National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 89 One Person Vs Over Three Thousand People!

Seeing Lin Feng standing there so calmly, some players in Hot Pot City were puzzled, while others scolded directly.

But so far no one has rushed forward. Because before the war started, they had agreed with each other and followed the previously set battle plan.

"What the hell, is this kid really crazy? Or stupid? With so many of us coming, he still doesn't run away?"

"Don't even think about it? With so many of us surrounded, he can't run even if he wants to."

"Can't he fly?"

"Whisper to tell you, the assassin is already approaching. As long as he flies, he will attack him. I heard that when the player enters the combat state, the exhaustion value drops super fast when flying. He will not be killed by us at that time, and he may be killed by us." Fall to your death first."

Most of the discussion was chatting with the people around him and in the team, but those who scolded Lin Feng just opened their mouths and cursed directly.

"Mengwang, what are you? Just because you are well equipped and strong, you bully people in our hot pot city, and you should be killed to level 1."

"Yes, this idiot, relying on his current strength to bully others, today we will kill this idiot."

A group of people were swearing too much, and Lin Feng couldn't hear clearly. But one thing is certain, this fake video may not be known to most Hot Pot City players.

There are so many people, two or three thousand people, and most of them are very angry. If you can persuade two or three thousand people to come to act, then it is really a skill of hot pot and red wine.

But Lin Feng feels that most people have little acting elements, which may be due to their true feelings.

Hot pot with red wine loudly said: "Meng Wang, you have made it clear that you can't get through with my hot pot city, right? Last incident, we confessed, this time you still bully our people, it is simply too much bullying, you are really serious Do you think our hotpot Chen is easy to bully?"

Lin Feng sneered and said: "The video was very successful, being the president of the game guild is a shame, you should be a screenwriter or director.

Hot Pot with Sprite said loudly: "If you have the ability to kill people, don't you have the ability to admit it to 480? At this time, are you still pretending that you didn't do it? Are you scared when you see so many of us coming? It turns out that Meng Wang is just a Bully the weak and fear the hard."

"Since you're scared, that's fine. Let us kill you twenty times. Let's just forget about it. Otherwise, from today onwards, we will kill you to level 1. We will kill you once when we see you later."

Lin Feng said: "You have a good idea... I didn't have time to implement it last time, but this time I remembered it. Starting today, I will kill you to level 1 first, and then I will kill you once when I see you. Finally.y

After a pause, he said loudly: "It is true that I killed those people, and the person who took the video was also mine, and I asked him to do it.

Hot pot with red wine frowned, what the other party said was so natural that he almost thought it was true.

Lin Feng continued: "What I said today, remember to make a video. First of all, I just want you all to know about it, and then you all come here, so I can get together and kill them all. If they are scattered and killed, because experienced."

"There is no other purpose, just to give you two choices. First, the people in Hot Pot City get out of Longyuan City from today. Second, quit Hot Pot City. If you do it, this matter is over. If you can't, I will kill you." Until you get out. I will remember the murder record, and I will never forget your names."

"Fuck, c you, don't be so crazy!" Hot Pot with Coke yelled directly: "We have more than 3,000 people surrounding you to kill you, why do you want to kill us all? Are you dreaming? "

"You're so powerful! I'll kill you right now!" A Hot Pot City player with a big ax on his shoulder became angry at that time.

"Grass, hack him to death!"

"Kill him!"

All of a sudden, with all kinds of curses, many Hot Pot City players wanted to rush forward.

However, he was forcibly held back by the people around him. (ceej) But the scene has directly entered the fiery stage, and there is a tendency to explode at any moment.

At this moment, the face of the hot pot with red wine turned cold: "Meng Wang, you are really looking for death, since this is the case, I will also set the rules here. Today, I must kill you to level 1, so that you can get out of this game later. If you don't get out, which main city are you in, I will kill you to that main city and continue to kill you to level 1.

Lin Feng said flatly: "Okay, President Red Wine, mobilize before the war, I've done it for you too, you can do it now. Seriously, you guys are such rubbish, you still have the confidence to challenge me, really, I admire it Your courage."

"Grass, do it for me!" At this time, the hot pot with red wine was also so angry that he couldn't bear it anymore and shouted loudly.

Originally, he thought that Meng Wang might say that the video was fake, and then he wanted to explain. So he thought about taking the opportunity to steal the other party's words, and it would not work if the other party refused to admit it. Then come a teacher who is famous and so on.

But now, it seems that the other party has no objection at all, and even admitted it, and at the same time ridiculed them, relying on one person's strength to drive them out of Longyuan City from Hot Pot City?

It's crazy that there is no limit, it's an IOU.

Following the hot pot with red wine, and the hot pot with coke beside him, he raised his hand, and a small fireball flew directly into the sky, bursting in the night sky, which was extremely conspicuous.

Afterwards, a group of players rushed directly to the top of the mountain, while the other players quickly retreated a hundred meters away.

Lin Feng quickly glanced around, and roughly estimated that there were about 500 people, but he didn't divide into a clear combat team, they just rushed towards him in such a mess!

He frowned slightly: "The highest level is not more than 20, and they are all 15 to 20. I understand, it's my skills that I want to lie to.

"Maybe they're going to be disappointed."

Afterwards, Lin Feng directly drew the sword of the Archangel.

"Shuang'er, kill the one who rushed forward first!" After finishing speaking, he just found a direction and rushed out.

At the same time, Gemini Guardian Unicorn also rushed out directly.

When sprinting, Lin Feng directly put a guardian star shield on himself, and then he was selective, and ran towards those players who were mostly mages.

Even if the level is low, the control skills are real. If it is really controlled, the group of people behind, each with a powerful skill, can blast themselves into scum.

Although the level of the players who rushed forward in Hot Pot City this time is not high, it does not mean that they are stupid. Just as Lin Feng rushed forward, some warrior players suddenly soared in speed and charged directly at him.


The first fighter player hits Lin Feng.


Unable to break the defense!

The second, the third... all of them cannot break through the defense!

Lin Feng, who originally planned to dodge, did not dodge this time, and directly slashed with the Archangel's sword in his hand.




Three consecutive fighter players rushed forward, each of them was stabbed by Lin Feng, causing a lot of damage in an instant.

At that time, the three of them turned into white light and instantly killed them!

When the fighters rushed forward afterward, Lin Feng had already left the spot and rushed directly to the other side, causing all the skills of the dozens of fighters who rushed forward to be missed.

After deflecting, Lin Feng ran up, circled an arc, and rushed directly into a group of players.

"Exercise control skills!"

"Keep him in check!"

"Even if our level is low, but there are many people, if we control it, we can kill him."

Afterwards, mages began to chant, warriors used control skills, archers used skills that could slow down, and even assassins rushed out secretly, trying to assassinate Lin Feng.





At that time, dozens of attacks landed on Lin Feng, none of which could cause any damage!

"Fuck! Why is his defense so high!"

"Damn, I can't break the defense! Even if my skills are mainly control and the attack is not high, it still does more than 1,000 damage. Why doesn't it lose blood?"

"Swoosh!!" At this time, Lin Feng had rushed into the crowd, slashing at an elemental mage with his sword, then quickly moved to the side, slashing at another archer with his sword, and then slashing at another On a soldier.




The blood volume of the three players was instantly cleared, and it was still an instant kill!

"Surround!" A group of players shouted, surrounding Lin Feng.

"Swipe!" Lin Feng slammed on the ground, passing by a player, and the long sword slashed across the opponent's body.



When a group of people gathered around, Lin Feng rushed out of the crowd again, but just after he rushed out not far, he rushed in front of an archer and fell on him.



The group of people turned around again, trying to surround Lin Feng, but he ran away from the spot again.

Those players fell through again!

For a moment, Lin Feng shuttled through the crowd, but no player controlled him. No one can catch up.

After all, ordinary players at the highest level of 20 only have a total of 100 free attribute points, and all of them are added to agility, which is not as good as him. What's more, fighters mainly increase their strength.

He now has a 50% Seraphim racial increase, and his agility is 187 points, far surpassing these people.

The agility is not only driven by the movement speed, but Lin Feng's attack speed is also increased, and the reaction speed is also enhanced, which makes the accuracy of his normal attacks even higher.

At the same time, because only ten people in the crowd formed a team, the encirclement became smaller, and at the same time, they didn't dare to use range skills.

Because while using it to hurt Lin Feng, it will naturally hurt other teammates. The same guild didn't kill Meng Wang, but killed a bunch of his own people, which is unreasonable.

Naturally, most of them cast single-target skill damage. At the same time, the mages finished singing their powerful skills, but found that Lin Feng was far away, and the attack could not hit. Some sent out, but were quickly avoided by Lin Feng.

Or a steady stream of normal attacks, hitting Lin Feng is also a miss.

Whenever he was about to be surrounded, Lin Feng rushed out of the encirclement instead, killing several more in a row.

Although Lin Feng only killed two or three each time, but his attack is too high, as long as he hits, he will die 100%.

At the same time, the Gemini guardian unicorn, as a rare guardian beast, has evolved, has a lot of blood, and its attack has become higher. Its basic attack can instantly kill these low-level players.

On the contrary, low-level players, who want to break through Shuang'er's defense, can't do it with normal attacks, all rely on skills.

It wasn't obvious for a minute, only more than 30 people died, and when the guardian star shield's time came, Lin Feng ran wildly, avoiding skills non-stop, and then took time to kill.

After cooling down for 2 minutes, Lin Feng once again cast the guardian star shield, regardless of it, killing people quickly.

As time went by, in just five minutes, more than a hundred players had died.

At this time, Hot Pot and Sprite said: "Brother, something is wrong! This cute king has not used his skills, but in such a short while, there has been news that 144 of us have died. Should we wait for him to use his skills before taking action?" ?”.

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