National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 532 Little Milk Dragon And Red Dragon

Chilong couldn't bear to look at Xiaonailong anymore, and yelled at her.

"Can you be nice? Can you not be distracted when you attack."

"Don't always set your target only on the Kraken soldiers, if it wasn't for running fast just now, you would be dead now, losing 5 levels in a row.

"I've told you this matter many times, can you keep all this in your mind every day, and you will know that it will cause us trouble.

The little milk dragon heard Chilong scolding herself like this, and she was also very upset in her heart.

"What you said is very ugly. Besides, I'm not dead yet? You're talking as if I'm about to be fired by the boss."

Chilong was speechless for the little milk dragon who didn't listen to him at all.

"Whether everyone can cooperate with each other as teammates, I don't know how you joined our Seven Dragon Palace. Why is it still like this after so long?"

The little milk dragon didn't pay attention to Chilong scolding himself like this at all, and looked at the siren soldiers around him, and immediately launched his own attack in the direction of the siren soldiers.

Several white shells hit the Kraken soldiers again.

But this time also because Chilong is playing the boss, so. In addition, the blood volume of the soldiers was instantly blown up by the little milk dragon's shells for a full ten and a half.

The little milk dragon immediately cheered.

"I seem to have found the trick. I must aim at the boss and fight with the Kraken soldiers, otherwise I won't be able to kill them at all.

The red dragon is also speechless to the little milk dragon.

However, he found that this little coup was indeed useful, and everyone began to work together to launch an attack, continuously killing the Kraken soldiers and Siren bosses in front of him.

Soon the first wave of monsters had been wiped out by them.

The little milk dragon and the red dragon returned to the city wall.

Chilong once again told the little milk dragon seriously: "I said, can you be good, don't mess around, now the second wave is about to start, don't be like the first wave..."

"This time I can see that all the Kraken soldiers are much stronger than ours attacking the monster city, and they can use their brains, unlike you who can't even match the brains of humans and machines."

The little milk dragon kept talking about herself this time, but only casually said a few times.

"Oh, you look down on me too much, be careful, I will tell the captain directly that you look down on me."

"Don't worry, we will definitely win the championship this time, our Dragon Feather City must be the best, and I don't know what happened to Meng Wang and the others.

The red dragon rolled his eyes at the little milk dragon.

"Please, now is not the time for you to think about others, we still have to fight for 24 hours."

"If this continues, according to your level, we may not even be able to make it to the leaderboard."

"So can you listen to me this time?"

Listening to what Chilong said, the little milk dragon let out a disdainful expression again.

Chilong also knew that Xiaonailong would only take what he said as wind on his ears, and he was really helpless in his heart, and he shouldn't be with her.

At this time, on the north side of Longyu City, 7 people were also standing on the city wall, waiting for the second wave of monsters to attack.

Li Yuan said with a bored face: "After this regional battle is over, I must have a delicious meal."

"I went to bed immediately last night, and now I'm really starving to death, and I feel that these nutrients are useless at all.

Lin Feng also sighed when he heard Li Yuan babbling there.

"It's true that I haven't done these promotion tasks for a long time. In the past, these urgent tasks are nothing at all."

"It seems that we must have been too lazy recently."

Murong Wuwu shook her head when she heard Lin Feng's statement, and said seriously.

"If you all say you're lazy, then we're all too lazy to die."

"Why are the second wave of monsters so slow? I have only killed forty monsters so far."

Lin Feng looked at the number of monsters he had killed on his head, and it was only 90.

Although it is indeed twice as big as Murong Wuwu, it is nothing.

The others looked at the numbers on their heads, and on Murong Yiyi's head was the number of 50 monsters killed.

On top of Murong Shanshan and Murong Er's ears, there are thirty, and on Murong Sisi's head, there is one.

Although the difference is not very big, according to the first wave of monsters, it is indeed very big, especially the number of Murong Erer is actually 10 less than that of Murong Wuwu.

Now, Murong Er'er fell into a violent state completely, and the smile on his face became more and more intense.

"I didn't expect that I would be the bottom number!"

"No, I must kill these monsters later, I will not let myself be at the bottom.

Murong Sisi heard what Murong Er Er said, raised her hand silently, and said with a helpless look.


"Two two, can you be more normal, look at me, I'm the one at the bottom, okay, I'm only 10 and I don't even know what I did just now."

Lin Feng was amused by Murong Sisi's reaction.

"Sisi is indeed quite desolate. When everyone allocates the monster's area avenue later, everyone will work together in their own area. In this way, there will not be too much difference."

Murong Sisi looked at the smile on Lin Feng's face, rolled her eyes silently, and let out a long sigh.

"Now I'm used to it, anyway, it's not today's desolation."

The players who watched the regional battle were also amused by what they said at this time.

"I didn't expect April Fourth to be the last (good promise, good) bottom. I thought April Fourth would be very powerful."

"It's impossible to be at the bottom according to Sisi's moves. I guess the Sisi just now must have let the water go."

"My current thoughts are exactly the same as Meng Wang's, she is such a miserable girl, but seeing how miserable she is, I find it particularly funny.

"I still like to see Er Er's smile. From his bright smile, I can feel a strong killing intent. I really have no resistance to this kind of girl with a bright smile."

"Upstairs you have really good taste, you can't resist Er Er's smile, then I suggest you look for the video of Er Er's time at the World's Number One Martial Arts Tournament, you will know how cruel Er Er's smile is What about being aggressive? That's one laugh and one kill."

"How can it be so scary, you must be thinking too much, I think her smile is very bright.

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