Everyone looked at the two-body dragon general who was beaten into the pit by Murong Wuwu,

Murong Sisi's cannonballs also hit General Twin King in the pit of King of the Sky.

Three shells fell, boom boom boom!

The surroundings of General Double Dragon were already filled with white smoke.

Murong Sisi returned to Murong Wuwu's side, looked at the huge deep pit without any reaction, laughed loudly.

"It seems that this double-body dragon general was defeated by us. Now let's fight this double-body dragon general."

However, Lin Feng didn't think so. He felt that the two-body dragon general was not so easily destroyed by the two of them.

But in this deep pit, I didn't see this two-body dragon general coming out. Could it be that I was thinking too much?

Although these two are not bosses, they shouldn't be easily defeated by "Zero Four Three".

But it's not impossible.

I saw Murong Wuwu quickly looked at his target at the two-body dragon general not far away, and said to Murong Sisi beside him.

"Then Sisi, since we have defeated this General Twin Dragon, let's kill this General Twin Dragon directly, and end this fourth wave as soon as possible.

I saw a smug smile on Murong Wuwu's face.

Lin Feng chuckled and nodded, expressing her approval, which also gave Murong Wuwu more fighting spirit.

Murong Wuwu immediately galloped in the direction of the Twin-body Dragon General in front of him, his figure was like a flash of lightning.

The water splash in his hand turned into a divine sword, and he slashed at the body of the twin-body dragon general.

Everyone didn't expect that Murong Wuwu would actually want to use a melee attack to attack the twin-body dragon general below.

Murong Sisi saw Murong Wuwu's voice also galloping beside him and said with a smile, saying.

"How can you miss me if you want to hit him?"

As soon as the words fell, the corners of Murong Sisi's mouth actually elicited a smug smile, and the two quickly flew over to the position of General Wang Twin-body Dragon.

Murong Sisi summoned many cannonballs from behind, bombarding them in the direction of General Twin Dragon.

In fact, Murong Wuwu's strongest is long-range attack, but this time he decided to use melee attack.

It is also because it can burst out its own maximum attack power when attacking in close quarters, and can quickly kill this monster.

The twin-body dragon general raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, and spewed out a flame in the direction of the two of them.

Looking at the flames, Murong was even more anxious to rush out, but was still controlled by Lin Feng with his hands.

"It's okay, let the two of them solve it by themselves. We can't always hope that we will be here. If we are gone one day in the future, don't they even have the ability to survive by themselves?"

Murong Er'er was anxious when Lin Feng said this, but he did agree with his statement.

But the power of this flame is really too strong, if it is a little careless, it will directly turn into ashes.

I saw Murong Wuwu, Murong Sisi and others once passed through this fierce flame, flew over from the flame, and directly stabbed the twin-body dragon general in front of them with both hands.

The twin-body dragon general completely entered a state of rage, spewed out another flame towards the two of them, and grabbed them with two big hands.

Murong Sisi patronized and bombarded the huge twin-body dragon general in front of him with shells.

But he didn't notice the huge dragon claw coming from behind him, and the next second, the dragon claw directly slapped it on the ground.

But fortunately at that moment Murong Sisi used the cannonball to attract the attention of General Twin Dragon, and directly dodged from his side to shoot his cannonball.

"Oh my god, I was scared to death, I thought I was going to be smashed to pieces by this double-body dragon general this time.

Murong Sisi happily returned to Murong Wuwu's side and said.

Murong Wuwu patted Murong Sisi's shoulder with her hands, and looked at the huge two-body general in front of her.

Now he discovered that his mental attack ability, although he could unleash all his attack power.

But it can't make a good attack, it's not as good as your own long-range attack.

Murong Wuwu summoned her own water dragon again, and steered the water dragon towards the body of the two-body dragon general, spraying out a wave of water again.

The power of this water wave is also infinite, directly hitting General Twin Dragon towards the mountain behind him, with a loud noise, the mountain was directly smashed into pieces.

For Murong Wuwu with such combat power, Yinjia was also very surprised...

At this moment, Murong Wuwu was looking at the twin-body dragon general lying motionless on the ground.

Suddenly a black figure flew out from the pit where he hit close to him just now, and a huge dragon claw slapped towards Murong Wuwu's body.

Oh no!

Seeing this situation, Murong Er'er also became nervous.

Lin Feng also had some worries at this moment, and immediately released his own moves.

Guard the Light Array!

A ray of transparent light directly enveloped Murong Sisi and Murong Wuwu.

Seeing that the powerful dragon claw wrapped in it hit the protective cover directly, with a bang, a powerful wave spread out in all directions.

When Murong Wuwu came back to his senses, General Two-body Dragon appeared in front of him.

A flame sprayed towards her again, this time she couldn't dodge at all.

Fortunately, the guardian light array summoned by Lin Feng stood in front of her at this time, blocking the attack of the two-body dragon general for her.

Murong Wuwu took a deep breath, she never thought that this twin dragon general was still alive, she thought it was dead at first.

Murong Er heard that there was nothing wrong with Murong Wuwu, so he sighed in relief and said hastily.

"Let's go together, their attacks are too weak against these two monsters."

Players also started to talk about Murong Wuwu's 3.7 attack this time in the barrage.

Murong Wuwu is really right, after a few seconds, it turned out that she just fell into a deep sleep

"I didn't expect it either. I just saw that his attack was really powerful. I thought he could kill General Twin Dragon with one move. It seems that I was just thinking too much. If I want to defeat this General Twin Dragon, it seems that we still need everyone's concerted efforts, but this is not the boss family, how should the boss fight?"

"I feel that watching them this time is really a bit daunting, but relying on the two of them, it is absolutely impossible to defeat these two generals and generals."

"That's not necessarily the case, the current Murong Wuwu is a little weak, because she has not entered the state of rage, and Murong Wuwu is absolutely impossible to be weak when she enters the state.

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