National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 63 The Knight Of Instant Flow - Meng Wang

A bunch of skills were thrown out, and the opponent's pet didn't lose a drop of blood. What a defense!

It was surprising.

But now the opponent has a skill, they directly die 25 people!

what hurt?

Simply horrible!

"I'm going, why is this person attacking like this?"

"The pet's defense is so high! It doesn't break the defense at all! Missed? No, the attack should have hit."

"I'm sure, it really hit."

"Why do you think about this? We've been taken for granted~!"

For a moment, the team was in chaos. Although they had cooperated before and everyone was familiar with it, they had never encountered such a situation.

But at this time, Hot Pot with Red Wine suddenly hesitated, killing 25 of them with one skill, this damage has already surpassed any player he knew.

I always hear in the game forums that some players say that their attack is high, or that they are very powerful.

That was all false, and now he saw it with his own eyes, the damage was surprisingly high!

At this time, there are still some players with high psychological quality.

Another archer took the opportunity to attack Xiao Hei, which was a skill attack, but saw two arrows flying out of his hand and directly hitting Xiao Hei.



This time it caused damage, but for Xiao Hei with hundreds of thousands of blood, it was almost insignificant.

As a result, the shooter was sprayed with a slug of ice by Xiao Hei, but it was... an instant kill!

This time, the players who originally planned to besiege and display excitement hesitated

"Hit? It seems that the damage is not enough, you can't die, run... so many people, are you scared away by one person?"

"Don't hesitate, he must have used the most powerful skills, powerful skills have a high cooldown time, take this opportunity, kill him!" At this time, Hot Pot with Red Wine shouted quickly.

Hot Pot with Sprite said loudly: "Yes, everyone, don't think too much, use the control skills first, control him, we can kill him with a normal skill alone!"

"It's dangerous!" At this moment, Lin Feng, who was standing there, suddenly rushed forward. Although he couldn't see anyone around him, he knew that several killers had disappeared.

Just as Lin Feng disappeared, three assassins appeared and stabbed him from behind at the same time, but they were all missed!

Three misses!

After getting out of danger, Lin Feng didn't stop. Instead, he ran more than ten meters quickly, facing the group of 20 people in the other direction, and launched a death charge.

"Boom!" As if a truck was running over, the group of players who had gathered were knocked to the sides by Lin Feng.

However, before they landed, they had already turned into white light, 10 elemental mages, 5 summoners and 5 rangers were all instantly killed!

Frozen world!

At this time, Xiao Hei also rushed into the largest group of people. It was Hot Pot and Red Wine who led 19 swordsmen and 10 assassins who were hiding in the dark.

Unfortunately, Xiao Hei stopped him.

Immediately, with Xiao Hei as the center, a huge black light curtain appeared in the sky, and the ice fell on these people, directly causing all 30 people to freeze and unable to move





These people are considered to be the highest level in the 100-person team, and they are also the core of the guild for this hot pot with red wine belt, and they are also good at PK.

He is currently the strongest in Hot Pot City in all aspects, and as a result... Xiao Hei has one skill, and his HP is cleared to zero.

Kill all!

"My mother, what hurt? What kind of harm is this?"

In a blink of an eye, out of 100 people, there were only 16 people who were left with hot pot and Sprite, and they were all stunned.

At this time, when Lin Feng finished killing a batch, he had already run to the 16 players including Hot Pot and Sprite, and directly cast Bleeding Fog




There is no need to have 14 seconds left, one second...all dead!

At this time, in the distance, the players watching the fun were also stunned!


One person, one pet, several skills, all instantly killed!

It's normal to be stunned, because most players are ordinary occupations, and they get 5 free attribute points when they upgrade by 1 level.

At level 20, even if you add all of your physique, the bonus of your physique to your health is probably X20, and your own health is 2000, plus the additional defense of a silver armor is only two or three hundred.

Lin Feng's skill damage is several thousand, and Xiao Hei's skill damage is tens of thousands. For ordinary players who are around level 20 at this stage, or even 25 levels higher, it is catastrophic

Most of the players watching the excitement are also at this stage.

Seeing the results of the players in Hot Pot City, most people thought that if they passed by themselves, they would die.

Because the reality is that the 100 people in the hot pot city in front of me were killed by one person, and it didn't even take a minute!

Lin Feng looked around, most of the players in Hot Pot City didn't drop their equipment, some of them lost more than 20 pieces of bronze equipment and 10 pieces of silver equipment.

In the few days since the game was launched, some players have killed a lot. Then the game forum concluded that there is no red name mechanism in the second world,

How many people have been killed in the wild, the names have not changed, and nothing has been wanted. Killing people in the main city will not be famous, but they will be quickly killed by soldiers in the main city.

Regardless of whether the player has killed someone or not, there is a certain probability of dropping equipment after death. As for the probability, no one has concluded yet.

However, getting 10 silver equipment today made Lin Feng very happy, at least not for nothing.

"This is good. No wonder many people like to kill people. The explosion rate is higher than that of any boss." Afterwards, Lin Feng put away the 10 pieces of silver equipment on his own.

Then he chose to reveal his name, and didn't say much to explain the slander by the people of Hot Pot City, and directly summoned the tall and gorgeous twin guardian unicorns.

Jumping up, the unicorn quickly ran to the depths of the bone forest...

If someone cares about reputation, maybe he can explain and explain the real situation.

But Lin Feng felt that it was unnecessary, and the explanation was a sign of fear. Since the face was torn apart, there was no need to explain.

Showing the name of "Meng Wang" is to make the people in Hot Pot City fear him. Deterrence is far more practical than explanation.

At the same time, this battle also gave Lin Feng confidence, that is, as long as he is not controlled, players at this stage will not threaten him at all.

Don't be afraid... what else is there to hide?

Running until there were no players, Lin Feng looked at the time in the game, only six hours had passed, and in reality it was only eight o'clock at night.

Then, he looked at the task of changing races

Quest: Journey to Heaven, Road to Light

Explanation: Players enter the heaven and complete the test, then they can be reborn and achieve extraordinary achievements.

Failure: Lost the opportunity to enter the core management of Guangming Shengjiao

Success: Achievement of the angelic race, have the opportunity to enter the Holy Cult of Light, the reward depends on the situation.

Now, are you going to heaven?

Lin Feng thought about it, but in the end he didn't choose to enter.

Having gone through the test of Murong Wuwu, Lin Feng already has experience. There may be a test similar to the Nine Passes of the Dragon Gate when changing the race. The last time the monster was not strengthened, I let myself take a loophole.

But this time the monster is enhanced, if he encounters it like last time, he will definitely suffer a lot.

Therefore, this time Lin Feng decided to make preparations, at least he had to get a few boss servants, otherwise he would not feel at ease.

...asking for flowers...

After making up his mind, Lin Feng started to look for the boss in the bone forest...

When Lin Feng was looking for the boss, the players in Longyuan City blew up the game official website forum in Huaxia District.

It's only been a few days since the server was launched, and most people are in the teens. The upgrade in the guild is faster, and it's only in the twenties.

During this period, even if it is a hidden profession, in fact, the data gap between it and the ordinary profession is not too big, because someone has specifically compared it.

Just like that, there was actually a person who fought against 100 people and killed all 100 people with their pets in seconds. And from the beginning to the end, this person did not shed a drop of blood.

Many players in Hot Pot City even directly contacted the official website of the game to start reporting. They were not from Hot Pot City. Some players felt a sense of crisis and started to report one after another.

The two posts directly became the hottest discussion

1. Who is the cute player king? One person kills 100 people in seconds. Is he the game GM?

2. One person killed 100 people, and the official website responded that everything was reasonable. Is it because the official website is protecting players?

The comments on the first post were the most lively, because this post had the clearest video of Lin Feng fighting at that time, which was recorded.

From the beginning of the dialogue until Lin Feng kills someone and finally leaves, the dialogue between the players is very clear, and the battle screen is also very clear.

"Nimma, it's crazy. I'm from Hot Pot City. Just now, our boss took us and said to kill a person. I think hundreds of people just kill one person. After walking around, the result... …At the beginning of the fight, I only had time to use a fireball technique, and then I was f*cked by that cute king with a cross blade."

"I was watching the show in Longyuan City. I was a little closer, and I was almost touched by the bloody mist of Meng Wang. Fortunately, I ran fast. That skill is really terrifying. It killed all the people in Hot Pot City in a second. It lasted for 15 seconds after that, that is to say, this skill still does continuous damage in a large area, and it can’t deal tons of damage in these 15 seconds? It’s not human!”


The Second World Bai Xiaosheng: "I have a rumor that Meng Wang is likely to be the number one master of fantasy, Fengshen, because Fengshen is the strongest sword fairy in fantasy, and he happens to be good at swordsmanship. This skill is very strong. It has been confirmed that Fengshen has entered Second world."

Bai Xiaosheng and his senior brother: "The upstairs is wrong. As far as I know, Fengshen is not in Longyuan City, he is in Longyu City. This is probably the game GM."

My sister is not a girl: "What a handsome little brother, one person singles out a group, my sister likes this kind of fierce man.

Five-year-old doll kiss: "Meng Wang, this is the characteristic name of our guild. My doll group wants it. If anyone dares to snatch it, this loli will cry for you."

Little milk dragon: "Baby, you are late, Brother Meng Wang has formed an alliance with my Seven Dragon Palace."

Red Dragon Out of the East: "Master Baby! Are you short of a vice president? Take me to the 3000 brothers and sisters of the Red Dragon Regiment and surrender immediately.

Grandma Xiongba: "If Brother Mengwang is willing to come, the monthly salary is 1 million, and the position of vice president is reserved for you."

Hurrah Little Demon Fairy: "Whether he is a GM or not, Brother Meng Wang, do you want to establish a guild? As long as you establish it, I will be the first to join. If nothing else, just teach me how to catch babies. That pet is awesome. All I need is a pet that is one-tenth of a cow."

"Have you noticed... He uses skills similar to those of a knight. When he left, he was a pure white unicorn of the light department. And there used to be a PK master in Longyuan City, who was always one-shot. The attack is violent. And that knight is the second flow knight.

"In the duel arena, I was killed by the instant knight. Although he is wearing a mask now, I feel that it should be him. The method of using the cross-cut skill is a bit like the skill that killed me."

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