National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 517 Attack Alone! Kraken 100 Cities!

When Murong Wuwu heard Lin Feng say this, she felt a little pressure in her heart.

But it's more sweet, I didn't expect him to entrust such an important task to himself.

Then I must not let him down, otherwise I will be sorry for the task he gave me.

"Okay, don't worry, I will definitely take the task you gave me seriously, and this time I will definitely make the best results.

Lin Feng nodded, standing on the city wall and looking not far away, the Kraken army was slowly approaching.

"Get ready, the battle to defend the city will begin immediately."

The five people stood on the city wall, facing each other, watching the army of sea monsters approaching slowly.

Lin Feng instantly summoned his own guardian beast, Gemini disappeared on the city wall, and went straight to the "100 Kraken City" not far ahead

After entering the small town, I saw sea-monster monsters appearing on a teleportation position.

The sound of the game system also rang at this time.

"A total of 6 waves of monsters attacked, and they were prepared to be slaves by players."

I saw 100 mermaid sea monsters of level 50 and level 60 came out in the first wave.

Lin Feng summoned his pets, Xiao Hei and Dan Dan Beast, and stood beside Lin Feng.

After accepting Lin Feng's command, Xiao Hei and Dandanmon immediately released their moves to the mermaid sea monster in front.

Frozen world!


The two skills of Dandan Beast and Xiaohei hit these mermaid sea monsters in unison.

I saw that the Dandan beast used the mermaid even more, and ate it with a big gulp.

There were originally 100 mermaid sea monsters, and there were more than 50 in an instant.

Under Xiao Hei's frozen world, the speed of all the mermaid sea monsters dropped a lot.

Lin Feng also displayed his skills for a while, the guardian angel dry word chop.

One cut!

Directly wiped out a lot of these mermaid sea monsters in front of them.

That's how wave 1 was resolved.

The level of these mermaid sea monsters is too weak for the current Lin Feng.

Now there are only five waves left.

Many players also came to this small town to watch at this time.

None of them thought that Lin Feng's strength had reached this level, although they had already imagined Lin Feng's strength.

But it's really not something ordinary people can do to solve more than 100 mobs at level 50 or 60 within two to three minutes.

The second wave of monsters is here again.

This time it is still the same as the first wave of monsters, the only difference is that their level has been directly raised to level 10.

This is equivalent to a boss level.

And there are more than 100 mobs at level 100.

The blood volume of these mobs is already scary, okay?

However, Lin Feng still stayed where he was, looking at these level 100 mobs with disdain, and immediately asked Xiao Hei and Eggy Beast to pull the mobs.

After receiving the order, Xiao Hei and Dandan Beast immediately came to the side of the mobs and issued this skill, pulling all the mobs to the front of the forest area.

In an instant Lin Feng released his own move, Guardian Angel Cross Slash.

After two cuts, the HP of all the mobs was gone in an instant, and there were still some mobs behind.

There was still a little bit of blood left, but it couldn't sustain his move at all.

Those onlookers didn't know what to say...

"I'm indeed too powerful, I can kill so many mobs in just one move, if I continue at this speed, I won't take an hour to kill all the monsters in this small town~.

"I just want to come here to see how Meng Wang kills these little monsters. I found that there is no merit, because they are obviously tough, and their attacks are too high, so they don't kill these little monsters at all. Strange to take it seriously.

"After reading it, I feel that the gap between myself and Meng Wang is no longer a star, and I think I will probably not be able to bridge this gap in this life."

"I was just wondering why the captain of Hot Pot City would keep fighting with Meng Wang, who is so powerful. If it was me, I would vote for it."

"You don't know about this, right? Meng Wang destroyed the entire Hot Pot City by himself. He destroyed the entire Hot Pot City by himself, which directly overturned everyone's perception in the game."

"It is estimated that this matter is also a knot in the heart for the venue of Hot Pot City, so it has been delayed."

"I have always regarded Meng Wang as a thorn in my flesh, so I have the next thing, but those attacks are just tickling for Meng Wang.

"After what you said, I seem to have remembered it. There was indeed an incident at the beginning, but I didn't look at it for leveling. I didn't expect it to be Mengwang. Hotpot City was also a very powerful guild back then. .

"Of course, when Hot Pot City was established, there was no first guild in the world. It's just that this world is a survival of the fittest, so Hot Pot City was eliminated naturally.

Now those players who watched Lin Feng's battle began to tell how powerful Lin Feng's deeds were back then.

For Lin Feng, they actually only have worship in their hearts.

The second wave was resolved by Lin Feng, and it only took 5 minutes, three minutes longer than the first wave.

The other players watching Lin Feng's battle also had many beads of sweat on their foreheads.

This kind of speed is completely similar to brushing a copy again.

The third wave is coming soon, according to the general battle of defending the city.

The combat effectiveness of the third wave is definitely much stronger than that of the first and second waves, and it may even be 4 or 5 times stronger.

I saw bursts of red light appearing on the portal.

A total of 10 (Chen Nuo's) sea tribe monsters with a length of 20 meters appeared in front of Lin Feng.

Facing the 20-meter-long siren murloc soldiers.

Lin Feng's eyes were also quite indifferent, he just wanted a quick victory.

"Ho ho ho ho!"

I only heard the siren murlocs roaring at Lin Feng a few times, and the whole small town was torn apart by these loud noises.

Even the onlookers' blood volume was only reduced by half after hearing the roar.

The level of the siren murloc soldiers was also displayed at this time.

Level 110!

That has reached the level of an ordinary big boss!

Lin Feng still stood where he was and let Xiaohei and Dandanmon pull the monsters, first pulling the siren murloc soldier in front of him.

The IQs of the siren murlocs were not as low as those of the siren murlocs he met just now.

Immediately launched an attack on him, and hammered straight at his body with the fist in his hand. .

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