A certain celebrity posted on Weibo: "I never thought that someone would be willing to spend 6 million to buy a game pet. In the second world, this game is absolutely amazing, just like traveling to another world. Filming, I want to play all day long. Suddenly, I have an idea, which director wants to make a movie in the game, and I want to participate in it if I don’t pay for the film!"

Many singers and actors below reply

"I also want to participate."

"I used to be a trotting player in a film and television base, but I became a hidden career in the second world. Since I can fly, now a director has asked me to play the second male role. I am so happy."

"Friend, you want fire..."


The office of a game studio.

The young boss rushed in and shouted: "Everyone stop working, listen to me, I have already ordered the "Second World" game helmet. There are 30 people in our studio, one for each, from today, give up Dream talk, directly enter the second world."

"Old, boss, what's the matter?" A young man wondered.

The young boss said: "You are all in a dream, and you don't know what happened in that game. The auction price of a pet egg is now 6 million, and it is still increasing. Do you know? It is just a pet egg, one of the presidents of the Seven Dragon Palace One of the big fierce dragons opened 6 million."

"So what kind of fantasy is playing, directly enter the second world. I have seen that the current market price of a gold coin over there is about 650. Single gold coins are more profitable than making money in this fantasy."

While talking, his phone rang.

"Hello? Ah...the 30 game helmets I ordered have arrived! Okay, let's bring them up!"


The same thing happens in many game studios at the same time, and some rich people even directly set up a game studio, intending to enter the second world.

Lin Feng in the game doesn't know about the changes outside.

At this time, ten minutes have passed, and no one has called for a price. It seems that the auction will stop here.

But at this time, one person broke the calm.

Teacher Saitama bid 6.5 million: "Say something?"

A little monster with one punch: "Brother, you are wasting an opportunity. Let me tell you! My Berserk Alliance will set its headquarters in China, and you can add me as a friend if you are interested."

"The Berserker Alliance, one of the five major guilds in the best-selling game "Sword and Magic" in Europe and America, has actually moved to China. It seems that in this second world, it is impossible for the three major guilds to dominate." Lin Feng thought: " I didn't make a sound at first, but when the opportunity really came, I really didn't leave a single one behind."

Feng Wu Jiutian bid 651: "I haven't played games for two years, I didn't expect such a fun game, then I will officially return to Phoenix Palace!"

The strongest creature in the sea, land and air asks for a price of 6.52 million: "Look at you guys having fun, send a message, I will set up a gang "Wan Beast Gate", invest 50 million in the early stage, come to me first, get the money first, if you rise, Hundreds of millions are ready to follow."

"Phoenix Palace, the best-selling game two years ago, the strongest guild in China's second-best-selling game "Perfect Immortal Realm". Another one, I have never heard of it. It seems that the most powerful guilds in recent years should all come back. At the same time, New guilds and masters will also be generated."

After watching for a few more minutes, Lin Feng didn't look at it either, but left the auction house.

Not everyone in the Second World Auction House can bid. The bank card bound to the game card must have enough funds to bid. If it is not enough, you are not eligible to add that price. That is to say, there are quite a lot of rich people here.

Adding it up like this, Lin Feng felt that he still couldn't make a decision for a while. If he had time to watch these people chatting, he might as well go hunting monsters.

He can go to heaven at level 40, and has the opportunity to transform into an angel race. He can't wait.

At this time, a message popped up in the chat box.

Murong Xiaowu: "Teacher, I'm here. I got up early today, where are you?"

Since the game world and reality are at a ratio of 3:1, Lin Feng has only spent more than three hours in the game at present, and it is about 10:30 in reality at this moment.

"In the main city, go directly to the west gate! I want to upgrade quickly." Lin Feng replied the message.


Soon, the two will have a round at the west gate.

Murong Wuwu has returned to her original human appearance, still wearing a broken bronze outfit, but this time the big bones and sticks are gone.

"Where's your weapon?" Lin Feng wondered.

Murong Wuwu stretched out her hand and said with a smile, "Here."

As she spoke, the large bone stick weapon "keel" appeared again in her hand, and she said, "My dragon ring has a lot of space, and this bone stick is too uncomfortable to carry, so I took it back."

"It took a lot of effort to carry it." Lin Feng found that the keel in Murong Wuwu's hand was now bigger than when he first saw it. It was more than two meters long. It was a huge bone that looked heavy: "This thing came into level?"

"That's right!" Murong Wuwu said happily: "When I became a guardian of Longyuan, I naturally advanced and became a golden weapon, but the next step is that I need to be promoted to level 30, and I need to find my master to upgrade. "

"What a good master." Lin Feng murmured to himself with some envy. He originally thought that his dual hidden professions were already good, but the latter can advance without using equipment, and he can also advance with a master. , so jealous!

"Let's go! Let's go."

After finishing speaking, the two went straight out of the city gate. Then Lin Feng directly put on a mask, which was also the reward he got for clearing the Nine Levels of Dragon Gate this time.

Dragon mask!

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