National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 530 The First Wave Of Offensive

Murong Wuwu looked at the Kraken soldiers in front of her in shock, and asked Lin Feng beside her.

"what happened?"

"Why didn't any of these siren soldiers lose any blood?"

"Accordingly, it shouldn't be!"

"Has the defense of these Kraken soldiers increased significantly?"

Murong Er Er watched the situation of these Kraken soldiers in front of him, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"I can only take a look at it slowly, and after all of our moves are gone, I will carefully study what kind of situation this is..."

Lin Feng also looked at the Kraken soldiers in front of him who were attacked by everyone, but only lost a little blood.

The problem is definitely not in everyone's attacks, is it because they have a community in these monsters?

-20" If this is really the case, then we really need everyone to do it together.

However, since the official rules are based on the number of monsters killed by individuals, this should not happen.

It is necessary for everyone to conduct team battles, but also to count the number of monsters killed by each individual.

Could it be that he was thinking too much?

Murong Er Er said after thinking for a while.

"I think it's better for us not to speculate, everyone should go up now!"

"It would be better to kill the first wave of monsters first. If the first wave of monsters is not killed, the second wave of monsters will come out soon, and then everyone's goal will be difficult.

Lin Feng nodded and said immediately.

"Then everyone, kill the siren boss in front of you first."

"Otherwise, it would be a waste of everyone's time to go on like this.

"Er Er and Wu Wu, you two carry out long-range attacks, which can greatly resist the siren minions and the siren boss.

Murong Er'er and Murong Wuwu glanced at each other, and now it seems that this ranking is not so important to them.

More important than these is being able to win this regional battle.

Murong Er'er bowed towards the void with both hands, and summoned a staff emitting red light.

I saw that she was flying in mid-air, and a huge array diagram appeared under her body, and it began to circulate.

A huge magic circle also appeared on the boss's head.

next second!

Countless flame balls flew out from inside, and began to smash towards the heads of these bosses continuously.

The blood volume of the Kraken boss began to slowly decline, but the blood volume of the Siren soldiers was dropped very quickly.

Lin Feng also understood at that moment.

I see.

If you want to kill these Kraken soldiers, you need to attack together with the Kraken boss, otherwise [killing the Kraken soldiers will cost a lot of money.

It's really the same as what I thought, they are really a coexistence of life.

"It seems that if you want to kill these siren minions, the most important thing is to keep attacking the big boss!" Murong Sisi said.

Murong Shanshan and Lin Feng are quickly approaching the Siren Boss!

Murong Yiyi also followed the two of them, but they didn't go to the same location or place.

Immediately, he also launched his own attack [the long sword hits the siren boss.

Murong Wuwu also summoned her own water dragon, and directly attacked the siren soldier in front of her.

After adding a few more attacks from the two, the siren soldier has been completely defeated by the attacks of the two of them.

At this time, everyone's heads already have the number of killing siren soldiers.

Suddenly, Lin Feng thought of something and looked at the other 50 siren bosses, and hurriedly said to the others.

"Otherwise, let's attack the other and the boss together. If we all attack at the same time, we can kill a large number of Kraken soldiers by one person without robbing the other party."

After hearing this, Murong Yiyi felt that it was indeed very good.

"Okay, then follow what you said, after all, the Kraken boss and the Kraken soldiers are living beings."

Everyone has a unified goal now, facing the ten siren bosses and the siren soldiers launched their own attacking moves one after another.

Lin Feng also brandished the Purple Dian Frost Sword in his hands and made a move, the patron saint hammering.

A huge hammer flashed out of the air, and then fell fiercely on the body of the Siren Boss...

With a bang, the siren boss's blood volume dropped by more than half in an instant.

At this time, the players who were watching their attack started to cheer.

Originally, they also thought that it would be very difficult to defeat these soldiers this time.

I didn't expect to be discovered by Meng Wang so soon, where is the weakness.

This cute king is really too powerful.

Everyone also started subtitles for Lin Feng on the big screen.

But there are also many people who keep turning the channel, looking at the situation of other guilds, what is going on.

However, the situation of other guilds is not optimistic.

Some of them thought that as long as a single person used money, they could kill the sea monster soldiers and sea monster bosses in front of them.

But none of them discovered that the Siren soldier and the Siren boss were living together, and if they attacked together, they would fall very quickly.

Now their regional battles have also appeared on the official website, and the number of players has also begun to retreat from the peak of more than 100,000 people.

I didn't expect that it would be eliminated just at the beginning, and more and more people are coming, which makes many people who didn't participate feel lucky.

After all, for many people, this upgrade takes much more time than fighting.

If he really didn't survive the regional battle, then he would drop to level 5 directly at 3.1.

"I didn't expect Meng Wang and the others to have found their weakness. It seems that they are now superior to most people, and some guilds have all perished now. "I said that it is not important to be cautious when participating in regional wars."

"Please, I don't think you need to say any sarcastic remarks here. After all, there are many people who dare not participate because of you sarcastic remarks, but I think since it is a game, you can just don't leave any regrets for yourself .”

"The words upstairs are quite pleasant, why don't you join here and beep.

"That's right, why didn't you participate upstairs? Just say something here and don't leave any regrets."

"I feel that there are many people who are not the parties involved, so they are making sarcastic remarks"

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