National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 510 The Great Sea Monster Poria Strikes? !

Murong Wuwu was a little silly, and asked in a daze.


"What on earth are you thinking?"

"Is there really something in this wall?"

"Why can't I see anything..."

Lin Feng smiled lightly and said.

"Aren't you coming out yet?"

"You want me to blow up your palace directly?"

"If that's the case, then I'm not too polite!"

"court death!"

Lin Feng swung the Purple Lightning Frozen Sword in his hand again, just as he was about to slash at the wall in front of him that had already been hacked!

The wall collapsed with a bang.

"I really didn't expect someone to find me."

"This has good eyesight!"

"It's nice, it's nice..."

An unmasculine voice sounded again.

Everyone once again maintained a state of high vigilance.

I saw "seven five seven", a white smoke filled the surrounding area...

Everyone can't see what's in the white mist at all.

What exactly does this Siren Polya look like...

The entire palace was eerily quiet at this moment, except for Lin Feng, everyone slowed down their breathing a lot.

Murong Wuwu also nervously clasped her hands together.


After the smoke disappeared, what was in front of me was just another palace connected to this place.

Nothing at all.....

The soldiers who were still tense just now relaxed a lot again.

Everyone found that reality was not as scary as they thought.

"I thought there would be a sea monster, Polya... Could it be some kind of mechanism?!"

"I didn't expect that there was another palace behind this wall, and what about Siren Polya..."

"Could it be that this siren Polya is invisible to us? Has it reached the point where it can become invisible?"

"I think it's really possible!"

"If it's really invisible, then wouldn't we...have met a very strong opponent?"

"Oh my god...there is still the invisible Siren Polya now? Aren't we doomed?!"

Everyone said blah blah.

At this time, under them, there is a murloc with clothes behind him, a murloc head, and ten murloc bodies will appear in front of everyone.

The only difference from those murlocs is that this murloc is really too small...

If you don't look down, you may not know where it is.

Seeing that these people didn't see him at all, the murloc roared!

"What are you looking at!"

"I'm the one you're looking for!"

Everyone felt a little strange when they heard the voices of neither male nor female sounded around them again.

Lin Feng lowered his head, looked at the murloc who didn't even reach his knees, and frowned...


Isn't this Siren Polya?!

This is so different from what I think, right?!

Although I did think that this Kraken Polya is definitely not as big as his monsters...

But this…………

It's completely small and invisible.


"Are you the sea monster Polya of this monster city?"

Lin Feng still couldn't help asking.

This cliff is also encountered by myself, and the smallest one can't be smaller than the sea monster Polya...

The little murloc, looking at Lin Feng's incredulous eyes, felt extremely unhappy in his heart.

"What do you say?!"

At this moment, the blood volume of the little murloc surfaced on its head.

It turned out to be 10 million blood points!

It doesn't match its body shape at all!

Everyone's eyes followed Lin Feng's.

Seeing such a small boss, his eyes were full of shock.

I didn't expect that this siren Polya would be so small.

Thinking of his creepy voice just now, seeing his small body, it is completely in line with his small body, I am not convinced!

Everyone laughed, looked at the little murloc and said.

"Oh my god, I've never seen such a small Siren Polya, is he really lethal?"

"Don't say that, maybe it's just that they didn't develop well, they grew up a little smaller or they developed too maturely, so they stayed at this moment."

"Oh my god, this is not a star and a half compared to those blamed me I met just now." I'm still imagining how big this sea girl Polia will be in my head

"I feel like this Siren Polya is really like a little furry boy. I guess he will be killed in one or two strokes. How did he get this position?"

"Everyone, don't say that, look at this little boy's blood volume, it must prove that he is not just as weak as he looks, maybe he is fake...

Murong Wuwu looked at the little murloc in front of her and chuckled lightly.

"It feels really funny, I thought it would be really powerful

"I didn't expect it to be just a little murloc, so what makes him stronger?"

After hearing what these people said, the little murloc was also angry.

In an instant, both hands were raised violently, and many tentacles started to move in the direction of these soldiers.

Now this shot is much faster than before, and the little murloc disappeared in the same place in an instant.

People can't find where he is now, where exactly.

Many people also suddenly became serious at this moment, feeling that this little murloc is only weak on the surface.

But it's actually not that weak.

Lin Feng frowned, and instantly released his moves towards those tentacles.

Guardian Angel Cross!

Under the two moves, all the tentacles disappeared into ashes in an instant, and many mobs rushed out from other positions.

Now the entire palace has been surrounded by murlocs.

The soldiers watched so many murlocs start attacking them one after another. After a while, the whole palace became chaotic, and everyone began to keep remembering the mobs.

Lin Feng is constantly observing the surroundings, trying to find out where the sea monster Polya is.

Now it is also because of its small size, so it will be difficult to find where this 2.3 Kraken Polya is.

Murong Yiyi asked softly.

"What should we do now? This Siren Polya is too small."

"And his speed is the fastest among the Kraken Polya I have seen, I can't see where it is at all."

Lin Feng replied slowly.

"According to the current situation, the soldiers have always been able to kill these ideas first, otherwise it would be difficult to find the hiding place of this sea monster Polya."

Suddenly I saw a lot of tentacles appearing from nowhere, and began to sweep away the soldiers, taking away the power emperor from their bodies in an instant.

This is scarier and faster than the octopus just now

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"I made you laugh at me, now I'm going to kill you all, let you see my real strength!".

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