Open the cigarette box, take out a cigarette and hand it to the other party, and take out one for yourself.

And, light it for the other party with your own hands!

Why do you do this?

It's a kind of apology, an apology for some police colleagues.

After all, he was a criminal policeman in his previous life.

It's embarrassing to make a false case...!

"Let's confirm one thing first."

Exhaling a puff of smoke, Zhou Chen stared at the other party who was smoking, "You, know Guo Xiaoli, right?"

"Guo Xiaoli?" Wang Shaocheng looked confused.

After all, he hadn't heard of this name for sixteen years.

"Before you were sent to the juvenile detention center, she was still a junior high school student."

Zhou Chen said word by word, "If I'm not mistaken, you should have done something with her at that time, right?"

In an instant.

Wang Shaocheng's face changed, and a look of realization appeared on his face, and he finally remembered who Guo Xiaoli was.

After a long silence, he nodded, "Yes, I know her. She was my girlfriend at the time."

Calling a horse a zebra, a girlfriend's horse... Zhou Chen smiled and continued to ask: "What I want to ask is, did you... have sex with her for a period of time before you were arrested?"


Wang Shaocheng was silent, thought about it, and nodded, "Yes!"

Sure enough... Zhou Chen's expression gradually became complicated.

Can you imagine that a girl wants to hurt another girl.

This girl actually prepared a boy's body fluid in advance and kept it.

After committing the crime, she also put the body fluid into the victim's body.

In case of an accident, she forged traces of rape.

As a result, after the incident, the unlucky boy took the blame for her.

What kind of IQ is this, and what kind of means is this?

Just ask you if you are cruel and vicious?

You must know that she was only fourteen years old at that time!

And Wang Shaocheng was the unlucky boy back then.

The reason why Guo Xiaoli's family of three was killed was also because of the case that year.

So Zhou Chen had to confirm one thing, "If I'm not mistaken, someone should have come to see you during your time in the juvenile detention center or even in prison. This person also wanted to kill you, right?"


Wang Shaocheng's expression suddenly changed.

His eyes were wide open, his expression was shocked and scared, and his body was shaking like a sieve.

Looking at the other person's expression, Zhou Chen had the answer in his heart.

It was indeed like this, the murderer, the truth was learned from Wang Shaocheng! .

Chapter 16 Causes and consequences (6 more)

"Someone did want to kill me a year ago. He was a factory supervisor. Prisoners also have to work, such as winding some electronic coils..."

"That day he called me to the bathroom and suddenly took out a knife and put it on my neck. Moreover, he asked me some inexplicable questions."

"When I came back, he actually let me go, saying that he was joking with me, and then left. But I can feel that he really wanted to kill me at that time. I don't know why he let me go for no reason..."

Recalling the experience a year ago, Wang Shaocheng still felt a little terrified and his back was cold.

"Supervisor?" Zhou Chen frowned.

In places like juvenile detention centers, detention centers, and prisons, sometimes the inmates need to work.

The factory will send some "supervisors" to guide the inmates on how to do their jobs well.

Carry out supervision and control to prevent quality problems.

These "supervisors" will have records when they enter the prison.

Based on Zhou Chen's understanding of the perpetrators in the past two days, the other party should not leave any clues.

Since he has been in prison, his identity should be fake...

"Tell me about his age, appearance, and some characteristics."

Zhou Chen continued to ask.

"About 30 years old, very gentle, ordinary appearance, wearing a pair of glasses, about 1.8 meters tall..."

Wang Shaocheng tried to recall, "That's all I can think of."

Zhou Chen narrowed his eyes.

He had a rough guess about the identity of the perpetrator in his mind.

But now...

"It feels wronged."

Spitting out a puff of smoke, Zhou Chen calmly looked at Wang Shaocheng who was smoking silently, "How did you get through these 16 years?"

This made him think of a classic line: Do you know how I have been living these years?

Zhou Chen knew very well what prison was.

If you are a dragon, you have to coil here.

If you are a tiger, you have to lie down honestly.

No matter how awesome a person is, he will make you a new person after entering prison.

Now it has been confirmed that Wang Shaocheng should have been wrongfully imprisoned!

After hearing Zhou Chen's words, Wang Shaocheng was stunned.

But soon, his expression became extremely excited.

Tears appeared in his eyes, and they fell.

He couldn't say a word.

"Don't worry, it's all over."

Zhou Chen reached out and patted the other person's shoulder, "Although the country will compensate you, sixteen years is sixteen years after all, and no amount of compensation can make up for something. Those who handled your case back then will be punished, and none of them will escape. I will give you an explanation, which is the biggest guarantee I can make."

Those who handled the case back then were very unlucky.

However, their misfortune was also self-inflicted.

Because of negligence and paralysis, an innocent person was sent to prison for sixteen years.

No matter how they are treated, it is not excessive!

Wang Shaocheng's tears flowed more, wetting the cigarette in his hand.

Zhou Chen took out another cigarette and put it in the other person's mouth and lit it.

"I know you may be wronged, and I will not let you go for the time being. You need to go through a process, and your case will be reopened for investigation."

Putting the cigarette box and lighter in Wang Shaocheng's hands, Zhou Chen continued: "Hold on for a few more days, it should be okay, right?"


Wang Shaocheng nodded vigorously, crying bitterly...

Before Zhou Chen left the prison, he personally greeted the warden.

Wang Shaocheng will be treated specially in the next few days, with good food and drink.

As for the case of that year, there is no need to mention the efficiency of the National Security Bureau.

Assuming that there is indeed a problem with that case, as Zhou Chen deduced.

It won't be long before Wang Shaocheng will be released and will be compensated by the country.

As for those who handled the case that year, they will be severely punished, and none of them will be able to escape.

This is Zhou Chen's promise!


Outside the prison, in a business car.

"Qian Cuilan, female, 17 years old (before death), died of..."

Zhou Chen held a tablet computer and looked at a personal file with a serious expression, "Give up treatment!"

In the past, many people joked about the phrase "give up treatment".

But this phrase is not a joke, it is often used in the medical field.

The most common use is for some cancer patients and vegetative people.

At that time, Qian Cuilan was only fourteen years old. She was hurt, abused, disabled, tortured, burned... Although she was saved, she suffered mental damage and became a vegetative state.

Many people may not know that it is very expensive to take care of a vegetative person. Money is spent like water.

Three years, in order to take care of their daughter.

Qian Cuilan's parents spent all their savings and owed a huge foreign debt.

Finally, they couldn't bear to watch their daughter die, so they took medicine and committed suicide before their daughter.

The hospital is not a charity.

No one paid for Qian Cuilan's follow-up expenses, and the result can be imagined.

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