Gravity analysis 54%.

The Dragon Kingdom is dealing with the space environment these days.

The analysis of gravity has stalled.

However, Tian Xing has put forward more than once, and he has a new view on gravity analysis.

Come to think of it, it is the environment of space, which is good for the analysis of gravity.

On this day, Ye Su came to Yaoyangtian.

The gods, or the old man, stuffed the stars of the Dragon Kingdom civilization into the shining sun.

At this moment, what is burning at the core of Yaoyangtian is Wenxingchen of Long Kingdom.

"What do you mean?" Ye Su asked Bi Yuan next to him.

He had already relayed the old man's words to Bi Yuan.

This approach of stuffing a star is a technology that scientific and technological civilization likes very much.


What exactly is this technology?

Regarding energy, or something else...

Bi Yuan frowned.

The energy power of Yaoyangtian has indeed been greatly improved.

Also, there are some unknown things.

The technology side is like this. For things that you don't understand, you must understand them.

"If it is a technology, the upper limit should be very high!" Bi Yuan said "seven seven seven";

"Is it just a high-level star?"

"It doesn't make sense!

Civilization "The stars are inherently emitting light and heat, just like the core stars we make."

Light and Heat "…Wait!"

Bi Yuan seemed to have thought of something.

His face quickly turned flushed, as if he had come into contact with some truth.


"Could it be white hole technology!"

He said as if lost.

"White hole?" Ye Su was curious;

"what is that?"

Bi Yuan was silent for a while, and then said slowly;

"It's a technology that exists only in guesswork."

Your Majesty", as we all know, black holes are supermassive objects that attract everything around them.

"Light, matter, dust, etc..."

These "things can't all rely on the gravitational pull of the black hole, and can only become part of the black hole in the end."

"However, in science, matter has pros and cons, and rules have pros and cons!"

"Then black holes absorb so much matter, what about the information carried by that matter? Is it also imprisoned?"

"Therefore, there is a conjecture that in the endless universe, there must also be a celestial body that will release endless material information!"

"This is a celestial body completely different from a star, but it seems to be a star again!"

"This kind of celestial body is called in conjecture; white hole!"

Ye Su was taken aback for a moment.

There seem to be many loopholes in Bi Yuan's explanation.

But logically, it is true.

Could it be that.

When Wen Xingchen was stuffed into Yaoyangtian.

Just started playing the role of a white hole?


The old man said.

Wen Xingchen was in the Thirty-three Heavens, even if he really hid the information of the Dragon Kingdom.

It is precisely because Wenxingchen is spreading the information of the Dragon Kingdom all the time.

So after Yaoyangtian, can it be completely isolated?

This logic is also reasonable.

Two reasonable logics can basically support this core, which is the so-called white hole.

"Your Majesty, our current technology is simply unable to conduct in-depth research on white holes!" Bi Yuan finally said:

"It's all speculation!"


Just guess.

At least it can be shown that the increase in Yaoyangtian's power is safe.

Otherwise, something big will happen.

Once there is a problem with the core of Yaoyangtian.

On the other hand, it is difficult for the Dragon Kingdom to operate.

The 33rd Heaven is completely destroyed and turned into dust!

"Okay, as long as it's safe!" Ye Su said to Bi Yuan.

After letting go of a stone in your heart.

Ye Su came to the city ring.

The Dragon Kingdom has developed again.


Both gold and silver purchase systems are available.

This allowed the Dragon Kingdom to be established again with only the 33rd Heaven and the 4th Stargate left.

There are a lot of spaceships floating outside.


The red ship has already been produced.

There are also a large number of starships, and one by one, the dumplings are generally launched into the water.

Mechas, fighters, and flying around the South Star Gate.

at the same time.

The detectors were the first to spread out.

Long Guo began to get information about the surrounding area.

This is a… relatively desolate star field.

There are not many planets around.

All are barren planets.

There are no stars.

There is only one white dwarf.

This is an old star, almost not a star anymore.

The volume shrinks and the density increases. Instead of emitting light and heat, it begins to rely on the strong gravitational force attached to the massive mass to absorb the dust of the universe.


Even in such a desolate star field.

Ye Su still got some information about life activities.

In an area that is one light hour away from the Thirty-third Heaven.

On a planet with a diameter of 20,000 kilometers, there are obvious traces of mines.

Ye Su had already sent a starship with the engineering mech to check it out.

There is indeed a mineral there.


Or spirit stone mine.

It's just that the other party dug very cleanly, and not even a bit of spiritual stone debris was left.

And from the traces.

Abandoned for less than ten years!


ten years!

On the scale of the universe, this matter is a drop in the ocean.

Ye Su can almost decide.

In this barren star field, there must be a civilization or power.

Moreover, this civilization or power must be on the cultivation side!

The current technological level of the Dragon Kingdom is around B-level.

Converted to the cultivation side, it is the period of tribulation!

That is,

If there is no big brother of the level of immortal on the opposite side.

Ye Su must not lose.

At present, Zhenlingtian is extremely restrained from practicing in the immortal realm!

After looking outside for a while, Ye Su went back to the battle command center of the palace at the highest level....


Reports from outside detectors are being received all the time.


The exploration distance of the Dragon Kingdom has reached a light day!

That is a distance of 780 billion kilometers in radius.

This distance is only a light day.

The scale of the universe, how magnificent.

"Your Majesty, within the detection distance, a large number of signs of life activities are gradually discovered outside!

Li Zhaoxue said with the report.

These reports, not only data information, but also some images.

on some planets.

There are abandoned mines.

Skeletons of giant beasts.

and the collapsed hall.

"In this direction, the detection distance is farther, it is a planetary belt!" She continued:

"There is a newborn star in this planetary belt. If there is life inhabiting it, it will most likely choose here!"

"Disguise the profiler and enter to see!" Ye Su said.

The current dragon country has no idea about the situation of the universe!

in life position?

In which star field?

Is there a star map?

Are there any coordinates?

All this, do not know.

Ye Su is eager to get some information.

The quickest way is to conquer!

Find a civilization first, knock it down and speak.


"Your Majesty, new situation!"

A staff member shouted;

"The detector found the entire fleet!"

After a few seconds.

Immediately there is a screen transmission.

This is quantum communication, and there is basically no delay.

3D projection screen.

There is a team, mighty coming towards the Thirty-three Heavens.

To say the fleet is indeed inappropriate.

After all, it's the ship that's coming!

That's right, it's like a boat in the rivers, lakes and seas!

Each one is made of wood.

They flashed 0.5 in a hazy brilliance as a whole, and fluttered their flags.

The overall speed is almost close to the speed of light!

"Cultivation of civilization!

Ye Su said with bright eyes.

"At this speed, there is no immortal!" Li Zhaoxue said aside.

If there are fairies.

It shouldn't be this speed.

Under the shroud of fairy light, it is necessary to exceed the speed of light!

The other party can only approach the speed of light.

Then explain.

No matter how strong it is, it is an existence that crosses the tribulation realm!

"Predict the route!" Ye Su ordered.

"The predicted route is out!"

in 3D projection.

In front of that fleet is the Thirty-Three Heaven!

Not even the slightest offset!

"Very good, a fish is coming! I can't ask for it!" Ye Su laughed;

"We are going to prepare, the fish must be caught, and none of them can escape!


Li Zhaoxue quickly issued the order to fight.

The South Star Gate, the East Star Gate and the North Star Gate are all gearing up and eager to try!

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