Roar!" Boss Bone Earth Dragon let out an angry roar, chasing a group of bone wolf cavalry ferociously.

"Bang bang bang..."

The bone wolf cavalry ran fast enough, but unfortunately it was not as fast as the boss, and was knocked into the air. One of the bone wolf cavalry was bitten half of the body by the boss, the bone dragon, and the damage was directly hit by a crit 10000!

At that time, the bone wolf cavalry who had been drawn died directly.

"Rely on your grandma! Such high damage! After the game is updated, the difficulty has become much higher!" Lin Feng was startled. Now that his blood volume is close to 7,000, he feels that it is already a lot, but now it seems that if he If you are bitten, you will hang up!

"Be careful."

Thinking in his heart, Lin Feng has already started singing skills.

At this time, the remaining bone wolf cavalry ran into the range of the magic circle. Lin Feng stared at the boss, Bone Earth Dragon. As the latter stepped into the magic circle, he directly activated two magic circles, and at the same time cast The "sea of ​​fire in hell".




Lin Feng suddenly had the idea... to run away right now

Once upon a time, when the two magic circles were opened and combined with the sea of ​​hell, all monsters died.

What now?

Two or three hundred damage. Against a monster with 85,000 health points, what the hell is this?

"Fortunately, the damage from the sea of ​​flames in hell is not bad, otherwise I really want to run away."

Although the damage of the magic circle is not too high, the 50% deceleration of the soul-binding magic circle is very effective, plus the 30% deceleration of the sea of ​​​​hell. The original ferocious sprinting speed of BOSS Bone Earth Dragon suddenly weakened a lot.

Later, Lin Feng cast "Blood Fog"


Another layer of damage was added, and at the same time the boss Bone Earth Dragon also lost Lin Feng as a target, and he couldn't see the bone wolf cavalry who attacked him earlier.

"Scatter!" After using the skill, Lin Feng controlled the servants to disperse quickly.

"Huh!" Suddenly a black shadow hit fiercely from the front, Lin Feng had no time to move his footsteps, and jumped to the side in a critical moment.


As soon as he dodged, Lin Feng rolled on the spot and quickly disappeared from the sight of the boss Bone Dragon.

Getting up quickly, Lin Feng didn't move, but let 19 bone wolf cavalry move quickly.

Since the magic circle was not big enough, most of them ran outside when they ran, but when they ran out, they quickly returned to the blood mist within 20 meters. Naturally, the BOSS Bone Earth Dragon couldn't hear it, and started to attack crazily, but the blood volume dropped rapidly.

The combination of the sea of ​​hell and the blood mist caused more than 5,000 blood per second, and the magic circle was 500 per second. That's it, ten seconds lost. Boss Bone Earth Dragon's blood volume directly decreased by more than 56,000.

Although the bone wolf cavalry scattered, but because they were always in a small area, and the boss Bone Earth Dragon was too big, naturally they couldn't all dodge the attack. As a result, three of them were killed by the Bone Earth Dragon.

Just when the blood mist disappeared, Lin Feng directly controlled the remaining 16 bone wolf cavalry to attack the boss Bone Earth Dragon. At the same time, he cast the ghost claw.


Boss Bone Earth Dragon was restrained in place, suffered 16 bone knives again, and lost more than 8,000 HP.

Death Charge!

The restraint disappeared, and Lin Feng slammed into the boss fiercely, causing dizziness again.


Less than 10%!

Lin Feng quickly stopped the Bone Wolf cavalry boys who continued to attack, and cast the death contract in time


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