National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 548 South Of Dragon Feather City

The current hot pot with red wine and hot pot with orange juice have also been thought of, and now everyone in the forum is discussing what they are, but there is nothing to do.

After all, they are looking for novice players this time, and most of them will be much weaker than other players in many cases.

So in order to let the achievements of Hot Pot City once again jump into everyone's attention.

This time, these novice players must also be sacrificed. This is the only way they can think of the best, and it is also the only chance to surpass Meng Wang and the others.

At this time in Longyu City.

Lin Feng saw a crimson light emitting from the teleportation array that was about to start the 4th wave of offensive, and a powerful aura was released from it.

This breath also made everyone feel that something was wrong. Just now everyone experienced the third wave of octopus monsters.

In fact, I still have a certain arrogance towards the fourth wave of offensive in my heart.

Now it can be felt from this powerful aura that this fourth wave is difficult to fight.

Murong Yiyi's complexion was also a little uncomfortable, and she seriously told Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi beside her.

"This time, you must not make the mistake just now. I can feel that the boss we face this time will be more fishy than all the bosses we have faced before in 987."

"Even, the combat power and defensive power of these little soldiers will be two or three times stronger than the little soldiers we encountered just now."

When Murong Wuwu heard Murong Yiyi say this, she felt a little unhappy in her heart, and said with her mouth pursed.

"Just now I think I did the right thing, and I think this time it will be the same as last time, or it may not be much better.

"Maybe it's just this kind of breath that makes us feel scary, but maybe the real boss and soldiers are not surprising at all. w

Murong Sisi also stood by Murong Wuwu's side this time, and said to Murong Yiyi.

"Yeah, one by one, I think what Wu Wu said is quite right, maybe this time the minions and the boss just have a stronger breath.

"Besides, things like aura may be released by those who make games."

"It makes us feel more vigilant if there are powerful bosses and soldiers in it, this is completely a way to confuse the public.

Murong Er Er watched Murong Sisi helping (cgbc) Murong Wuwu, the smile on his face deepened, and he said seriously.

"The checkpoint just now was for us to relax our vigilance, you see that you have really fallen into this trap now.

"If it's true that all the monsters and minions are the same as in the third wave just now, then why should we fight?"

"Wouldn't the battle in this area be over all at once, but this time they actually let us compete one after another. There must be some powerful bosses in it."

Lin Feng looked at Murong Sisi and Murong Wuwu now, with the unhappiness in his eyes, he said with a smile.

"If you two feel that this battle will be the same as the third wave, then you can go first later, and we will do it later."

When Murong Sisi and Murong Wuwu heard the method mentioned by Lin Feng, they also felt that this is the only way to prove their ideas are correct.

"Okay, then follow what you said, I don't think everything I said is necessarily wrong."

Lin Feng chuckled, seeing how Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi were arguing with Yiyi and the others.

At this moment, a huge roar came from the teleportation array.

In the next second, a three-meter-long flame sprayed towards Murong Wuwu's position.

Murong Wuwu was frightened and quickly dodged to the side, only then did she pass the flame.

"What's the situation? The monster hasn't come out yet, how could there be such a long flame coming out of it?"

"Didn't it mean that there are sea monsters inside? Why can this sea monster still spit out flames?"

Lin Feng listened to Murong Wuwu's series of questions, and the mission was about to come out, the monster's teleportation array said.

"That's why Yiyi told you to be careful? If you hadn't run so fast just now, you might be burnt out now.

Murong Wuwu recalled the dangerous scene just now, "I also feel that I may not be as self-willed as before.

In this battle, I must perform well to show everyone what my current strength is.


"Let Sisi and I fight the monster this time."


Another roar came from the teleportation array.

In the next second, a blood-red figure slowly walked out of it, and a huge fire dragon appeared in everyone's eyes.

The body of this fire dragon is densely covered with many magma-like cracks, and the other side is the opposite, but blue cracks.

General Twin Dragon.

Everyone froze for a moment. They thought this was the boss of the fourth wave, but they didn't expect it to be just a general.

But the height of the twin-body dragon general in front of him has already reached the height of a boss, so beating him is the same as beating BD$S.

This made everyone fearful of the bosses of the fourth wave. They always felt that the two-body dragon generals had such a tall body.

If the boss comes out later, it will definitely be more powerful than this twin dragon general.

Lin Feng looked at Murong Sisi and Murong Wuwu who stood in front of General Twin Dragon.

Now that they are ready to fight, they nodded and led the others to make room for them.

Murong Er Er said with some worry.

"Otherwise, it's better to forget it. It's still a bit awkward for the two of them to face this twin-body dragon general, or we can go directly."

Lin Feng shook his head and whispered into the worried Murong's ear.

"No, this is Wuwu and Sisi's request. Since they want to try it, let them try it."

"If we intervene now, they will definitely feel aggrieved in their hearts, and feel that we are preventing them from showing their true strength."

In fact, Lin Feng also understands what Murong Er'er's real thoughts are, it's nothing more than her elder sister's worries about her younger sister.

But there is no way, on her own terms, don't try what she wants to try.

And now Wu Wu also wants to prove that her strength is not inferior to others, so she also wants to start the war now.

After being told by Lin Feng, Murong Er'er just let out a long sigh and looked at Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi. .

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