National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 77 Guardian Of Light Vs. Holy Feather Sniper God

At this time, it was half past nine in the night, and many people were still awake. Not only the game's official website notification, but also a message for the players in the game: "Live broadcast of the battle for the Son of Light. Do you want to open it?"

When Murong Yiyi left the Gabriel Hall, she received a special mission to hide her profession. She originally planned to meet Lin Feng and visit the Paradise City together, but she didn't have time, so she had to leave first.

But at this moment, when the mission was taking a break, Murong Yiyi suddenly saw this message, and then clicked on it.

At this time, the live broadcast was mainly on Lin Feng and the four of them. On the contrary, the three Guangming Archbishops, the Pope, and the audience on the stage were all blurred, making it difficult to distinguish the surroundings.

However, there were shouts and lively atmosphere in the live broadcast, as well as the vast and grand arena, which already attracted most players.

All four of Lin Feng's heads displayed the player's name. For some reason, his Light Guardian Star Ring covered up the others, but at this time, it was impossible to hide the name. But since he killed 100 people in Hot Pot City to reveal the player's name, he is no longer afraid of this.

Among the players nowadays, there is nothing he is afraid of, and there is nothing to cover up. Unless it's.....maybe doing bad things, such as grabbing a BOSS in the future.

"Moe's him!"

When she saw the name and then saw Lin Feng's face, Murong Yiyi couldn't help being surprised.

Murong Yiyi thought: "It seems that he received a lot of goods this time, and he went directly to compete for the position of the Son of Light. Although he doesn't know much about the Son of Light, since the entire game world is live broadcasting, it shows that this event is not simple. "

Later, she sent a message to Lin Gang.

At the same time, Murong Wuwu, who was still near Longyuan City and directed Yuanyang Dragon King Xiaobai to fight monsters, also saw the news.

After opening it, she couldn't help being surprised: "Hey! It's the teacher! The battle for the Son of Light is actually a live broadcast of the entire game world. Now, the teacher has directly won 893 places!

Then, she thought: "After that, can he still lead me to level up? What if a group of people add him as friends, or chase after him when they see him, what should I do?"

Suddenly, Murong Wuwu was caught in a tangle, hesitated for a few seconds, and sent a message to Lin Feng

At the same time, the Qilongdian, Tianxiahui, Hot Pot City and other Huaxia Grand Guilds all saw it.

Naturally, on the forum of the game official website in Huaxia District of the Second World, Mengwang's name soon appeared on the hottest discussion list.

Meng Wang, who single-handedly killed the 100 masters in Hot Pot City, was actually on the live broadcast of the game world! This is the first time I have seen the live broadcast of players PK on the official website.

The second floor: "This is the first time I have seen a live broadcast of player duels in the game. How exciting this duel is! No, I won't upgrade, I must watch the live broadcast.

The third floor: "This building looks like that of ancient Rome, the other three are from the West, and only Meng Wang is from China. Cheer for Meng Wang, kill those three, and win the title of the strongest!"

Fourth floor: "That foreign girl is so beautiful, I really envy Meng Wang. It seems that only by being the strongest person can you be the best girl."

The fifth floor: "Damn, brother upstairs, you are crooked! I only care about what the hotpot city thinks now."

The sixth floor: "Same as above, I thought I was an expert player, but I didn't expect to provoke someone I can't afford. How did it end?"

Great Bright Holy City Arena

Lin Feng received messages from seven people directly, and of course only added seven friends so far.

Murong Xiaoyi: "Congratulations, you are about to become the Holy Son of Light, and the harvest this time is not small."

Murong Xiaowu: "Teacher, did you say that the task you have done recently is to become the Holy Child? You are popular, do you know? The whole game world is watching your live broadcast.

Zulong: "I wish you a triumphant return."

Shuilong: "Brother Meng Wang, you are amazing! Your name is going to be on the hot search list."

Big Bad Dragon: "Get rid of those three foreigners, brother Wang, come on!"

Fire Dragon.......


Looking at the news, Lin Feng first made a joke with Murong Wuwu: "Maybe it's really popular this time, and my strength doesn't allow me to keep a low profile."

Responding to Murong Yiyi's message: "The harvest is indeed not small. When I have time to talk about Gabriel and Michael, I found out that they have an enmity. We should not have any enmity. It's hard to think about letting a person like you think about killing me every day." Scary."

The other five people also responded to the message.

Lin Feng looked around, and then whispered to the player with two swords, Sword and Oath, "Brother, I look around, you are all from Oumen, is that... the headquarters of the Great Bright Holy City?" Is it on Omen's side?"

Sword and Oath smiled and said: "Yes, everyone knows that the second world is based on the earth and belongs to the earth that is enlarged by a hundred times. Corresponding to the geographical location, the Holy City of Great Light is located in Oumen. It seems that this friend, You don't live here. You ask, looking at your appearance, do you live in Huaxia?"

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded: "You are better than that grandson, it is best to meet him and kill him once."

"Hmph! I am the second in Oumen's rating list, the second in the God of War list, and the first in the popularity list. Here, what are you? You still want to kill me, and you are the one who fails in the end." At this time, the light of glory coldly said with a snort.

"It's the first time I've seen you, and the second place is enough to show off. You're still comparing yourself to me when you're second in ten thousand years." Lin Feng curled his lips.

"Hehehe..." At this time, the blond western beauty "Glacier of Noon Ri" laughed, but she spoke fluent Chinese: "Mengwang, you are so interesting, in Omen, There are almost no people who dare to scold Glory, and they scold at such a level.

"I know some catchphrases in your Huaxia, just compare and talk! Biaozi, there are many more, we can discuss them when we have a chance. Because my university majors in Chinese and Chinese studies. My friend is the first in the ranking list, just that Murong Little one."

As she spoke, she sat down next to Lin Feng and whispered, "That man is very arrogant, but I dare not scold him. The Glory Guild is the strongest in Oumen, so I can't afford it."

"I actually know Murong Yiyi."

The other party approached suddenly, with a faint fragrance of flowers (ceaa), which made Lin Feng's heart beat faster. He glanced at the beautiful woman beside him, with sword-pointed ears, and an outrageous appearance. He pretended to be calm and said: "You are an elf ?”

"Yes, Hundred Flowers Elf." Noon's Glacier smiled and said: "My skills are very beautiful. If you have the opportunity, you can form a team to fight monsters, but don't be attracted by my skills, you will be killed by monsters instead!"

"Ah! This possibility is not high."

At this time, the game prompt sounded: "2 minutes are up, please draw lots.

Afterwards, there was an envoy who placed a stick in front of the four of them.

The four draw lots separately.

Lin Feng took a look: "1."

At this time, a light curtain appeared in front of him.

1. Moe King

2. The Light of Glory

3. Sword and Oath

4. The glacier at noon

1 battle 4: Meng Wang vs. the glacier at noon

2 vs. 3: Glory vs. Sword and Oath

"Let's duel!" Noon Glacier looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said helplessly: "I still want to be the first to kill that Glory Light! It's a pity."

As soon as the two finished speaking, their figures flew away from the original place at the same time, and then appeared in the huge duel field, separated by more than 50 meters.

Noon's Bing Chuan smiled wryly and said: "It's too bad luck, I wanted to team up with you to fight monsters! But I started PK first, and killed you later, won't you be angry?"

Up to now, she still speaks Chinese, which makes Lin Feng more fond of her. The other party is not Chinese, and the game can also automatically translate, but he still speaks Chinese, this kind of politeness

Nature is still good.

It's just... Are all women so confident?

Lin Feng said helplessly: "You two are really worthy of being friends, both of you are confident enough. My level is higher, so you should act first!"

He is currently level 44, not only the highest level in China, he feels that he may be the highest level in the second world.

The glacier in Wuri is much lower than him, currently only level 30. In her eyes, she is talented, and in the eyes of others, this is considered a rapid upgrade.

"Then you have to be careful, I am a hidden professional holy feather sniper god, if you let me attack first, you may not even have a chance to return the phone, but... I don't think I will take advantage of this, I may lose, yours Confidence makes me want to strike first."

After finishing speaking, a gorgeous rose suddenly appeared on the right hand of the glacier in the afternoon, and then directly drew the big bow in his hand.

Guard the Light Array!

In an instant, Lin Feng was protected by a transparent light array with a range of 10 meters, which displayed more than 8,000 points.

At this time, about 50 meters away, in the hands of Wuri Glacier, an arrow with barbs and small rose petals resembling airflow has appeared.

2 seconds later

The arrow flew out directly, and the distance between the two sides was 50 meters. In the blink of an eye, it was approaching Lin Feng, and hit the guardian light array with a bang.


Lin Feng was surprised when the protective array was consumed.

What surprised him was not the opponent's attack, but...the attack distance of 50 meters!

Lin Feng has observed that for ordinary players, the attack distance is generally 20 meters, and most skills are also 20 meters. For example, his current skills are mostly at this distance.

So far, he is only able to kill less than 5% of creatures across a hundred meters.

And the skill of the glacier in the afternoon is 50 meters directly. This is superior to most players, especially against players, it is almost impossible to hit the opponent, and the opponent may attack N times first, fly a kite, and die alive.

"Come again." Lin Feng made a gesture of invitation.

"Your defense is very strong." As he spoke, another arrow flew out from the hands of Noon Glacier.

Naturally, it wasn't instant, but she was already preparing for the second attack when she finished the first attack just now. Obviously not an ordinary player, he reacted quickly, and at the same time had a high sense of combat.

"Boom!" A pink arrow hit the guard formation, and countless pink petals were scattered around. Then directly form a range of more than ten meters.


20% slower!

At this time, Noon's Glacier has already started preparing for the third skill, but her originally confident eyes are a little more unconfident....

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