National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 80 This Pet Is A Bit Fierce

"Whoosh!" Lin Feng, who was three times faster, directly reached more than 300 points, and his speed was three times faster. At the same time, because of the light of glory, he also rushed towards Lin Feng.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Feng rushed forward, and the big sword in his hand directly slashed at the body of the light of glory.


Lin Feng's angel race, even if they don't turn into angel form, they already have a passive increase in human form.

Let Lin Feng's physical attack = intelligence X4, now he has 120 points of intelligence, the physical attack of the pure white board is 480, and the gold-level knight lightsaber increases the physical attack by 500. That is, physical attacks can hit 980

The gold-level knight's lightsaber increases the magic attack by 200, and his magic attack is 480 when the board is blank, a total of 680. After he transforms, the magic attack is increased by 3 times, which increases the magic attack to 2040.

The light of protection has increased his magic attack by 50% for his normal attack, which naturally allows him to directly hit 2000 magic attacks with a single basic attack.

"In one blow, the Glory Light only lost 100 points of HP, not even one-tenth of his HP. Almost one-fifteenth, this person's HP is about 15,000. At the same time, the magic resistance is about 1,000." Around nine."

With one attack, Lin Feng measured out the defense of the Light of Glory. This defense is already close to him, which is already very strong. After all, the opponent is level 34. Even if he wears the gold suit, he is only at level 30. From this, it can be seen that the opponent's race increase is very high.

"Boom!" All of a sudden, the ground within a radius of 20 meters centered on the light of glory cracked open, and countless huge ground thorns directly burst out of the ground. twenty four


Lin Feng was directly hit by a ground thorn, and his body couldn't help rushing upwards, losing blood at the same time.

"This is a magic attack, not too strong." Lin Feng calculated quickly.

But at this time, the ten-meter-long giant sword in the hands of the light of glory, who was in the ground thorn, directly slashed at Lin Feng. When chopping vertically, the stone sword emitted gray light, and its speed increased sharply.

"Whoosh!" Already aware of the opponent's attack, Lin Feng didn't want to resist any more. He stomped on the ground and rushed to the side for more than ten meters. The giant sword directly sliced ​​through the air from his side.


Lin Feng landed on the ground, and at this moment, Glory's right hand clenched the great sword tightly, while his left hand clenched a fist, hitting the ground directly.

"Not good!" At the critical moment, Lin Feng directly cast the guardian star shield.

"Boom!" A layer of invisible ripples spread, bombarding Lin Feng in an instant.

"The stun state is added to the body, and the guardian star shield offsets the negative state."

At that time, Lin Feng was prompted.


The damage was caused, but at this moment Lin Feng pretended to be in a daze.


At this time, Glory's eyes were full of joy. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he directly grasped the big sword with both hands, and the big sword burst out with dazzling golden light. The light was so strong that players watching the live broadcast couldn't see it clearly.

"It's time to use the big move!"

"Powerful skills!"

"Meng Wang is in danger!"

"Huh!" The giant sword fell, and just when the giant sword was about to hit Lin Feng's head directly, Lin Feng, who was in a "dizzy" state, suddenly raised his head and smiled.

Guard counter attack!

Suddenly, he raised the big sword in his hand, blocked it directly above his head, and hit the golden big sword that was slashing down vertically.

The golden light struck down, approaching the top of Lin Feng's head, and suddenly rebounded directly, showing a golden vertical sword light.

It rose obliquely to the sky, and shot through the heart of the light of glory in an instant!

The strongest attack of the Light of Glory and Lin Feng's protective counterattack combined to erupt.


A huge amount of damage exploded, and the blood volume of the Light of Glory dropped by 90% immediately!

"Why is it so high!" Light of Glory was shocked: "This is a powerful attack that can kill me instantly. Fortunately, my racial characteristics have a chance once a day. When I suffer a fatal blow, I will retain 10% of my life. Die straight away!"

He knew that Lin Feng instantly killed the glacier in Wuri, but the glacier in Wuri was only level 30. Although he couldn't see the exact amount of blood and blood loss, it was estimated that the amount of blood was more than three or four thousand.

And when he returned to the race "mountain giant" form, his blood volume was 15,000, he never expected his blood volume to drop so much suddenly!

"Damn it! Meng Wang hurts!"

"Light of Glory almost lost its HP!"

"As expected of a one-sword knight, this attack is really fierce!"

"It's really hard not to see it without skills, and it scares people to death!"

At this time, the players were surprised again.

After all, after the Light of Glory transforms, just looking at the image alone, it feels much stronger than the birthday glacier defense that he played against Lin Wang earlier.

Even so, they were beaten by Lin Feng until their blood volume dropped so much. They can't see the specific number of points, but they can see that the blood bar drops by 90%.

"Damn, this grandson is not dead, I should be able to kill him instantly!" At the same time, Lin Feng was also surprised at this time.

Because now his Guardian Counterattack can directly burst out nearly 40,000 damage, and the skill cast by the opponent should be a very powerful skill, and it was also rebounded by him.

Adding up the two attacks, it is impossible to cause more than 10,000 damage.

"It may be this guy's race or some kind of passivity, so that he will not receive fatal instant kill damage, so that he can retain part of the damage. Since he is not dead now, continue to fill him up."

Thinking of this, Lin Feng planned to use the Guardian Cross Slash to take away the last blood of the Glory Light.

But at this moment, the light of glory retreated quickly, and a huge magic door also appeared beside it.

"Huh!" A giant dragon more than ten meters long rushed out of the Might and Magic Gate.

This giant dragon is brown all over, has three heads, all of which have single horns, and looks a bit hideous in appearance.

As soon as it rushed out, the giant dragon flew towards Lin Feng, soaring more than ten meters above him, and its head in the middle shot out a large ball of flames directly towards the forest area.

Rare Three-Headed Devil Dragon

Level: Level 30

"Rare baby dragon!" Lin Feng was slightly surprised, and then quickly moved sideways to avoid the dragon's fire damage.

Of course he is not afraid of being burned to death, even if it is equivalent to a pet of a rare boss, but it is only level 30, this kind of him has killed many.

He was just afraid that the flames would cover his sight, and the pet would be sending out more powerful combos or combos combined with the light of glory.

The opponent is not only a special race, but also a hidden profession, maybe even has a powerful ultimate move.

"Haha... No matter how strong your attack is, it's useless. I have a rare pet, which is equivalent to a level 30 rare boss. Even if I let you fight, you can't kill me in a short time, and my Pets can kill you." At this time, the light of glory, which quickly retreated, laughed wildly.

"Stop talking, I guarantee you will die in the next second." Lin Feng curled his lips and said, "You think you are the only one who has it? I have it too."

Then, he snapped his fingers and summoned the pet directly.

"Huh!" Xiao Hei, the small and cute Lunar Dragon King, flew out of the Might and Magic Gate.

"Yeah!" Xiao Hei rushed out and shouted happily, and then she suddenly showed a disgusted expression and looked at the three-headed devil dragon above her head.

"Cut! Such a small pet, are you funny? It looks like your Chinese dragon, and it looks weak. Just him, if he rushes up, he will be directly shot to death by my dragon." Light was still running, and turned back to laugh again.

Lin Feng also laughed at this time, the Light of Glory has been talking harshly. But this person is really careful, he is still running at this time!

"Xiao Hei, block that dragon, I'll kill that guy."

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng flew straight into the air, and then flew straight towards the Glory of Light. Although flying in battle consumes a lot of stamina, his speed will catch up to the Glory of Glory even faster in a few seconds.

At this time, Xiao Hei directly cast Frozen World.

A magic circle appeared on the top of the three-headed devil dragon, and the ice slag fell directly, and then it was frozen into an ice sculpture in an instant, and fell directly to the ground.


"How can the attack be so strong!" Glory Light who was running couldn't help being shocked when his pet suddenly suffered more than 10,000 points of damage.

The Light of Glory ran very fast. It had been running for four seconds since the pet was summoned, and it was about a hundred meters away from Lin Feng.

It's a pity that when Lin Feng took off, his speed was even faster, in just two seconds, he had already covered hundreds of meters, and in the blink of an eye, he flew to the top of the Light of Glory.

When Lin Feng approached the light of glory, the latter directly stimulated the ground with a sword again, and the air wave spread with a bang, directly bombarding Lin Feng's body.

"The stun state is added to the body, and the guardian star shield offsets the negative state."


Damage appeared on Lin Feng's body, but the guardian star shield is not afraid of this at all, Lin Feng has already flown in front of the light of glory.

Guard the Cross!

"Swipe!" The cross cut flew out and passed the exam of glory.


At that time, the blood volume of Glory Light was cleared to zero.


"Wow!" The white light flashed, and the three devil dragons and the light of glory turned into white light at the same time, and then appeared on the stands.

"Damn it!" As soon as he appeared, he punched the stone seat next to him fiercely: "My skills have many states, but I can't control him. I shouldn't let him use skills, I don't believe he has no flaws .”

On the side, Wu Ri's Bing Chuan said: "It's because you are too arrogant, Meng Wang has no flaws, fast speed, high attack, and strong defense.

"Hmph! Caitlin, don't pretend to be a novice with me. If it weren't for your brother, just refute me at you, and I will remove you from the second world." Glory Light said indifferently.

"You try." Noon's glacier showed an angry look on his beautiful face: "After this time, whether you can still be the president of Glory or not, you can still pretend to me, if you fail again, my brother will be the president Now, think about your future!"

The sword and oath on the side looked at the two of them, and thought: "It's not easy! That Meng Wang is not simple, it may be the very powerful president of Huaxia, and I will check it online later."

Thinking of himself as a lone ranger, it was normal for him not to be able to fight against the Light of Glory, so he felt relieved.

At this time, Lin Feng in the field had stood there for five seconds, but was not teleported away.

Thunderous applause erupted from the stands, and some NPCs even directly cheered the word "Holy Son", and some directly cheered "Seraphim". Obviously, the NPC understands the significance of Lin Feng's six-winged form better than the players.

Just half a minute later, Lin Feng's figure disappeared, but he did not appear in the stands.

"Let's talk to our future Holy Son." The old pope smiled slightly, and after he finished speaking, his figure disappeared.

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