National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 525 It Takes Three Days And Three Nights

Lin Feng withdrew from the game. This battle of defending the city had cost him three days and three nights. It was time for him to take a good rest.

Although there are nutrients in the game room to supplement the nutrients needed by the human body, it is still necessary to come out and take a rest.

After checking my remaining nutrients, I found that I was running out of nutrients now.

He took out his mobile phone and made an order call, and ordered a whole box of nutritional supplements.

It is now two o'clock in the morning.

After taking a shower, I lay on the bed, planning to take a rest, and enter the game tomorrow to see if there are any tasks that need to be completed.

Thinking of three days ago, I went out to dinner with them to celebrate, and encountered an emergency, and I felt a little psychological shadow in my heart.

I hope that this time when I am sleeping, there will be no more emergencies, and "760" will allow me to sleep well.

It was not easy to complete the task of defending the city. If there is any emergency, I feel like I will die suddenly.

Although these nutrients can supplement all the nutrients of the body and auspiciously discover the condition of the body, it always feels not right.

After all, people are iron fans and steel people, even if they are often supplemented with nutritional supplements, they will still be unable to fight.

Close your eyes and have a peaceful night...

I thought I could sleep well, go for a run and have breakfast, but my phone rang at 5:00.

The other party is in a bad mood, when can't he think about this phone, but when he is resting, he thinks about what time it is now.

Seeing that the contact person displayed on the phone was Li Yuan, he let out a long sigh.

Damn, he really finds time to call himself, and he doesn't call for a lot of time, but he chooses this kind of time to call, and he is almost annoyed to death.

"Lin Feng, what are you doing? Are you sleeping now? I have an urgent situation to tell you, you should hurry up and get on the game now."

Another emergency?!

At that moment, I was completely speechless. There are a lot of emergencies recently.

Can't you just give yourself a good rest? There's an emergency so soon, omg!

There was no other way, Lin Feng had no choice but to get up from the bed and came to the game room to enter the game.

I saw that Murong Yiyi was already online, but Murong Wuwu and the others were still offline, probably because Murong Yiyi couldn't bear to quarrel with the four of them.

I saw a world announcement at this time.

"Because the world's number one guild is going to be the first player to win the guild from monsters, the guild will start the battle process. Three hours later, Dragon City 36 in Huaxia District will be attacked by monsters, which will last for 24 hours."

Now there is only one hour left before the monster siege.

I didn't expect that this time the battle would actually start.

The players of all guilds have also been fully online at this time, and when everyone saw the world announcement, they all started talking.

"My God, I didn't expect to start the first battle so soon. This time I must participate, and I will definitely not give up halfway like last time."

"The battle of defending the city has just passed for a few hours. I didn't expect that the real nickname will be carried out, and the city will be attacked by monsters. Oh my god, I feel that the task is getting stronger and stronger now. How do you live?"

"Don't worry, everyone, as long as the president approves of it, it's not a problem. As long as you calm down and follow the president, everything will be easily resolved.

"The words are true, but is this battle only our world's number one guild, and are there other guilds? Why can't I understand it?"

"I feel that these should be the things that the guild leader has to choose. Now the entire area has found a monster siege, so this time, all the guilds in the entire area should come to face this monster siege battle."

"Oh my god, what if there are some small guilds? I feel that if they can't even kill some monsters, they will be destroyed by the other party. I think this is a bit right. New players are not very good."

"No way, I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. Now we can only fight on one side. After all, what we are facing now is a major event in the entire region. Let's work hard."

Murong Yiyi came to Lin Feng's side and asked seriously.

"This time the monsters attack the region, how should we choose?"

Lin Feng thought carefully, the most important thing now is to wait for everyone to go online to say that this matter will be better......

And the game didn't send out the rules of the game. It seems that now should be time for everyone to think about things.

"Now go and wake Wuwu and them all up.

"I'm going to contact Seven Dragon Palace and the others to see how this war will be fought."

Murong Yiyi soon went offline.

Lin Feng also opened the friend column, found the group chat with the special Qilongdian, saw that they were all online, and sent a message.

"This time, let's cooperate as before."

"This can also greatly increase the success rate."

Huolong immediately replied to the message: "OK, OK. We can still do the same as before."

"However, the rules haven't come out yet, so we still have to see what the rules are like before we can make a conclusion."

Lin Feng replied "Hmm." and withdrew from the friend column.

At this time, the forum also exploded.

Everyone discussed the regional battle this time.

"Oh my god, they are so inhuman, if they don't attack the monster city of Manso, we won't be facing an area only occupying "I think they don't take other players seriously at all."

"This is what I said, if you don't want to participate in this regional battle, then you don't have to come, you can go offline now." 2.9

"I think what the first floor said is right. We novice players can't compete with you old players, okay? I didn't expect that I would face such a powerful regional battle for the first time. How can I do this? Why?"

"You guys are too cowardly. To be able to participate in such a fierce confrontation, you should feel very honored, okay? I used to be a novice player, facing such a powerful regional battle, I would be so excited , all of you, it is true that the current novice players are not as good as each other."

"Please, is that the way it is said? What do you mean by the fact that one player is not as good as the previous one? You seem to be very good. If you are really so good, then go on your own. What do you think of the cute king?"

"I feel that Meng Wang and the others did it on purpose!"

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