After being attacked by Lin Feng, the two-headed dragon roared towards the sky, and then saw his two eyes glowing red at this time.

"I didn't expect this guy's defense to be quite strong."

"However, as for the attack ability, it's not clear yet, but it doesn't look weak."

"Gemini, Sagittarius, pull monsters immediately."

The two of them ran to the two-headed dragon at a fast speed and attacked the two-headed dragon, and began to pull the two-headed dragon towards Lin Feng.

But what people didn't expect was that the pair were intoxicated, but a golden light radiated from one head towards Lin Feng, directly punching a concave hole in the ground.

The other head pointed its target at Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan, emitting countless golden lights.

Let them have nowhere to escape now, they can only keep fleeing in these golden rays of light.

If one of them relaxes their vigilance now, they will be hit by these rays of light and instantly killed.

Seeing this, Murong Yiyi used all the equipment to crash towards the two-headed dragon in the underworld.

Now everyone has launched an attack on the two-headed dragon.

Unexpectedly, the two-headed dragon shot out a golden light as directly as possible into the void.

Unexpectedly, the golden light turned into countless meteors in the air and began to fall on them.

Those meteors that didn't hit directly smashed countless sunken holes in the ground.

Now they all entered a passive state.

There are also some sea monster soldiers and sea monster mobs who were not killed by Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan, and the sea monster swordsmen started to attack in their direction.

The sea monster archer even jumped up directly, took his iron sword and struck Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan, and immediately saw that the blood volume of the two of them dropped a little.

Now both Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan are very upset with these mobs.

"What's going on? Why are these mobs chasing me?"

Murong Wuwu couldn't help asking, but now everyone is facing the attack of the two-headed dragon, and there is no time to talk to her at all.

Lin Feng controls two Gemini Sagittarius guardian unicorns. At the same time, the impact hit the ground double-headed dragon with sharp horns.

Then issued his own moves, the twins were stunned, and the two-headed dragon was directly stunned at that time.

But soon the skills of the twin skills have not passed, Lin Feng will still find the right time.

The two-headed dragon once again aimed at Lin Feng in front of it and launched a huge light wave, filling Lin Feng and immediately releasing the power of steel.

The cross shield blocked in front of them, and with a bang, it blocked the huge light waves of the three giant dragons.

It is really hard to know what to do with such a terrifying lethality when this legendary boss activates such a powerful skill.

"Gemini Sagittarius, the two of you focus on attacking the back of this two-headed dragon."

After Lin Feng communicated with the guardian unicorn, he summoned his own Purple Lightning Frost Sword, facing the two-headed giant dragon boss in front of him, and directly radiated his own move, Guardian Angel Cross Slash.

After releasing these attacks, he quickly radiated the hand rune saint hammer to the position of the two-headed dragon under the pincer attack of the two attacks.

The blood volume of the two-headed dragon finally dropped a little bit, but it was a good start, and it finally moved.

"It seems that now we must quickly shift Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan from the main target of the dragon's head, otherwise they will definitely not be able to kill each other.

At this moment, Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan are still flashing continuously, but their speed has already started to drop greatly.

What should I do now? It also made the two of them feel a little overwhelmed.

At this time, Gemini and Sagittarius were almost out of Lin Feng's control, and they still launched an attack and hit the two-headed dragon.

The target of the two-headed dragon is still (cgbg) on ​​Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan.

"Mengwang, what kind of situation is this?"

Murong Er'er also became worried, looking at Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan who were still avoiding the attacking waves, feeling helpless in his heart.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't let the two of them fight. If the two of them didn't fight, this situation wouldn't happen.

Lin Feng also kept thinking, because he knew that the two-headed dragon in front of him must have some weaknesses, which they hadn't noticed.

Because the defense and attack power of this two-headed dragon is too strong.

If he was directly attacked by him, he probably would have lost his life.

In the barrage, the players watching their fifth wave of the double-headed dragon battle also began to worry.

"What should we do now? Why is this boss's defense so strong? What is going on? If this continues, I feel that Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan will not be able to hold on." , I feel that they can only hold on for a minute or two now."

"Fortunately, both of them are fast enough. Otherwise, if they were hit by the attack, they would definitely lose their lives. Now the battle in this area is over half. If they were hit by this attack at this time, they would die immediately. If not, then losing 5 levels in a row is completely worth the candle.

"Then we can only ask them to pass the level smoothly. I feel that the fourth wave is really guessed by them. I thought they were thinking too much. I didn't expect that there is such a powerful boss. .

"I've said it all, there must be some, it's just that they are relatively slow, this is just a trap released by the authorities, otherwise how could it be so simple in the front and so simple in the back, this is a regional battle ah!"

"Then what should we do? Do you think Mengmeng can save the two of them? I feel that King Mengmeng can't protect himself now. This two-headed dragon is too powerful. Fortunately, I didn't participate. The one who asked me to participate just now, how does it feel to see such a powerful two-headed dragon?"

"At first, I still regretted a little. I regretted why I didn't participate in this area. I wanted to be more stable. But when I saw such a powerful two-headed dragon, I thought it was right not to go. It is so powerful that I can fight However, if there is no powerful person by your side, it will be a complete death.

"Don't worry, there is Meng Wang here? In the past, Meng Wang was able to turn all dangers into safety again. The only time is that there will be no exception. Although this two-headed dragon is indeed powerful, it only looks powerful. "

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