National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 534 Selection Of Hot Pot City: Fire Source City

At this time, within the battle city selected by Hot Pot City: Fire Source City

Hot pot with red wine and hot pot with orange juice, leading a group of novices alone, fighting against these siren soldiers in front of them.

This is the first wave, and the number of people lost on their side has been particularly heavy.

Hot pot with red wine is not good for everyone. I never thought that the players they led this time would be such a waste.

"President! What should we do now-!"

"The defense power of these siren soldiers is really amazing!"

Hot pot with orange juice yelled, while killing the mobs in front of him, he wanted to see how the players around them were doing now.

They are also very regretful in their hearts, and they would not have participated in the battle in this area if they knew it earlier!

But now, there is no way to participate, but to make mistakes and continue to make mistakes.

Many other players who followed the hot pot with red wine and hot pot with orange juice started to complain.

"I regret it. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have participated in the battle in this area. I'm just a novice. I didn't expect that I would lose an ugly level in a row. It's too miserable!"

"It's all caused by Hot Pot City. If I had known, I wouldn't have participated. I just listened to your nonsense. I must tell you what you did!"

"Who are these people in Hot Pot City! Are you fooling me just because I'm a novice? The level of these monsters is too high, I can't kill them at all!"

"Now is not the time to continue to worry, President, please think of a way, we can't even kill a monster now, if this continues, it will ruin our reputation."

"What kind of monsters are these! Why are they so strong? I haven't even experienced the game yet. Now my level has dropped again. My heart hurts!"

"Sigh... I would have gone to another team if I knew it earlier. I thought how good this team would be. I didn't expect that the president would be such a piece of rubbish."

I saw that the number of people in Hot Pot City began to drop sharply, seeing such a situation.

Not to mention how depressed he was in his heart, he couldn't imagine the live broadcast this time.

If it is seen by all players, it will definitely be discussed in the forum.

If this continues, Hot Pot City will not be able to surpass the world's No. 1 guild as before.

If he had known this earlier, he didn't think it was necessary to participate in the regional battle this time. He could say that they couldn't participate in the hot pot city this time due to their mission.

But now that he has participated in all the competitions, he can't withdraw from the competition. After all, if he loses, he will lose 5 levels.

If he drops another 5 levels, the distance between himself and Meng Wang will be further and further away.

It would also be a good thing if they could win the championship of this regional battle.

In this way, not only can you greatly improve your familiarity with the current guild.

It can also let everyone know that the current hot pot city is still as powerful as before.

I saw that the hot pot with red wine began to attack the bosses and siren soldiers in front of them more violently.

It can be said that a person relied on his own strength to perfectly pull back the scene that was about to collapse.

But the players he leads are really bad.

As long as it goes on like this, within a few hours, all these players who are alone will be collected, which will greatly reduce the chance of winning.

"Now that everyone wants to win, let's attack these bosses and siren minions directly."

In fact, what he thought in his heart was not like this, but a monster that planned to snatch some soldiers directly.

In the end, when the monster is about to die, give him a heavy blow, and you can count yourself as killing the monster.

When all the players heard that hot pot goes with red wine, they immediately launched attacks on these siren soldiers and bosses, and they also discovered the mystery when they released their attacks.

If the boss and siren minions are directly attacked together, their blood volume will decrease faster than before.

Hot pot with red wine, sitting on the sidelines quietly watching these players, watching them unleash their attacks when they are about to knock down some siren soldiers and bosses, and completely harvest these monsters.

I saw hot pot with red wine, and the numbers on my head began to record crazily.

……ask for flowers…

Some players watched the regional battle in Hot Pot City, and they all picked up the subtitles at this time.

"My God, this method of robbing other people's monsters is really clumsy. I have never seen such a shameless guild." Ten dignified guild leaders thought about those players

"I didn't expect that the current hot pot city has reached such a shameless state. It really can't be compared. No wonder they look down on the hot pot city and overthrow the entire hot pot city by themselves. According to the current hot pot city, this If I had the ability of King Meng, I would have killed him long ago.

"This matter is bound to become popular. I'm sure it will spread throughout the forum. By then, everyone will know what kind of person the president of Hot Pot City is. I guess it's impossible for Hot Pot City to rise again this time. gone."


"It's the first time I've seen the president of the guild do such a despicable thing. Even if those small guilds come to participate in this round, I have never seen such a small trick. If they really win What else is it?"

"I think it is really impossible for Hot Pot City this time to go back to that time back then. At that time, I remember that Hot Pot City was a seriously believed existence, whether it was in this game or other games, it was the pinnacle. "

"Sure enough, everything will change, no matter what it is, whether it is Hot Pot City or other guilds, but I think it is really not good to use this way of betting to win this victory."

"Hot Pot City is very bad now. I still think the president of the world's number one trade union is the best president I have ever seen. No wonder people took a big shot at the president of Hot Pot City at that time. One person wiped out the entire Hot Pot City, no wonder, no wonder, there is a cause and effect in it.”

"Has Hot Pot City become so powerful now? To snatch some players' monsters, and even cause some players to fail directly. This will drop a level 5. It is pitiful to come to this guild, and you will still meet Such a shameless president."

"Maybe this is fate, who made the previous hot pot city really powerful, and it is normal for the current hot pot city to become like this.


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