Chapter 142 The Broken Divine Personality, Gathering the Frost Giant!!!

【Safety Base (Xiaobai)】

[Defense: Fifth Order.] 】

[Combat Effectiveness: Fourth Order.] 】

[Host: White Night.] 】

[Occupation: Wizard.] 】

【Special device: unlimited power furnace (3 grids) (upgradeable)】

[Abilities: Hand of Shadows, Black Fireball, Cursed Isolated, Pollution Isolated.] 】

【Functions: Smart Mode, Battle Mode (Transformers), Shenzhen Flight Mode】

[Modules: Shield Module, Detection Module, Blade of the Void (exclusive), Biocolonization, Lightning Transformation, Concussion Shock, Spitfire, Overload. 】

Current Energy: 100%. 】

[Upgrade required: Any five kinds of metal materials, each requires 100 units, depending on the material, the function after the upgrade is different. 】

As far as the property is concerned.

Compared with the small white before the upgrade, it can be said that it is very large, and it can be said that it is not large.

Because there aren’t many changes.

First of all, it is the improvement of strength.

In particular, the defensive power can be called exaggerated, and it has actually reached the fifth order.

And you must know that Xiao Bai belongs to the existence that can fight across the level.

With the defense power of the fifth order, coupled with the combat effectiveness of the fourth order, as far as Xiao Bai’s current strength is concerned, defeating the sixth order is not a problem.

Because Xiao Bai also has all kinds of hole cards.

But that’s more on that later.

In addition to the improvement of strength, it is the Shenzhen Airlines model.

[Deep navigation mode: After entering this mode, you can sail deep on the sea. 】

This is a new model.

And from the introduction, it can be seen that with this mode, Xiao Bai can start to explore in the sea, so that Bai Ye can’t help but show a happy smile on his face, after all, in this way, he can set foot on the sea in the future.

In any world, anywhere, White Night believes that the resources in the sea are definitely not similar to those on land, but there is no suitable way to explore.

With this model, there is no need to worry.

Then there are other capabilities.

[Biomorpho: Covers the surface of one’s body with a layer of biomorphic armor, greatly enhancing its defense, combat effectiveness, and recovery by consuming energy when damaged. 】

The ability of living beings to reproduce comes from the ability to parasitize ore obtained during previous sacrifices.

If you use a relatively simple and straightforward example, then the word ‘venom’ instantly appeared in White Night’s mind.


This ability is similar to venom.

This ability, coupled with overload, to be honest, Xiao Bai’s ultimate combat strength is absolutely terrifying.

In addition, the shock wave has obviously been upgraded again, becoming a shock shock, and the power is more powerful and terrifying than ever.

All in all, once upgraded, Xiao Bai’s strength has more than doubled than before, and the improvement is huge.

Bai Ye couldn’t help but smile with excitement on his face, Dao.

“Xiao Bai, hurry up and open the door, let me go to your body to see, after the upgrade, your body space must be bigger, right?”

“Yes, master.”

Xiao Bai nodded.

The hatch opens.

White Night stepped into it.

At this time, Noel and the others were sitting in the living room, and when they saw the white night come in, their faces showed a look of joy.

The little fox took the lead and threw himself into the arms of the White Night.

Then Moon Dew said.

“Boss, you’re back, and the family is suddenly getting bigger.”


Noel nodded and said.

“More than doubled, and there is a second floor.”

“The second floor is also very large, Nono just went to see it, but it is spacious.”

“Hmmm, just like the first floor, Tweet Mi’s gone.”

“Second floor?”

White Night heard the words, and couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow to show a look of surprise.

But then he took a deep breath and smiled.

“Well, if you don’t say anything, let me see for myself.”

With that, the white night went inside.

A look of shock quickly appeared in his eyes.


It’s big.

Very big.

This is the first impression of the White Night.

After the upgrade, the space in Xiao Bai’s body, the first floor alone, actually expanded to six hundred square meters.

This is the first floor.

According to what I just said, the second floor is as big as the first floor, that is to say, there is a thousand square meters of space in Xiao Bai’s body.

It’s horrible.

You must know that Xiao Bai has only upgraded twice.

If you continue to upgrade, White Night is estimated to be two more times, and the space in Xiao Bai’s body may reach Wanping!!

What if you upgrade five or six more times?

White Night felt that when the time came, it was inevitable that a small world would really form in Xiao Bai’s body.

After the shock, Bai Ye’s face showed a look of ecstasy and laughed.

“Hahaha, such a large space, there will be enough place for you to play in the future, and no matter how many drawings you get in the future, you will feel that it is enough.”

After all, there are more and more people in the family nowadays, plus some architectural drawings, before the white night thought about whether there would be insufficient space, and now there is no need to worry about this problem.

The first floor now has more than half of the remaining space, not to mention the empty second floor.

And to the second floor location, right in the living room, there is a spiral staircase that can be directly up to the second floor.

After taking a look at the white night, he came down again, excitedly.

“Sigh, very good, this upgrade is perfect.”

“Master, is there anything we need help with next?”

Mia asked when she saw the white night come down.

“No, things are almost settled, you should do what you have to do, and the next is my harvest moment.”

White Night said with a smile.

Speaking of this, his eyes were bright, and he couldn’t help but look forward to it.

One step out, the white night figure disappeared in an instant.

When he reappeared, he had come to Greek’s body outside.

“Oh, is the body going to disappear?”

As soon as it appeared, White Night couldn’t help but be surprised.


Greek’s body was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And soon, it turned into a golden treasure chest and appeared in front of the White Night’s eyes.

However, the gaze of the white night was completely attracted by the items next to the treasure chest.

“This is what… A broken divinity? ”

White Night’s eyes were surprised, and it was difficult to control the fiery heat.

But soon.

This blazing heat was quickly suppressed by the white night.


Taking a deep breath and calming down his inner emotions, White Night waved his hand and took the divine personality in his hand.

The so-called divine personality looks like a square crystal, dark throughout, seemingly pure, exuding an evil aura, well, pure evil.

At the same time, one corner of it is broken, like broken glass.

[Broken Divine Personality: This is a broken evil god divinity, which contains part of the residual breath and power of the evil god, and if it can be completely refined, it can make people go to the path of becoming a god. 】


Looking at the information that emerged from the divine personality in his hand, the corners of Bai Ye’s mouth hooked up, with a hint of mockery and ridicule.

“If I didn’t have a gold finger and knew the real role of this thing, I am afraid I would really be deceived.”

“But who would have thought that this thing would be the bait that the evil gods threw into the mist?” In order not to be discovered by ordinary people, that evil god probably did some tricks and feet to do so, it was of no use to me, nor did I dare to use it, it seemed that I could only take it to sacrifice. ”

“A good villain is also a divine personality, even if it is broken, but if you think about it, there should be a lot of gods interested, right?”

With a chuckle, White Night put it away for a moment, and then it was only then that he looked at the golden treasure chest, put it in his backpack, and shifted his gaze to land on the golden battle axe next to him.

It was Greek’s weapon, which was left behind and did not dissipate with it.

“Moon Dew.”

White Night shouted.

“Here it comes, boss, what’s the matter?”

Yue Lu quickly poked her head out of Xiao Bai’s body and looked at this side curiously.

Without waiting for the white night to reply, it had already seen the golden battle axe on the ground, and its eyes lit up with excitement.

“Boss, what is this?”

“The enemy’s weapons, looking at the material should be very good, so I want you to melt and build new weapons, how?”

“Yes, nevertheless.”

Yue Lu nodded hurriedly, ran over to the left and touched the right side of the weapon, and said happily.

“It’s a material that Moon Lu hasn’t seen before, it should be from other worlds, and it would be nice to build weapons, but what weapons does the boss want to build?”

“I don’t need it for a while.”

White Night stopped, said.

“Go and ask Noel, Noel lacks a good weapon.”

“Sister Noel?” OK. ”

Yue Lu nodded, and after bothering Xiao Bai to help her take the weapon in, she quickly left.

Excited, the white night shook his head and smiled, and then said.

“Xiao Bai, go, go to the Frost Giant’s side.”

When the words fell, the white night jumped gently and landed on the top of Xiao Bai’s head.

With a height of more than thirty meters, Xiao Bai was now standing there, and in the eyes of some weak people, the breath emitted was really like a god.

If he is covered with thunder again, he is holding the Void Blade.

I am afraid that as long as Xiao Bai does not say it, there will definitely be many people who worship it as a true god belief.

In this regard, the white night is naturally rejoicing.

While Xiao Bai was hurrying along, Bai Ye had already begun to touch his chin, thinking about whether to shout out all the frost giants in the other three storms, and all of them were killed.

After all, three frost giants are equivalent to three golden chests no matter how you look at them.

It would be a shame to miss it.

But soon, White Night shook his head and said.

“Forget it, we’ll talk about it later, let’s go see if the Frost Giant’s body has disappeared.”

After a while the kung fu destination arrived.

To White Night’s surprise, the Frost Giant’s body had not disappeared, but was still lying on the ground in place, emitting fluorescence and could be collected.

“Didn’t it disappear? It was a surprise. ”

White Night said in amazement.

In the past, similar to this powerful monster, after death, basically the corpses disappeared into treasure chests.

This is the only exception, and it is also an extremely cold monster.

But that’s fine.

“I also want to see what these powerful guys can get after collecting.”

White Night rubbed his hands and immediately jumped off Xiao Bai’s head and waved at the corpse of the Frost Giant.

【Collection successful.】 】

[You get the Heart of Frost.] 】

[You get Frost Blood x50.] 】

[You get the skill inheritance: Extreme Cold Storm.] 】

【You get extremely cold and severe snow x10.】 】

【You get the Frost Seed.】 】

“I lean on.”

White Night looked stunned, and then said with joy on his face.

“Although it has not become a treasure chest, this collection feels more generous than the reward of the treasure chest.”

The voice dropped.

All the item information collected is in the hand.

[Frost Heart: A special treasure that can only be born from pure frost beings, and after taking it, it can greatly enhance the soul and spirit, and have the probability of gaining the ability to control the extreme cold.] 】

[Frost Blood: The blood of pure frost creatures, containing the ultimate chill, refining weapons used as materials, can attach a layer of frost breath to the weapon, so that the weapon has the ability to freeze the enemy, and can greatly enhance the power of the ice attribute ability. 】

【Extreme cold and severe snow: special snowflakes, can be taken directly, after taking, ice attribute resistance +10, each person can only take once. 】

[Frost Seed: After planting, it can grow into a frost tree, the leaves of the tree can be used to weave silk thread, used to make clothing can be warm in winter and cool in summer, and the texture is good, and the defense is strong. 】


The inheritance of skills is directly transformed into information pouring into White Night’s body, allowing White Night to grasp this ability instantly.

Very powerful.

After all, just by looking at the name, you know that the extremely cold storm, after being urged, can instantly envelop itself and even a surrounding area, generating an extremely cold storm.

All in all, this collection can be described as incomparably rich, making the smile on Bai Ye’s face unstoppable.


Putting away everything, White Night stepped out step by step and returned to Xiao Bai’s body.

Give the Frost Seeds to Nono.

Give the Blood of Frost to Moon Dew.

Then take out the extremely cold and severe snow, one for each person, and after the whole part is finished, there will be three copies left, which will be kept for later in the white night.

The last frost heart, White Night is ready to take it yourself.

“Master, where do you go next?”

Xiao Bai asked.

White Night came to the cab, after hearing the words, he couldn’t help but touch his chin and think about it, and after his eyes flickered for a moment, he finally had a decision.

“Go there.”

White Night pointed in one direction.

There, is where another storm is!

Now that it can be solved, the rest will be solved.

This is all a golden chest, how can you miss it?

What’s more, with Xiao Bai’s current strength, it is not a problem.

“Yes, master.”

Xiao Bai nodded, and immediately transformed into an armored vehicle form, ready to go.

Just then.


A figure rushed directly to the front of Xiao Bai, looked at Xiao Bai, and seemed to determine something, and the figure ‘banged’ and fell directly to the ground and fainted.

Xiao Bai: “…”

White Night: “…”

What the heck?

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