National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 59 The Dragon Becomes Stronger

It lasted like this for 5 seconds, and the boss lost more than 30,000 blood.

"Thief, seek death!" All of a sudden, the rare level boss - General Zhao Family Bone Tiger King's whole body lit up with golden light, and then his body suddenly collided, and a circular shock wave with a width of six to seven meters was formed instantly.

"Boom!" The four bone wolf cavalry and four bone tiger king sword soldiers in front of the big boss were directly knocked and flew to both sides.

And the boss rushed to Lin Feng in the blink of an eye!

"Damn, why did you suddenly speed up!" Lin Feng was startled.

"Huh!" After rushing to the front and back, the boss centered on Ouke Lin Feng with a machete in the middle.

"Skill!" Lin Feng was startled.

Guard counter attack!

At the critical moment, Lin Feng held the sickle in front of him, and a white light curtain appeared in front of him.

"Bang!" The machete slashed on the square light curtain, and then Lin Feng turned the sickle in his hand and slashed horizontally. A sword blade flew out and hit the boss directly.


A huge amount of damage appeared, and "eight or eighty zero" Lin Feng was surprised again: "Damn! My skill is my own damage of 12880 combined with the boss's attack, excluding defense, that is, the boss can deal seven or eight thousand damage in one hit! If it is hit I might have to die!"

Thinking of this, Lin Feng turned around and ran, while controlling Xiao Hei to cast Frozen Earth directly.


Within the range, including the BOSS, monsters are frozen for 3 seconds.

At this time, Lin Feng did not attack, but ran directly into the distance.

The opponent's attack is too strong, if the real skill hits him, it will be fatal.

While running, Lin Feng asked Xiao Hei to continue attacking. Although Xiao Hei's level is not high, he is now their biggest tank.

After 3 seconds passed, the rare level boss - General Zhao Family's Bone Tiger King directly slashed at Xiao Hei's body with a big knife.


A red letter appeared above Xiao Hei's head.

"Xiao Hei, take the boss to other places, dodge the attack as much as possible, and focus on running away to attract hatred."

After receiving Lin Feng's order, Xiao Hei, who was about to fight desperately with the boss, turned around and flew into the distance, and the boss followed closely behind.

At this moment, Lin Feng ran within the range of the two magic circles, and controlled the servants again: "All come here."

"Huhu..." A group of servants began to run towards Lin Feng, and those elite monsters were also attracted to hate, and ran towards Lin Feng one after another.

Originally wanted to separate the consumption, but unfortunately Lin Feng thought too much, the damage of this boss is too high, and it is too easy to break through the encirclement. A skill comes directly.

He can only temporarily change the plan, adjust the boss, and kill 30 elite monsters first.

The elite monsters who were chasing the servants soon rushed to the Lin Feng magic circle, and then the soul-absorbing magic circle and the soul-binding magic circle were activated at the same time.



Just when the first Zhao Family Bone Tiger King sword soldier approached Lin Feng and was about to cut him down, Lin Feng cast a death charge skill.

"Boom!" Sprinting in a straight line, the thirteen Zhao Family's Bone Tiger King swordsmen along the way were all knocked dizzy.




"Boom!" At this time, another Zhao Family Bone Tiger King swordsman ran over and slashed at Lin Feng, causing 1300 damage. Lin Feng unleashed the Guardian Cross Slash in that direction.




The cross slash flew 20 meters, and the eight elite monsters suffered damage at the same time, and their speed was reduced by 50%.

At the same time, Lin Feng's servants were under his control, and they all slashed at an elite monster, the earth dragon with the boss skeleton. At that time, it caused a total of more than 12,000 injuries.

Chains of Revenant!




"Hoohoo..." The three monsters slashed at Lin Feng with big knives in their hands, and he activated the second stage of the soul chain again, rushing directly to the monster besieged by the servants, and came in front of an elite monster again.

Death strikes back!

The four Tiger King swordsmen closest to Lin Feng were directly beaten back

At this time, the elite monster who was besieged first was also killed.

But at this time, Lin Feng was very troubled.

Because a lot of his skills were abolished, he only killed one!

"I can't go on like this, I may be hacked to death by these guys at any time, I can't hesitate anymore.

Thinking in his heart, Lin Feng directly displayed his new skill, Dragon Transformation!

[Shenlong Transformation Lv1] consumes 10% of the life value, according to the player's current occupation, summons the dragon soul possession, transforms into the dragon warrior form, the life value increases by 300% instantly, double resistance and double attack increase by 30% at the same time, with an increase in visual possession Depending on the dragon soul, it lasts for 60 seconds and cools down for 30 minutes.

At that time, Lin Feng's blood volume directly disappeared by 10%. A small blood spot suddenly appeared on his forehead, and then a little blood-colored dragon flew out of it, sinking into the void in an instant.

"Activate the Shenlong Transformation, and detect that the player has dual attributes of darkness and light. Randomly select, dark attribute, and the dragon soul descends."

Suddenly, there was a beep in Lin Feng's head, and then a cold and piercing aura burst out from Lin Feng's head, a dragon with a sharp horn, ferocious teeth, and black dragon scales.

"Boom!" Shenlong rushed out and fell back into Lin Feng's body, and then his whole body was wrapped in black light...

In the blink of an eye, Lin Feng's body changed dramatically. First, his original height of 1.8 meters soared to 3 meters. His whole body was covered with black dragon scales. His eyes disappeared and spread completely, turning into a deep black hole.

Afterwards, his hands turned into black sharp claws, and a pair of huge black dragon wings appeared on his back. Now it looks like a combination of dragon and human!

"Possessed by the remnant soul of the Demon Dragon King, the player's HP is increased by 300%, and both resistance and attack are increased by 30% at the same time. Additional increase: all skill cooldowns are reduced by 50%, duration: 60 seconds"

In an instant, Lin Feng saw that his HP had increased to about 20,000, and the most important magic attack soared to 2112.

What's even more exaggerated is that his skills originally took a long time, but now they are cut in half.

Chains of Revenant is the most obvious, and it directly becomes a 2.5-second cooldown.

"This dragon transformation is so cool!" Lin Feng was full of surprise, and as he controlled his wings, his body soared in a straight line. The attacks of the two elite monsters below were directly missed.

The soul chain skills have been cooled down, and Lin Feng is showing the skills to the three targets below. Among them, the second elite monster who was set fire by Lin Feng's minions was directly killed.

Then, Lin Feng directly chopped a monster with a scythe in his hand. With the triple boost, his normal attack was also increased to 510. In addition to the 50% magic attack boost of the guardian light, now his normal attack can fly Deal 1600 damage!

In the following time, I saw Lin Feng dodging everywhere in the group of elite monsters with high agility, and continued to attack the elite monsters with low blood volume during the interval. The 2.5-second cooldown is just right, and the chain of dead souls is cast.

44.30 seconds passed, Lin Feng's wolf cavalry servants had died 9, but he also killed 7 elite monsters. At this time, except for the blood mist that has not been cooled down, all other skills have been cooled down.

Driven by Lin Feng intentionally, most of the elite monsters were chasing him like a long line.

Just after cooling down, he turned around and rushed into the group of monsters.

Death Rush!




This is the super effect of Shenlongchang's 300% increase in magic attack.

More than 30,000 violent damage was played, and because Lin Feng deliberately controlled it, this skill hit 15 Tiger King swordsmen.

Originally, due to the consumption of the magic circle, some elite monsters have about 20,000 HP left, while some enter the magic circle later and then run away, with a little more blood, and there are still more than 30,000 HP, but no matter which one, at this moment, All were killed in seconds!

Guardian Cross Slash!.

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