National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 82 The Blood Of The Wizard, The Contract Variation Of The God Of Death

Surrounded by a group of people suddenly, it was like watching small animals in a zoo, and Lin Feng was taken aback!

"Damn, I can't bear it." Lin Feng spread his wings and rushed to the sky.

Until now, he has not released the angel form, after all, it can last for an hour. Moreover, many players saw it during the live broadcast, so it was useless to cover it up.

In fact, he had already thought that he might be surrounded, so he planned to fly away without transforming.

It's just that he completely underestimated the popularity of the second world, the number of players, and the impact of his own battle.

Lin Feng directly flew away from the original place, flew out of Longyuan City at high altitude, directly entered the woods, and then went offline directly.

From entering to now, it's almost 0 o'clock, and it's time to go to bed.

I took a shower, drank a carton of milk, and went to sleep...

Waking up in the morning, Lin Feng got up on time at the starting point, washed up, and went for a run as usual.

Lin Feng found that although the villa area covers a large area, it seems that there are not many people living there.

I seldom run, so I usually just walk the dog and go for a walk. There are only a few runners, and I am quite conspicuous here.

Therefore, instead of running in the villa complex, he went out for a run directly.

After running for more than half an hour, Lin Feng ran back to the villa area. When he passed by a villa, a man happened to be planning to enter the villa. Seeing the appearance of that person, Lin Feng was taken aback.

"Murong Wuwu! Does she live here?"

When Lin Feng looked there, that person also looked at Lin Feng.

"It's Murong Wuwu!" After meeting each other, Lin Feng was even more sure.

Although Murong Wuwu has more equipment in the game, her appearance has not changed at 497. Today's "Murong Wuwu" is wearing a blue dress, still tall and tall, with shawl and long hair.

The two of them formed a team together for a few days, and they were in the same class for a long time. Lin Feng was naturally sure that it was impossible for him to identify the wrong person.

"You live here?" Lin Feng stopped running, walked towards each other, and asked.

"Me? Are you?" "Murong Wuwu" asked doubtfully.

"Eh?" Looking at the other person's expression, it didn't look like a fake, Lin Feng tried to say again: "Murong Yiyi?"

"Huh? How do you know the names of Fifth Sister and Eldest Sister?" The girl's doubts turned into surprise, and then she frowned slightly and said, "I seem to have seen you in some video."

"Like, not yet, but it's not like the one next to Murong Wuwu I saw in the cafe that day." Lin Feng said, "Second World game video?"

"Yes, Meng Wang's battle video, I understand, you are Lin Feng, right? Wu Wu's college classmate." At this moment, the girl suddenly smiled, and said: "Hi, my name is Murong Er Er, ranked second among the sisters."

"Quadruplets!" Lin Feng exclaimed.

"No." Murong Er'er shook his head slightly: "We are quintuplets, do you also live in this villa? I have lived here for several years, and I have never seen you!"

"I just moved here." Lin Feng said. At this time, he was quite surprised. This was the first time he saw quintuplets, and they were five quintuplets with the same good figure and good looks.

Murong Er Er smiled and said: "Last time I told Wu Wu that I planned to ask you out for dinner, thank you for teaching Wu Wu to play games. She shouldn't have told you? How about it? Are you free this afternoon? We Have a meal together.” (ceaj)

"You don't have to thank me for playing games, he paid me back my tuition. But... sorry! I won't bring game students with me in the future, just so you can talk to Murong Wuwu!" Lin Feng smiled. .

Although they looked the same, he felt that the personalities of these people were obviously different. This Murong Er Er looked gentle, with a contagious smile.

But he has worked part-time since he was a child, and he has seen too many people. This kind of smile seems gentle, but it is actually a polite smile.

Moreover, when the other party said that he would invite him to dinner, his tone was too calm, and he couldn't feel the meaning of thanking him.

Coincidentally, I told Murong Wuwu face to face, after all, it was a bit embarrassing for me to be a classmate, so it would be easier to tell his second sister now.

Murong Er'er was a little surprised: "Isn't it great that you guys formed a team together? I heard that you even became game partners!"

"That!" Lin Feng said: "At that time, I helped him to do a task, and then got a pet. You need a game partner to make the pet grow. You may have misunderstood."

Murong Er'er still had a gentle smile: "Then as a classmate, moving to another community is considered fate, so let's have dinner in the afternoon!"

"What is this woman thinking?" Lin Feng was speechless, and then said: "Okay! What time?"

"Six in the afternoon!"

"Okay! I have to go back to have breakfast, let's go first!"

After speaking, Lin Feng left.

Although some are curious about what the quintuplets look like, especially five beautiful girls. But... I'm not familiar with each other. If the other party doesn't invite him, he will naturally not enter their villa

Back home, Lin Feng made egg soup and warmed up the biscuits bought outside.

After dinner, around eight o'clock, Lin Feng first went to the official website of the game to check.

He saw that there was also a video of his battle last night on the official website, but it was a live broadcast at that time, but now it is replayed. Watched the video for a few minutes.

Lin Feng thought: "It seems that the game is still intentionally hidden. There are only our battles, and there are no scenes other than the pope and the center of the battle field in the holy city of light. But this video is made like a movie with super special effects. , I turned out to be so handsome!" Lin Feng grinned.

Afterwards, he went to the game forum to look again. From last night to now, various posts are still discussing last night's battle, among which the name "Meng Wang" is naturally the most discussed

Those posts of the original Black Mengwang have long since disappeared, most of them are exaggerations, and there are speculations about the identity of the Mengwang.

After watching for ten minutes, there was nothing interesting, and then Lin Feng directly sat in the game cabin.

Looking at the game warehouse, Lin Feng used his mobile phone to place an order for a game warehouse with a price of up to 100,000 yuan on the official website of Second World Games, then lay down and entered the game...

As soon as Lin Feng entered, he appeared in the bone forest that he flew in earlier. Then Lin Feng put on the mask and ran into the depths of the bone forest.

This time the harvest was very big, when Lin Feng killed the Necromancer, Lin Feng didn't even look carefully at the details of the things that exploded, but just glanced at the names.

Afterwards, Lin Feng looked at what the Undead Wizard exploded.

Lich's Blood: After use, a player's skills can be mutated or advanced, limited to ordinary skills.

Lich Bracelet:

Grade: dark gold

Required level: 40


Dexterity +10

HP +500

"This intelligence has improved a lot! If it is an ordinary player, it is equivalent to their free attribute point of level 8. It is indeed a hidden gold weapon. And it may be because I entered the dungeon and adjusted it to level 40. The equipment here is all this stage."

Afterwards, Lin Feng directly equipped the Lich Bracelet. Speaking of which, he still doesn't have all the accessories on his body. Of the seven accessories, I only brought two.

"Looks like I need to find an opportunity. If I equip all the jewelry on my body, I can increase a lot of attributes." Lin Feng thought.

"It's quite magical to mutate or advance skills. What skills can be mutated?" Lin Feng directly used the blood of the lich, looked at his skills, but found that several skills were dark , cannot be used on it.

Remnant Blood Kill, Gate of Hell, Grim Reaper Form, Dragon Transformation, Starlight Resurrection, and Light/Dark Form cannot use this item.

"Others are fine, which skill should I use?" Lin Feng thought for a while, and finally chose Death's Contract.

Excluding talent, Death's Contract is Lin Feng's strongest skill in comparison.

Because 20 servants, if they are all BOSS, will make Lin Feng's strength much stronger.

And other skills, such as Hell and Sea of ​​Fire are very strong, but they can only last for 10 seconds. As for other offensive skills, they are almost gone after one use.

Then Lin Feng was selected.

"The contract of the god of death uses the blood of the lich, and it is undergoing mutation or advanced...

After waiting like this for five seconds, Lin Feng found that the name of his skill had changed, and at the same time, the specifics of the skill had also changed.

[Contract of All Souls Lv2] Consumes 1% of HP, and there is a 30% probability to sign a contract of all souls with creatures whose HP is lower than 10%, so as to subdue them into war servants and recruit them into the Space of All Souls. The number of souls in the Space of All Souls is limited to 20 . The war servant cannot exceed the caster's level 25, cannot be upgraded, cannot be advanced, and the dead cannot be resurrected automatically. Within 1 minute, the resurrection skill can revive it. The operation distance is 20 meters, and the cooldown is 10 seconds.

"It's cool this time! Can I use it in light form?"

Lin Feng quickly displayed the light form, and the skills in the trainee death column were all darkened, but at this time, the contract of all souls was not darkened, and it was obviously a skill that could be used!

"The nature of this skill has changed. It no longer belongs to the professional skill of the trainee Death God, nor does it belong to the skill of the dark attribute. This time the enhancement is more than a little bit."

The original contract of the god of death can only recover undead creatures. In front of NPCs of the light series, if he is in the form of light, he cannot use this skill.

For example, in the City of Sky Wings, he was also afraid of being seen by the angels, so he didn't use it.

But he is not afraid now, if he enters the City of Sky Wings this time, he can let go of the All Souls Contract. And from now on, any creature, he can recover as a war servant.

At the same time, the servant can be revived. As long as it is not refreshed within one minute, Lin Feng can use the starlight resurrection technique to revive his servant. This has been strengthened again, after all, his war servant has a BOSS, and it is quite distressing to die one.

"Now you don't have to be limited to hell, haha... you can go anywhere!" Lin Feng laughed. Then, he remembered his life unicorn heart.

"Evolve another skill."

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