National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 560 Pass The Level Smoothly!

At this time, the little milk dragon and the red dragon have successfully passed the third level.

Looking at the monsters that are about to start the fourth wave, the milk dragon is also very excited, and keeps praying in his heart.

The monsters encountered this time must not be like the ones just now, it is simply a nightmare.

Chilong looked at the excited look of the little milk dragon, and remembered his frightened look just now, it was completely like two people, he really couldn't figure it out clearly, and asked the little milk dragon.

"What's so exciting about you? I was afraid that it was like that just now. If there are more things that scare you, wouldn't it mean that you will fly to the sky again?"

At that moment, the little milk dragon who originally wanted to speak was completely speechless, rolled his eyes and couldn't help but say.

"Please, can you stop talking about this casually?"

"If you still talk about this after the "410" regional battle is over, then I will be rude to you."

"What I just did was helpless. Who would have thought that the octopus that I was most afraid of came to him? What would you do if you met the one you are afraid of? Can you really understand our girls' fear of these octopuses? ah?"

Facing a series of critical attacks from the small content, Chilong said silently with pain in his heart.

"Women are really too troublesome. They simply affect the speed of my sword. I feel that if I still fall in love with someone, it's just some octopus."

"If I met something I was afraid of, I would have killed them long ago, so as not to let them live in front of me.

When Xiaonailong heard Chilong say this, he was speechless. He found that Chilong was really a straight man.

I will never do this kind of city defense battle with him next time.

It seems that I still need to find a good partner like Meng Wang, a partner like him, alas, I won't be able to find another partner next time.

I really envy Murong Wuwu.

Chilong didn't know what the little milk dragon was thinking in his heart, he looked at his bad face and said.

"Tell you something, your face seems a little dark."

Now the players watching the two of them interacting are completely defeated by Chilong's words, and many female players also have a great understanding of Chilong.

"God, I feel that Chilong really said all the things that girls don't like the most. No wonder the little milk dragon will chase him and scold him. I feel that as long as it is me, I will beat him. Alas , but it’s not bad to see the two of them like happy friends.”

"You guys don't know that Chilong's thinking is actually very normal in our boys' hearts. We always think that girls will really affect the speed of our first meeting. It's too boring. When we meet ourselves Hateful things, if you can’t drill them, you still endure.”

"Yes, yes, I also think why you didn't make a move. Those little octopus monsters are actually very easy to kill just now. You just need to close your eyes. I didn't expect him to use up so many moves. Oh, it's really I'm so disappointed, but the little milk dragon is still very cute."

"The little milk dragon and the red dragon actually match very well, don't you see it? Besides, isn't it normal for girls to be afraid of octopuses? Don't you look at what Murong Wuwu was like at that time, then But it’s like changing a person.”

"Actually, many girls will have such thoughts. It's just that some people really take their own thoughts too seriously. I feel that this kind of thinking is actually quite protective of other little milk dragons.

Little milk dragon and red dragon don't know, they have become a lot of people now, and they have been paid attention to. If the two of them know that they are now regarded as CP by many players, they probably feel dead in their hearts.

When the two saw the monster in step 4 coming out, they launched an attack together. When the little milk dragon gnawed at the monster in the fourth wave this time, it seemed to be a different person and opened up its own way. Dao's magic circle blasted a powerful magic attack on the monster's body.


The current Xiaonailong looks just like the Murong Wuwu who entered the exposed state at that time.

Seeing this situation, Chilong panicked a little. He really couldn't figure out why a girl could turn her face faster than a book.

I was so scared to death just now, now I treat these monsters as if I were my own enemy, and I can be as ruthless as I want at the beginning, how did I do this?

Seeing that Chilong didn't launch any attack, the little milk dragon couldn't help asking...

"What are you doing? Why don't you launch a little attack? Do you want us to end this fourth wave of battle quickly? I don't know where our leaderboard is now."

I can only feel that the whole person is dumbfounded after being said like that.

Because she didn't talk to herself in this tone just now, if it were just now.

It is estimated that everyone has quickly entered the 4th wave [the main reason is that the 3rd wave will take more time.

"I found that you really changed really fast."

"You don't even know, if you had been so ruthless in killing the third wave of monsters in the third wave just now, we wouldn't have dragged on for so long."

The little milk dragon couldn't help but rolled his eyes at the red dragon, and couldn't help but said again.

"Can you stop mentioning the incident just now, it's very embarrassing, okay?"

As soon as the words fell, Chilong silently closed his mouth, but there was still something in his heart that didn't understand why?

In the barrage, everyone started talking frantically about the interaction between the red dragon and the little milk dragon.

"I feel that the two of them are really interesting. This red dragon is indeed a bit low in dual quotient, so he may not understand many aspects, like what he thinks.

"Hey, a boy with a relatively low double injury really can't afford to be injured. He can't even understand what the other party is saying. If it is replaced by a boy with a relatively high EQ, he can also understand what the little milk dragon thinks. This People look like single dogs."

"Actually, you don't need to guess. This man is definitely a single dog. Judging from his behavior and behavior, girls can't accept it at all."

"Actually, I think this kind of players often think that the little milk dragon is more suitable for them. Girls like that are also quite cute. They don't care about whether the other party's dual business is online or not."

"I feel that people's IQ is quite high. As for EQ, let's forget it. It is estimated that EQ is directly given to IQ."

"I feel that you guys are so straightforward, as long as you say you know, you probably think it's your mother's criticism in your heart.

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