National Ranking, I Create A Science Fiction Heaven

Chapter 254 Brand new Yaoyangtian! The main cannon of the world destroyer!

What is the nature of a white hole?

It's releasing information!

Wei Wenxingchen is its food, because there is a lot of information in a Wenxingchen.

A large amount of information is swallowed by the white hole and then blasted out in the form of radiation.

Enveloped by the magnetic field in the city ring, through some theories, it can be turned into energy.

This is how Sunshine works!

For a long time, Yaoyangtian's energy supplement has been dominated by Wenxingchen.

Other messes are also fine. Anyway, whether it is light or particles, there is a lot of information hidden.


Information is the key!

All along, Ye Su never thought;

The black hole in the dark star sky, its body has always been in a certain timeline.

In this way, a steady stream of energy is provided.

And what about the white hole?

Its body has always been in Yaoyang Heaven, growing with the Thirty-three Heavens.


Is this really right?

The one with the most information in the universe is Wenxingchen?



There really is the most informative place in the universe!

It's four-dimensional!

All the information at the three-dimensional level is spread out in the fourth dimension.

What a huge source of information is that?

Compared with Wenxingxingchen, it is simply the difference between a speck of dust and a sky full of stars.


From start to finish.

It is a wrong way to keep the white hole body in Yaoyangtian.

A real white hole.

It shouldn't be in three dimensions.

Where it really appears, it should be four-dimensional!

At the three-dimensional level, it will never be self-sufficient!

Need Bi Yuan to use Wen Xingchen to feed.

This kind of feeding, so that it can never be said to change!

The fourth dimension is different.

White holes have huge suction like black holes.

If you put it in the fourth dimension, wouldn't it absorb a huge amount of information all the time.

This information is the key to its growth.

It absorbs information nonstop, so that it can release endless energy at the level of Yaoyangtian.

Even the Thirty-Three Heavens need to fight.

It needs the burst of energy from Yaoyangtian, and it can easily carry it in the four-dimensional white hole.


It has a higher limit of explosion than a black hole.

"Bi Yuan!" Ye Su stood up and said;

"Have you ever thought;

"Wouldn't white holes be born in three dimensions?"

Ye Su's rhetorical question this time directly knocked Bi Yuan down.


This is so irrefutable.

If you say that white holes can exist in three dimensions.

In the universe with a diameter of 13.8 billion light-years, have you detected any white holes?

Now the Thirty-third Heaven has such an ability.

13.8 billion light-years away.

has been easily covered.

Have it?

not at all!

In such a vast universe, there is really no white hole.

This shows what?

It shows that on the three-dimensional level, white holes cannot be born.

This conclusion comes out.

Bi Yuan's brain immediately became active.

Three-dimensional, physical, this is the paradise of black holes.

And where is the paradise of the White Cave?

Shouldn't that be in 4D?

In the four dimensions, there are countless information.

Isn't this information exactly what the white hole needs?

"Siwei!" Bi Yuan shouted.

Ye Su nodded.


Only four dimensions are the only birthplace of white holes.

Yaoyangtian is a coincidence.

Who would have thought that Wen Xingchen would be used to feed an energy core?

really correct.

It is to let the white hole grow in four dimensions!


This plan has been supported by many scientific researchers.

Everyone began to plan how to get Bai to the fourth dimension of the hole.

It's actually simple.

It is the follow-up energy utilization and energy explosion.

A lot of operations are required.

The body of a white hole is in the fourth dimension.

But Yaoyangtian will not only be fixed in 3D.

The Thirty-Three Heavens will continue to wander, and will even leave this universe and go outside the Chaos Domain.


This linking four-dimensional channel requires a lot of technical content.

Although the Thirty-Three Heaven has accumulated this technology.

But involving the above, it will take some time.


in the process involved.

Tian Zha ran away!


The theory that white holes can grow in four dimensions gave him a new inspiration.

That is the higher level weapon.

After Dimension Technology.

The main guns of the starships in the Thirty-Three Heavens are still the main guns of nothingness.

Logically, the main gun with Dimension Technology as the core should be born.

However, no.

Tian Zhai and others could not find inspiration.

Dimensional cannon?

Launch what?

Launch a dimensionality reduction strike?

It's out of date!

Two-way foil, time strike and more

It has already been developed.

So yeah, there has been no information on the dimension main gun.

However did not expect.

When it comes to the theory of Xinyaoyangtian.

Tian Ye suddenly had an idea.

That was the collision experiment of white holes and black holes.

That is a world-class power.

Far more than the creation-level energy burst.

Take the black hole as the core.

The two collide.

An incomparable force will sweep through everything.

This is the power of annihilation!

this power.

Stable output is an ultra-high-level energy burst.

Blowing it out is an earth-shattering main artillery attack.

at the same time.

In order to achieve this level of outbreak, dimension technology is needed to escort.

So Tian Xing thinks.

The world-class main gun is the main gun of the dimension technology era!

In this way, he slipped away to develop a main gun of this level.

Bi Yuan doesn't care.

After all, there are now more than 300 billion scientific researchers in the Thirty-three Heavens.

A large-scale scientific research task can convene hundreds of millions or even more researchers to join.

The new Yaoyangtian theory will soon be smashed out.

Hit people directly!

Not difficult!


...for flowers...

A new design came out.

Ye Su didn't hesitate.

Authorize it and start building this brand new scheme.

This is different from the original construction of Yaoyangtian.

This time.

It is a way of building in higher dimensions, in which design to projection and hyperchannel links, and dimensional transformation technology.

in the vast four-dimensional.

The space suddenly burst.

A celestial body like a star suddenly appeared.

It reflects light.

These rays of light become information in the fourth dimension and are absorbed into the core by it.

A celestial body like a puffball was born.

This is a scene that has never been seen in 3D.

The white hole is releasing light, this is its essence, and there is a lot of information in the light, which was transformed into energy in the past.

And in the white hole here, if the brilliance is not transformed, it will be absorbed by it again.

And attracted by it with more 4D information.

That is, the white hole is replenishing its own quality all the time.


And far away in the three-dimensional thirty-third heaven, Yaoyangtian.

The information released by the white hole can be transformed through the channel.

If overloading is required, the white hole can release more information energy by means of three-dimensional projection strike.


A super energy project has been established.

I don't move much at ordinary times, just put it on the four-dimensional charging.

As soon as it moves, let it discharge.

infinite, explosive, controllable

very perfect!

The new Yaoyangtian has been remodeled.

Although today's White Hole is not really mature.


The path has been explored.

Given some time, white holes will actually be born.

that time.

It is estimated that Tian et al. will develop energy applications for the collision of white holes and black holes.


Scary to think about.

The explosion of energy at the level of extinction is used as energy.

Wouldn't that create the universe?

Yaoyangtian was transformed, and Tian Xing's main cannon was used to destroy the world.

This should be Ye Su's last scientific research project in the three-dimensional universe.

As long as the destroying the main gun is completed.

The Thirty-Three Heavens are ready to go.

The background, almost.

It should be able to mix in the Chaos Sea.

That so-called ray of heaven.

It's time to find out.

That strategic day, that is, the area where the Heart of the Unknown is located, was too lonely during this time.

Can't use it.

Time to play his part ha!

Palace floor.

There was a huge map in front of Ye Su.

This is the map that evolved when the Heart of the Unknown shook.

It roughly indicates where the ray of heaven is.

at this time.

Just need field research.

10% of the world's main artillery, set off immediately!

PS; Guys, there have been fewer updates recently. The author seems to have some problems with his body. Last time, he had a few tubes of blood drawn, but he couldn't find the reason. Drink. Simply put, the author will not be hungry now, which is very scary. , I'm starting to feel anxious. I have already made an appointment for a gastroscope. I'll take a look at the situation in the future. I hope everyone can understand. five.

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