National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 65 Hidden Dungeon: Defense Of The Sky Winged City

Michael said flatly: "Only one person can see me. You can come here and have the opportunity to become my spokesperson in the world. I allow you to see more."

Later, Lin Feng saw some information about Michael.


Race: Angel Race · Seraphim

Position: Archangel, the supreme commander of the angel army, and the commander of all the angels in the world.

"I'll go! This position is a bit bluffing!" Lin Feng was surprised, and couldn't help asking: "You said that you can command all angels, and that includes other Seraphim?"

Michael said flatly: "In peacetime, we perform our duties and do not interfere with each other. In times of war, I am the chief soldier and the supreme commander, commanding all angels, including them."

"How many Seraphs in total? Are there any other humans coming here?" Lin Feng asked again.

Michael: "You don't need to know, because if you fail in your test, you will lose the road to the strong. If you succeed, the library of God will be open for you.

After he finished speaking, a reminder suddenly appeared in front of Lin Feng.

"Mission: Archangel Michael's test, because of the city defense battle.

Explanation: Seven Seraphs jointly created the fantasy city "City of Sky Wings" to test the human beings who will become their spokespersons in the world.

The task is completed: successfully clear the customs, get the approval of Michael, and become a seraphim with the same blood as Michael.

Mission failure: If you die more than five times in the Skywing City, or if the Skywing City is destroyed, you will be sent back to the human world if you fail to clear the customs, and you will not be able to enter the core ruling layer of the Holy Cult of Light.

Whether to accept the test:

1. Accept

2. Do not accept

"I don't even need to think about it, of course I accept it." Lin Feng chose directly.

Afterwards, he disappeared directly into the hall.

In an instant, Lin Feng appeared on the wall of a city.

Hidden copy: City of Sky Wings

Requires: Guardian of Light

Clearance conditions for the mission dungeon: Help the defenders of the Sky Winged City to resist 7 waves of undead creatures and defend the Sky Winged City. Killing undead creatures will get mission points. The higher the points, the higher the degree of completion and the higher the rewards.

"Players have half an hour to prepare, and the first wave of undead creatures will strike after half an hour."

After the introduction of the light curtain, Lin Feng heard the game prompt at the same time.

"Half an hour to prepare, it seems that this monster invasion is not ordinary!" Lin Feng said in his heart: "Get to know the strength of the soldiers defending the city, don't let me defend it by myself, if I am myself, a few thousand undead creatures come, I will Absolutely dead.

Thinking in his heart, Lin Feng looked around, intending to understand the specific situation of the soldiers.

But at this time, when he saw a person more than ten meters away, he showed a look of surprise.

Because, he saw that Murong Wuwu also came!

"How did you get in?" Lin Feng walked over, looked at Murong Wuwu in surprise and asked, "Yes...I helped you complete the racial mission, so you were also brought in by me?"

"Murong Wuwu" frowned slightly, and then said flatly: "First, I don't like men, stay away from me. Second, although I don't know your name, I'm sure you are a player, don't use such clumsy methods to strike up a conversation .”

"Third, don't disturb me to do the task, if I fail because of you, I will make you disappear from the game forever."

"Ugh!" Lin Feng was a little startled, his character suddenly became a bit exaggerated!

He knows Murong Wuwu a little bit, and usually chatting with him is a bit silly, and he won't change his face suddenly. And this one... speaks coldly, thinks clearly, and is... fierce!

"Murong Wuwu, do you know him?" Lin Feng tried to ask.

"Who are you? What is your relationship with her?" The girl looked at Lin Feng and asked directly.

"It seems that they know each other. It's the other twin who met that day? But that one seems to speak normally, not so cold. What's more, he should also know me." Lin Feng thought.

He said: "She and I are college classmates. We played games together for a few days a while ago. Are you triplets?"

The indifference in the girl's eyes was lessened, and it was so flat: "Are you the game teacher he invited, Lin Feng?"

"It's me, it seems that you are really sisters, you look too much alike." Lin Feng was a little embarrassed. After all, he is only familiar with Murong Wuwu, and he is not familiar with the other two at all.

"I'm Murong Yiyi, her sister. The name of the game is Murong Xiaoyi, please call me by the name of the game in the future! Also, share the mission of the game. Maybe we can cooperate."

"Although they are exactly the same, their personalities are really different." Lin Feng thought. He said directly: "I want to become an angel clan, I have to clear this dungeon, I have to go through 7 waves of monsters, and I will be successful if I defend the city of Tianyi. What about you?"

"Same." Murong Yiyi said: "Since this is the case, we can cooperate. Then let me tell you, my general attack is relatively high, and I am good at group battles. What about you?"

Lin Feng said: "I am good at single-target attack and healing, as well as increasing defense, and I belong to the knight type."

"Well, after the war, you will assist me and protect me." Murong Yiyi said.

"Okay." Lin Feng nodded. Then the expression suddenly became weird again.

Because, the same face, the same good figure. Murong Wuwu was like a silly girl listening to her command, while Murong Yiyi didn't give him a chance to speak at all, and commanded the whole process with confidence and calmness.

Lin Feng didn't refute it either. After all, they were doing tasks anyway. As long as they could be completed, it would be easier for someone to think for him.

What's more, if you don't say that you are an apprentice death god, his light guardian's attack methods are indeed not enough. In comparison, he can recover blood and give him a state.

At this time, Lin Feng said: "Would you like to go outside the city together? The mission is that the undead creatures will attack after 30 minutes. It should be a world for us to observe the surrounding environment." 17

"Okay." Then, the two left the city wall.

Lin Feng found that this city is not too big, about one-tenth the size of Longyuan City. It looks like the European style, with a sense of Western European magic.

The city wall is about one hundred meters high, surpassing all the buildings in the city, and more than ten meters wide, which looks very thick.

At this time, there were also many soldiers on the city wall, and there were roughly a thousand soldiers in the north where Lin Feng was located.

And when he and Murong Yiyi entered this dungeon, they both got an identity, which belonged to the officers of Tianyi City.

They left the city wall, and no one stopped or questioned them.

At this moment, the people in the city were still talking and laughing, not knowing the disaster they were about to face. Soldiers with long-handled battle axes patrolled the city.

At this time the city gates were not closed, Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi left the city naturally.

The city gate was guarded by soldiers, and those who entered were interrogated, but Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi were not stopped and went in and out normally.

As soon as he walked out, Murong Yiyi said: "I read it just now, if there is no too powerful magic, it is difficult to break the city wall, and now I am level 35, which is also the minimum requirement for me to enter heaven, I must be level 35 to come here."

"Your maximum will not exceed level 40. The mysterious person who is currently the highest level in the Huaxia District of the Second World is only 40. He is also currently the highest level in the world."

"This shows that the monsters we will face will not be too strong. The possibility of the city wall closing down is not high.

Or climb up the top of the city wall and enter. But we can't guard against the latter two, so the main thing we have to do is to guard the city gate. "

"I know your game ID is Meng Wang. Sisi told me that you don't need to hide how many levels. Anyway, the highest level is 40, which is nothing to me."

"Okay!" Lin Feng shrugged slightly, showing his message

Player Name: Mengwang

Level: 40

Murong Yiyi, who was originally calm, showed some surprise: "You are number one on the ranking list?"

"For the time being." Lin Feng smiled: "Currently the second level in China is level 31. Without you, it seems that you are also hidden, right? But you can hide so that you don't appear on the leaderboard

Very powerful. "

"I didn't hide it, because I'm not in Huaxia District." Murong Yiyi said truthfully: "I'm relieved that you are level 40, so I don't need to take you with me."

"Not in Huaxia District! What do you mean? You can't be abroad, right?" Lin Feng wondered.

Murong Yiyi nodded: "Yes, I'm in the European Union area, and I'm temporarily ranked number one. I don't know why we can enter the same instance across borders. There are too many mysteries in this game.

At present, players may not even explore 1%. Go around the city ten times to see if there are any weak spots.

"It's an illusion, but if it's a real game city, it's impossible that there hasn't been a war. If it's not sure, there may be cracks. If it is attacked by undead creatures, it will catch the city by surprise. 17

Then, the back of the black silk forehead armor that Murong Yiyi was wearing suddenly seemed to be like a mechanism, a pair of black metal wings spread out, flew more than three meters into the air, and flew away with a whoosh.

"This woman is trying to test me, but her speed is really fast. If I run, I won't be able to catch up." Lin Feng's mouth curled up slightly, and he directly displayed the skill of protecting the unicorn.

Gemini Guardian Unicorn appeared, and Lin Feng rode it directly: "Shuanger, catch up, don't overtake, just follow."

"Whoosh!" A white line flickered, and the speed of the pair exploded. Originally, because of Murong Yiyi's fast flying, the two sides were separated by more than 30 meters. But for Shuang'er, this distance seems to be non-existent, and it is getting closer in a blink of an eye.

Murong Yiyi was flying three meters above the ground, and she had no intention of flying high. It just so happened that Shuang'er is now more than three meters high, and the two sides are even.

"Hi!" The guardian unicorn ran to Murong Yiyi's side, Lin Feng smiled and waved. .

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