I saw Lin Feng bursting out with a powerful rage, watching Xiao Ha and Xiao Hei pull the Siren Archer mob to him in an instant.

The move was released, and after the guardian light array was released, the move was released again, the Guardian Angel Cross Slash!

The two moves fell, showing that the guardian light array isolated the siren shooter mobs.

After sending out the move, I crossed it, siren shooter mob~.

Immediately, a large wave of siren shooter mobs were instantly killed by Lin Feng.

Everyone was seeing the remaining tens of thousands of mobs.

After being killed by Lin Feng in a flash, everyone's eyes were full of surprise.

"Oh my god, this is too powerful, how did you use this move?"

"Why can you kill so many mobs in such a short period of time?"

Many people were very surprised, Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi watched from the side, their eyes were full of shock.

Although I have seen Lin Feng kill those big bosses in seconds, but seeing him kill so many mobs in one move, this is also the first time.

And it's been so long that I haven't seen any player with such strength.

"I feel that Meng Wang is really powerful. If I have half his strength, I think we can lead everyone to success in no time." Murong Sisi sighed beside Murong Wuwu.

Murong Wuwu patted Murong Sisi's shoulder with a chuckle, and said with a smile.

"Don't think about it, it's impossible in this life, and you don't think about how powerful they are."

"And it's completely impossible for us to copy others."

Murong Sisi gave Murong Wuwu a big roll of eyes.

I couldn't help but said in my heart, can I not tell such a big truth.

It's really shocking, who doesn't have a few dreams.

Lin Feng looked at the remaining half of the mobs.

Immediately, it erupted again, showing a powerful killing intent, releasing its own moves, and the guardian angel slashed back.

Under the powerful anger, the guardian angel counterattacks the move.

It is also much more lethal than usual, and more than half of the mobs have been wiped out in an instant.

Originally, there were not many mobs left, but now there are only a few left walking around.

Seeing this, the others immediately launched attacks on the remaining mobs.

Everyone did not expect his power to be so powerful.

Originally everyone thought that the seventh part would be killed, which would be very difficult for mobs.

I didn't expect to kill all the mobs in just a short time. .

Now there are only 5 minutes left, which is enough for everyone to recover their blood.

Now the audience watching Lin Feng and the others have been stunned by what Lin Feng just displayed.

"Oh my god, this is too powerful. When I was still worrying about them, they had already killed those little monsters. As long as it was normal, wouldn't it be awesome?"


"I remember that when I was in the No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament in the World, it didn't seem to be as powerful as it is now. If the No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament in the World had the current strength, all the players wouldn't even need to make a move."

"It is indeed like this. I also feel that a person with such superb strength can surprise everyone again. Now I really want to know what the strength of Mengwang is, and will he bring us more? Surprise?"

"You don't need to guess, it must have woken me up, and you don't even think about who we are looking at now, that is the King of Meng."

"The man standing at the top of our food is powerful. He killed it casually. It took us a long time to kill it."

"Don't think about it anymore, they usually stand on top of us, but because of watching Meng Wang's moves at that time, they have new ideas. Alas, it's just a pity. "I didn't participate in this battle of defending the city."

"I don't think you need to participate in the city defense market. Seeing this lot of mobs already makes people regret trying their best. We viewers are anxious to see it. If you participate, you will probably die immediately. gone."

"Bah, bah, how can you beat other people's confidence upstairs like this? I'm also very good, alright, although it's true that I'm not as powerful as the King Meng, but I have to work hard all the time."

"That's not necessarily the case. If you are really as powerful as Meng Wang, why don't you participate directly? Instead, you want to watch it here?"

Now everyone is happy for Lin Feng, because he only has this last strength in the end.

……ask for flowers……

Pulled everyone in the entire guild back to the starting point of success.

Although Lin Feng doesn't know what everyone is talking about now.

But in fact, you can guess it. This time, these attacks of yours will definitely be put on the world's forums.

Lin Feng saw that everyone had replenished his blood volume in the remaining time, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Murong Sisi and Murong Wuwu hurried to his side, they stared at him curiously.

For a while, the other party didn't know what to say.

Looking at the way they stared at me, I don't even need to guess, they must have something to look for me.

"Speak, if you have anything to say, just say it directly, there is no need to hide it."


Murong Sisi and Murong Wuwu heard Lin Feng say the same thing, so they might as well just ask him the doubts in their hearts.

"Actually, we just want to ask how you released such a powerful move, and you can also have such a powerful destructive power, we also want to learn it.

"Yes, yes, I really felt that your moves were so handsome at that time, if I can learn them, I think I will be able to relieve your worries in the next battle.

Immediately, there was a feeling of harvest, little fan girl.

Lin Feng looked at the two of them with stars shining in their eyes.

For a while, I didn't know what to say to them.

"You told us, we are doing this for the good of our entire team, if you have taught us.

"Now the 8th wave is about to start, we will be able to release it well, then protect everyone, lead everyone to success, to victory.

Alas, in fact, it's not that I don't want to call them, but I have no way to teach them.

If I knew how to teach them, I would have taught others a long time ago, and everyone has already achieved their own achievements.

"This kind of thing still needs to be explored slowly by everyone. It has something to do with the individual. It's not something you can do after I hand it over. Do you understand?"

Murong Wuwu shook her head, listening to it, she always felt like Lin Feng, who didn't want to teach her husband.

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