There are many outrageous things about Ye Chen.

For example, the level is very low, but the damage is outrageous.

Obviously only wearing rock-level king-grade equipment, but luck is ridiculously high.

Obviously never krypton blue medicine, but the speed of returning to blue is as ridiculous as a perpetual motion machine...

Nangong Qingyi knew very well in her heart that there was definitely a huge secret hidden in Ye Chen, and it was inevitable to be curious, but she refrained from asking more.

Ho ho ho!

Seeing that Ye Chen attracted another wave of monsters, Nangong Qingyi held up his magic wand and began to chant the magic spell of [Blizzard Fury] again.

A new round of mowing monsters has begun.


Ye Chen could attract the hatred of three or four hundred monsters almost every time. With the tacit cooperation of the two, batches of monsters turned into experience points and equipment of various grades.

When reaching the seventh wave, Ye Chen's storage space can no longer accommodate the ridiculous amount of whiteboard garbage, and his original storage space is only 5 cubic meters.

The upper limit of the storage space in God's Domain changes with the player's realm.

Rock-level players are born with 5 cubic meters, and the upper limit of storage space for players in the Black Iron Realm is 20 cubic meters. However, when the player enters the Black Iron Realm, the storage space will not automatically increase.

Players need Huashenyu spar to increase the storage space to 20 cubic meters.

Looking at the white clothes all over the floor, Ye Chen could only endure a burst of pain, and spent a total of 30 crystals to increase the storage space to the upper limit of 20 cubic meters.

Ye Chen doesn't like the feeling of limited storage space.

At the end of the eight waves, a marquis-level boss was finally born, which was the mission monster [Mark's Evil Guard] that Nangong Qingyi had encountered before.

Originally, both Ye Chen and Nangong Qingyi were capable of single-handedly fighting a level 16 Marquis-level boss. With the cooperation of the two, Ye Chen was responsible for attracting the boss's hatred and melee combat, while Nangong Qingyi was in charge of constantly attacking with the [Ice Spear Technique] of Transformation.

[Mark's Evil Guard] was flanked by two people back and forth, and within two minutes there was a wail, the fire of the soul was extinguished by Ye Chen's sword, and the withered body quickly collapsed.

A large pile of equipment and God's Domain crystals that shone with faint brilliance fell to the ground.

"Pick up God's domain spar*6, pick up black iron high-grade equipment..."

Ye Chen couldn't help complaining: "This marquis-level boss may have crossed over from Africa, and he is so poor."

What the two of them didn't expect was that due to Ye Chen's super luck, this marquis-level boss didn't reveal top-grade equipment, but only a few pieces of top-grade equipment that shone with faint brilliance.

"Look, I'll just say it. Boss explosive equipment depends on the face. If you are lucky, you may not be able to get a good product."

"Ding, pick up [Dungeon Key of the Secret Realm of the Dead]*1..."

Ye Chen and Nangong Qingyi were slightly taken aback as they watched the team pick up records, and then Nangong Qingyi rolled his eyes at Ye Chen: "Indeed, high luck may not be able to produce good equipment, but it may be more expensive than equipment." A good treasure, a [Dungeon Key to the Secret Realm of the Dead] is worth at least more than 100,000 dragon coins, and it is very sought-after, it will almost be sold in seconds when it is put on the shelves."

Ye Chen was a little embarrassed, he thought he had a rare black face.

Under the influence of [Elf's Blessing], Ye Chen's lucky attribute has reached 26 points. The players in each server are hidden dragons and crouching tigers. He estimates that he is not the luckiest player in this server yet, but there are people who are taller than him. , is definitely one of the few.

It seems that it is impossible to have a black face, and you can only make a living with some valuables.

[Revenant Secret Realm Dungeon] is a large level 16 dungeon. The boss of the dungeon is the king-level [Fallen Elf Magician Mark], and [Fallen Elf Magician Mark] produces [Ultimate Dead Soul Secret Realm Dungeon Key].

And [Key to the Ultimate Undead Secret Realm Dungeon] also has a super boss of the imperial bloodline, which can drop the highest black iron imperial equipment!

The 16th-level emperor-level boss should be the ceiling for players around the world to kill bosses. There are news that some top players from all over the world have teamed up to kill him successfully.

So now the strategic-level Tianjiao of various countries basically wear imperial equipment!

Further up is the holy equipment.

Although Ye Chen has not heard the news that anyone in this server owns it, but according to the development progress of each novice server player, there should be a very small number of Tianjiao who have already obtained the imperial equipment.

After all, God's Domain has many ways to obtain equipment.

You can synthesize advanced equipment, you can also do npc tasks to get it, you can also dig treasures from treasure maps, and even if you are lucky, exploring a level 16 ancient relic may yield a heaven-defying treasure. It is not necessary to kill the holy rank The boss of the bloodline.

Ye Chen said with emotion: "Unfortunately, the limited area of ​​our mission can only be near Mark's laboratory, otherwise the mission can be completed directly once the direct copy is opened. It seems that the next step is to start a large-scale search for the boss!"

Nangong Qingyi nodded: "This dungeon is reserved for you to upgrade a few levels and go through the level alone. You can complete an achievement and get a luck +2 medal if you clear the level alone."

"Okay, then let's start searching for the boss separately, but the distance between us should not exceed 200 meters, so we can provide timely support in case of an emergency."

Nangong Qingyi made an ok gesture: "I hope you will be lucky. In fact, you can probably find one in an hour or two if you look for the Marquis-level boss. It really depends on your luck for the Wangjue-level boss. Let's go to the core area close to Mark's laboratory." Search, the monsters over there are refreshed more intensively, and the boss's refresh rate is also higher."

Said, Nangong Qingyi's white wings fluttered and flew into the sky.

Ye Chen also turned into a cyan streamer to search.

Because the two have completed the progress of ordinary monsters, elite monsters, and warlord-level bosses, they ignore the monsters spawned on the road, because Ye Chen's Yujian is faster, and the search efficiency is several times that of Nangong Qingyi.

Just over an hour later, the two found two Marquis-level bosses and beheaded them. After searching for more than two hours, Ye Chen finally saw a six-year-old boss only one kilometer away from the core area of ​​Mark's laboratory. A huge black figure of seven meters.

Around this figure, bones were piled up like a mountain, and there was not a single living monster within a few hundred meters.

Fifty meters away, Ye Chen could only hear the strange crisp sound of "click, click". The figure was moving quickly in the mist, and the screams of mobs could be heard from time to time.

Ye Chen's face changed slightly.

All the mobs around here were eaten by this guy as spicy noodles!

At this moment, two lantern-sized, blood-red eyes locked onto Ye Chen, and Ye Chen felt a frightening aura of rage roaring towards him.


With a loud roar from that voice, Ye Chen felt that the ground was trembling slightly, and the dead energy around him was blasted away by the sound waves!

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and locked on to the boss.

The king-level boss at level 16 has finally been found!

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