National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 604 Spawn Monsters Unlimitedly In Hell!

The blood volume of the hell undead was cleared to zero, and he was instantly killed by his normal attack.

After harvesting the 100 gold coins that exploded from the hell undead.

Lin Feng also immediately gave orders to his avatar to go to other locations to kill and pull monsters!

And also summoned the Taiyin Dragon King Xiao Hei and the Blood Moon Remnant Wolf Xiaoha~ to pull monsters!

After receiving the order, the clone immediately went to other places to start killing and pulling monsters.

Lin Feng looked at Xiao Hei and Xiao Ha, who cooperated very well with his avatar, and smiled in satisfaction.

It seems that his approach is correct.

At this speed, these hell npcs should be solved soon!

Lin Feng decided to move on!

In this way, you can reach level 100 faster!

When I saw that the level was level 90 hell undead, I didn't even hit it, just skip it as air.

After all, for me now, what needs to be challenged with higher difficulty is what I should do!

Soon, Lin Feng went to the 100-level monster area.

Hell water demon undead

Level: 100

The life bar also has a particularly big change from the hell undead just now!

I secretly said in my heart...


I didn't expect that the amount of life value turned out to be a dramatic change...

This powerful change is really too speechless...

The hell water demon undead is also wearing the same armor as the hell undead, but it is different in height, and the middle of the back has become a small dagger.

But, what is even more shocking is that!

This water demon is like an octopus, with seven legs!

It looks really disgusting...

The undead of the hell water demon walked towards Lin Feng's direction, and the pace became much lighter, those disgusting tentacles began to roll towards Lin Feng's body!

Lin Feng immediately swung the Death God's Scythe in his hand, and quickly hooked his figure towards its body.

The speed is like a gust of wind, passing by...

Before anyone could react, the death scythe made a "bang" sound!

Hooked directly on the head of the hell water demon undead, and pulled it down!


Guardian Angel strikes back!

Although I didn't use the guardian angel sword, but!

The use of moves is still not bad, but the power will be slightly weakened.

The blood volume floated out from its head, and after the huge blood bar was strangled, it only lost a little blood volume.

This time, Lin Feng was completely stumped...

Unexpectedly, this level 100 hell demon undead would be so powerful!

Just at this time!

The tentacles of the hell water demon undead began to roll towards Lin Feng's body desperately...

When Lin Feng was fighting with the tentacles of the hell water monster undead!

The undead of the hell water demon also came in front of Lin Feng, and spewed out a black air towards Lin Feng's body, directly attacking Lin Feng's body!


Seeing this, Lin Feng dodged to the side, but was still attacked by the venom in the black air sprayed by the undead of the hell water demon.

I have entered into a poisoned state

At this time, the most obvious thing is that the speed has dropped a lot.

The hell water demon undead also seized this opportunity and sucked towards Lin Feng's, intending to strangle him!

I saw that the death scythe in his hand emitted a black dazzling light!

Unleash the attack!

Ice flame fire.

All I saw was a flame filled the death scythe in Lin Feng's hand!

In the next second, he slashed at the head of the hell water demon undead!

A dark golden light flashed directly from the undead body of the hell water demon, and the light disappeared instantly!

The blood bar on its forehead was directly subtracted!

At this moment, the undead of the hell water demon was instantly killed by Lin Feng!

After counting the equipment and things exploded by the undead of the hell water demon.

The skill is also being buffered at this time, Lin Feng also continues to walk into the depths of hell.

I saw 10 different undead monsters walking towards Lin Feng.

These 10 hell water demon undead monsters look completely different, either with six arms, six heads and six legs, all wearing skeleton armor and skull pendants!

More importantly, the body is twice as big as the monster I saw just now!

But it came just in time!

Suddenly, Lin Feng thought of something, and a mysterious smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

The undead monster attributes of the hell water demon appeared in front of Lin Feng.

six-armed hell water demon undead monster

Grade: 105

six brains hell water demon undead monster

Grade: 110

Six-legged hell water demon undead monster

……… Ask for flowers……

Grade: 115

Among these 10 hell water demon undead monsters, there are 4 six-arm hell water demon undead monsters, 3 six-brain hell water demon undead monsters and six-legged hell water demon undead monsters.

These hell water demon undead monsters are all around level 100!

Although there are ten of them, it's not too big a deal for me.

The black light appeared on Lin Feng's body, which immediately attracted the attention of these 10 different undead monsters!

This powerful monster-absorbing power made the hell water demon undead monster rush towards Lin Feng's direction immediately, with agility!

It was completely different from the hell undead and hell water demon undead he had encountered just now.

Lin Feng locked his target on the six-armed hell water demon undead monster.


At the moment when the six-armed hell water demon undead monster attacked itself, it opened its mouth and swallowed it whole!

It's a bit like, my own egg beast!

The remaining 9 hell water demon undead monsters all attacked in the direction of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng immediately converted his Death Scythe into the Four Death Swords!

It also attacked the remaining 9 hell water demon undead monsters!

At this moment, Lin Feng waved the death scythe in his hand!

Make your own moves!

Guardian Angel Cross!

Facing the heads of the 9 hell water monsters and undead monsters running towards him, four rays of light appeared in the air from the dark golden light.

Before these hell water demons and undead monsters came back to their senses, their heads had already fallen to the ground.

But, the next second...

Their heads have reappeared!

With this powerful regenerative ability, Lin Feng didn't know what to do for a while...

no solution anymore!

Lin Feng once again released the skills he just learned today!

Ice Flame!

I saw the blue flame-like flowers blooming directly, covering them like waves.

Swish Swish Swish!

A continuous stream of black smoke came out of it...

It looked as if his own moves had melted these undead hell water demons.

The blood volume began to drop down...


Finally dying!

Lin Feng once again waved the death scythe in his hand, and hooked it in the direction of the hell water demon undead!.

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