National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 6 Guardian Of Light Job Transfer Task?

Lin Feng, an orphan, worked hard to get into Huaqing University, one of the top ten universities in China, relying on state subsidies.

He has been in contact with games since elementary school, but at that time he was helping his classmates play games to earn money for meals. After that, he made money by leveling, and naturally he has played almost all the games on the market.

However, game leveling is too much work, and he can't have a stable income, so he also has some part-time jobs at the same time, which can be used as exercise and earning living expenses. It's a pity that the part-time job in the cafe has not been done for three months, and the shop collapsed.

And this time, for the sake of the second world, the remaining 1,000 yuan was also spent. It is true that money is not everything, and no money is absolutely impossible.

"I don't know if Li Yuan is reliable or not. I heard that beautiful women have a lot to do." After getting on the bus and finding a seat, Lin Feng thought about it.

Li Yuan is Lin Feng's childhood friend, of course Li Yuan is not an orphan...

Lin Feng lives in a community next to Huaqing University, and the interview location is not too far away, a cafe at the entrance of a high-end villa community about five kilometers away.

Class flower Murong Wuwu, a name like a martial arts novel, has been in college for more than a year, although Lin Feng is in the same class, but Lin Feng has never chatted with that person.

Apart from going to school and working part-time, he doesn't have the spare money and time to pay attention to those, anyway, whether he is beautiful or not has nothing to do with him. But now, it seems to have something to do with it, interviewing the boss

Before going, he sent a text message there, and agreed to arrive in about half an hour.

In about twenty minutes, Lin Feng arrived at Feiyue Cafe, and naturally went up to the second floor as the text message said.

"Private room No. 4." The private rooms here are all separated by beautifully textured glass. Lin Feng looked at the numbers and walked up to them, but there was no door.

At this time, the two girls were chatting.

Lin Feng knew Murong Wuwu. Although she didn't care, she often saw her in class, so she naturally remembered it.

It's just... These two girls look the same, which one is it?

"Twins?" Lin Feng was taken aback.

"It's you!" One of the girls with long black hair and wearing a white dress looked at Lin Feng in a little surprise.

Another long-haired girl wearing the same pink dress looked at Murong Wuwu suspiciously.

"Murong Wuwu?" Lin Feng asked uncertainly.

I have to be surprised, because Murong Wuwu is indeed a great beauty, regardless of her appearance or figure, she is a goddess-level existence, and now there is another one who is exactly the same as her, double beautiful? !

"It's me." The girl in the white dress nodded slightly: "Li Yuan said to introduce me to a game master as my game teacher, but I didn't expect it to be you. Do you have time to play games?"

Having said that, her face showed doubts.

Lin Feng is not the best at studying, but in terms of college entrance examination scores, he was the highest in class 3 of their finance department when he entered school. In one or two semesters of freshman, the final exam scores of each semester are also the highest in the finance department. Even if he wants to keep a low profile, someone will always notice these statistics.

However, at this time, he didn't want to explain that, but knew one thing, Li Yuan might have tricked him.

Beauty studio recruiting? where? And Teacher Game, what the hell is this?

"Tell me what your game teacher teaches." Lin Feng asked calmly.

"Huh! Ye Qingqing fooled me, saying that Li Yuan's good buddy, a game master, can teach me how to play games, and he is also a handsome guy with technical skills. What is this! This is a handsome student master, he can play games Game? Let Ye Qingqing pay me for a meal while I expose him."

Murong Wuwu pursed her lips, looked at Lin Feng and said, "To be precise, she taught me how to play in the new game Second World. First of all, do you play Second World?"

"Play." Lin Feng nodded, then naturally sat opposite, took out his phone, and entered the mobile browser...

Hearing the tone, the other party didn't quite believe him, maybe he was fooled by Li Yuan. But it was the first time Lin Feng heard that a teacher was invited to play a game, and Lin Feng thought it was quite interesting.

The other party actually played with the phone in front of her!

"Hmph! Sure enough, schoolmasters are really annoying, just like the eldest sister. They still look at their mobile phones in front of us." Murong Wuwu was dissatisfied, and said, "Oh, since you also play, let me see your game level. I But the hidden profession is now level 6, the game teacher who taught me must be at least level 10, you!"

Murong Wuwu wanted to continue talking, but Lin Feng handed over the phone and said, "You want to tell me about my level! Meng Wang, I am currently level 14, and my job is a priest. I plan to change to a knight in the future. It will not be difficult for you to upgrade. .”

The Second World attaches great importance to privacy protection, and any player cannot query the information of other players. Even if the game name is entered, only the game name will be displayed, and nothing else will be displayed.

And when players log in to the game on the official website, they can only see the level. Only when they actually enter the game and are willing to actively show their character attributes can they know.

Just now Lin Feng was logging into his game account.

"Mengwang, level 14? Level 14!" Murong Wuwu was puzzled at first, and then exclaimed.

Although her game skills are not good, she can hide her profession and level up much faster than ordinary players. He was still in the game just ten minutes before Lin Feng came. From noon to now, level 6 feels very fast to her.

And the other party contacted me half an hour ago, that is, the person sitting opposite me was already level 14 half an hour ago!

At this moment, the girl in the pink dress beside her was also surprised.

Because she also played this game, she naturally knew that it was only two or three hours, and it was really difficult to quickly reach level 14.

"Is it really your number?"

Murong Wuwu is not sure.

Lin Feng nodded, and said: "Only my own number, you can see the level, one class, there is no need to lie to you. Let me tell you the price of the game teacher!"

"Meng Wang? Meng Wang... some familiar names!" Murong Wuwu muttered, then looked at Lin Feng and asked, "Have you ever been a game booster?"

"I did, but the Second World game is DNA-bound and cannot be leveled. Other games are fine. If you need it, I can send you my price list. Do you want it?" Lin Feng said.

"Add a WeChat, you can send me one." Murong Wuwu handed the phone to Lin Feng, then took out her phone and opened WeChat.

Afterwards, Lin Feng scanned the QR code, added friends, and sent the other party a price list. After all, I have been doing professional leveling for many years, so naturally there is a price list.

When she saw the sentence on the price list, "Mighty king power leveling, quality and quantity guaranteed", Murong Wuwu's eyes became more surprised.

"Are you really a fierce king?" Murong Wuwu asked tremblingly.

"You know me!" Lin Feng said, "No..."

Before Lin Feng finished speaking, Murong Wuwu said directly: "Just ask you to be my game teacher. You can stay at your own home or come to my home. I have a spare game warehouse at home. 100 yuan per hour, now we During the summer vacation, at least six hours a day, I have more time, and it will end after six hours, the specific time depends on you, and what you teach depends on you. Is it okay?"

"Are you sure 100 per hour?" Lin Feng asked uncertainly.

"Are you sure! Is it less? Then... then I can add it." Murong Wuwu said.

"Um... This is not necessary, this is fine." Lin Feng responded as calmly as possible.

Just kidding, he does power leveling, and it doesn't cost much to help people get a full-level number. It's a hundred for an hour, which is a bit too easy to earn. And there is a spare game compartment, which he has never experienced before.

"Okay, let's start tomorrow! Today I will try my best to reach level 10, then we can meet in the main city." Murong Wuwu said.


Afterwards, Lin Feng left the small private room.

If it was an ordinary man, he might sit and chat for a while, but he felt that sitting was a bit awkward, so he might as well go back and upgrade. His pastor can still change jobs, and he can't wait to go back and change jobs.


After returning home in about half an hour, Lin Feng quickly logged into the game and ran directly into the priest transfer hall.

Each job transfer hall looks like a tall building from the outside, but there are countless spaces inside. Every player will enter a different space when entering, and there will be different job transfer instructors to receive them.

Pastor to Instructor

Explanation: An NPC instructor who can help priests change jobs

Lin Feng entered and saw a kind old man in a white robe in front of him. He stepped forward and said directly, "I want to change my job."

"Priests and knights, think about it." The old man originally spoke mechanically, but suddenly stopped, as if the machine was stuck.

"Trigger the job-changing mission of Hidden Occupation Guardian of Light!"

At this time, a system prompt sounded in Lin Feng's mind.


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