"The defense of this giant mermaid monster is very strong.

"It seems that in order to truly defeat him, it is indeed necessary to have a long-term plan."

Murong Yiyi glanced at Lin Feng who was holding her, and said nothing...


The squirming tentacles seemed to have turned into tentacles of an octopus, surrounding them in the direction they were flying!

With a strong force, he kept hitting Murong Yiyi and Lin Feng's side!

Countless tentacles seemed to be alive, constantly chasing them.

"Oops, we're being targeted by these tentacles."

The other three giant mermaid monsters also rushed over when they saw this situation.

Now Murong Yiyi and Lin Feng also encountered a situation where there were enemies in all directions.

"It seems...we just attracted other giant mermaid monsters to us."

"We couldn't catch up with a giant murloc monster, and now there are three more......"

Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi who were constantly shuttling between the countless tentacles.


26 "I will also give my strength!"


Throwing both hands into the air!

The water dragon riding under his feet screamed at the four giant mermaid monsters!

A powerful dragon energy erupted completely!

"court death!"

After finishing speaking, both hands quickly began to form seals.

Another huge magic circle appeared under Murong Wuwu.

A series of forces like iron chains continuously injected powerful power into the water dragon.

"Boom boom boom..."

The body of the water dragon also glowed with bursts of blue light!


A blue light like a sharp sword sprayed out from the water dragon's mouth in an instant!

Retroreflect towards the position of the giant mermaid monster!

Many soldiers were blinded by the dazzling light and quickly closed their eyes...


next second...

After the light faded, I saw that the powerful light of the water dragon really forced back some tentacles that had been closely following Lin Feng and the others.

However, the tentacles of the other three giant mermaid monsters wandered towards the light and wrapped them up.

Take a closer look.

On the tentacles of this giant mermaid monster, many suction cup-like things suddenly opened up.

The power erupted by the water dragon just now seems to be digested by them.

"Isn't this too evil?!"

"Isn't it true that these four giant mermaid monsters have the ability to co-exist?"

Murong Sisi complained.

Murong Shanshan and Murong Er Er glanced at Murong Sisi.

After being told by Murong Sisi, they found that it was indeed the case.

"Could it be..."

"Are we going to kill this giant mermaid monster at the same time?"

Murong Sisi said to herself.

Murong Er'er thought about it, and felt that there was only this way at present.

Lin Feng at this moment, at that moment, they were absorbing the power that Murong Wuwu radiated just now.

Pull Murong Yiyi back to the original position.

I saw that the power that was still wrapped in those tentacles just now has been completely absorbed.

This is really a helpless thing.

Many soldiers didn't know what to do...

Although it's just a game.....

But if you lose once, you have to re-level up!

Who likes to keep starting over?

Who likes constantly re-leveling?!

"Oh my god...this giant mermaid monster is really evil, I really feel like I can't beat it.

"Can you say something that people will listen to at this important moment."

"I feel... I feel that it's actually okay... I think Meng Wang must have a way to defeat.

"It seems to be true from what you said. After all, Meng Wang also encountered many monsters that are more powerful than this one, and he should be able to solve them later."

"Don't you believe in Meng Wang one by one? Besides, except for Meng Wang, all the people present are quite powerful, and now there are people from the Seven Dragon Palace."

"I think we can't lose our morale in the army. Everyone must be fully prepared and not lose confidence all at once."


The soldiers all began to discuss.

The seven people in the Seven Dragon Palace also heard what everyone said, and glanced at each other...


In fact, this is one of the most oblique monsters they have ever encountered.

"Meng Wang, this monster is really evil now, it can not only resist our attacks, but also absorb our energy...

"What are we going to do now?"

"This monster...I feel like he has already learned how to completely defend against us."

Lin Feng looked at everyone lost in thought

"Perhaps it is really what Er Er said, we need the time of our colleagues to kill this monster.

"I discovered during the battle just now that these four giant mermaid monsters are indeed symbiosis.

"However, when they come to help the attacked symbiote, they will actually be a few steps behind."

"We only need to seize the timing of this air strike, kill one first, and immediately switch to the second one to destroy this giant mermaid monster."

Murong Yiyi also remembered the time when she was being led around by Lin Feng just now.

It seems that there is indeed such a gap of time.

"I also found that when they absorb the power of others, their tentacles and attacks will become much slower.

"I think this matter can be done in Meng Wang's way."

"310 Otherwise, we will not be able to defeat their symbiosis in the future.

Lin Feng looked at Murong Yiyi, who was very supportive of him, with a slight smile on his lips.

Murong Wuwu hastily raised her hand!

"Then let me launch the attack!"

Lin Feng glanced at Murong Er'er and Murong Wuwu, as well as several players in the Seven Dragon Palace who could attack from a distance.

"The long-range attacks are divided into groups, and the melee attacks are divided into groups."

"Everyone must seize the attack and annihilate each other immediately!"

Everyone else looked deathly as if they were at home...

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"You cannot defeat my people!"

"You too will eventually become my people!"

"Why do you have to struggle more, it is better to surrender early and become my people!"

A frightening voice that makes one tremble when one hears it...

After hearing this, Murong Sisi couldn't help but sneered.

"Extremely ridiculous!"

"It's just you, a bastard who is neither male nor female, but you still want us to be your people."

"Why don't you go home and dream early!"

"I'm going to chop you up later, make a fish cake and feed it to the dogs!"

Everyone laughed when they heard Murong Sisi yelling.


"In this case, stupid human beings, let's fight!"

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