An armed helicopter quickly arrived in the sky and dropped a rope ladder.

Everyone knows the tonnage and volume of the ‘Wuzhi’.

The apron on the general building is not suitable for the Wuzhi to land or park.

Then why not on the road?

Don't make trouble, this is the capital.

Do you know what the consequences will be if the public sees a Wuzhi aircraft land on the road?

If it hadn't been for midnight, an armed helicopter would not have entered the city at all.

At this time, Zhou Chen was standing on the apron of the building and looked up.

His body instantly ejected and he grabbed the rope ladder.

Like a dexterous civet cat, it quickly climbed up and entered the helicopter door three seconds later.

The huge Wuzhi rose rapidly, flew into the night sky, and flew out of the city...

The sky is white with fish belly.

The light that illuminates the darkness is like the purity in the night, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

That's when.

An armed helicopter flying at super high speed roared violently and flew over a city.

The Supercomputer Research Institute is not in Beijing.

Instead, it was established in Linshi.

City T, a research institute building.

The roar of the propellers echoed over the building.

But there is no landing pad on the rooftop of the building.

However, the armed helicopter was slowly descending.

Thirty meters, twenty meters, fifteen meters, ten meters, five meters...

The hatch opened and a figure jumped out of the helicopter.

I saw the figure falling rapidly in the strong wind.

Bang, the soles of a pair of feet stepped on the rooftop floor, and the legs instantly bent to relieve the pressure, and then slowly straightened.

Zhou Chen slowly stood up from the ground and looked at a group of national security agents in civilian clothes three meters away.

Six national security agents stood at attention and saluted.

"How are Gou Sheng and Lao Liu doing?"

After Zhou Chen returned the military salute, his words sounded like the biting cold wind blowing from hell.

"The rescue is back."

A special agent quickly reported, "Everyone is out of danger!"

"Huh!" Zhou Chen exhaled a thick breath.

His face, as cold as ice, was just a little bit prettier.

"Report the specific situation."

Taking a step forward, Zhou Chen led the crowd towards the safety exit and entered the building.

"Four hours ago, Gou Sheng and Lao Liu, who were in charge of following, were driving to chase a spy. As a result, they were hit by a commercial vehicle on the way. Then four men got out of the commercial vehicle and shot Gou Sheng and Lao Liu in the street... …”

"Gou Sheng and Lao Liu fought back and were shot and wounded in the process, but the four gunmen fled in their cars, possibly because they ran out of bullets..."

"As for the spy who was being followed and monitored... his whereabouts are unknown!"

A special agent finished his report and looked at Zhou Chen, waiting for instructions.

"Seal down the city and investigate the source of the commercial vehicles. Since they were shooting in the street, Skynet surveillance should be able to capture their figures and retrieve the surveillance video..."

Zhou Chen, who was walking in the building, suddenly stopped and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "It is not the style of a spy to shoot in the street. It is most likely the local evil forces. Find them!"

"Yes!" Five of the six special agents left quickly.

At this time, Zhou Chen was looking at a group of people coming towards him.

In awe! .

Chapter 28: One Punch (8 updates)

What kind of person can make a person travel through two lives?

Zhou Chen is now the dignified director of national security.

In awe?

It's a group of people.

These people range from young and middle-aged people in their thirties to elderly people in their fifties and sixties.

They are all scientific researchers.

They are also the core workers who are currently developing the Dragon Kingdom supercomputer!

"Hello, Mr. Lin, my name is Zhou Chen."

When this group of people came in front of them, Zhou Chen's posture was very low, he stretched out his hands and took the hand extended by an old man, "Nice to meet you."


The old man smiled slightly and said, "How happy are you?"

I wiped... Zhou Chen almost peed.

No, why doesn't this old man play his cards according to the routine?

Judging from his character, this old man should be an old naughty boy.

Isn't this justifiable?

"Mr. Lin was joking."

Zhou Chen held the old man's hand tightly and said, "If a big shot like you can shake hands with you, I will not wash my hands for three days."

This is not flattery, this is humaneness.

Mr. Lin is indeed a big boss, the director of the Supercomputer Research Institute.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Mr. Lin laughed and was very happy, "There are not many young people nowadays who are as good at talking as you. By the way, you are a young comrade from Guoan, right?"

"Yes." Zhou Chen nodded.

"Then the rest of the security work will be left to you." Mr. Lin looked to his side.

A soldier in guard uniform stepped out and came to Zhou Chen, "I am Li Yulong, the director of the security department of the institute."

"Zhou Chen."

Zhou Chen smiled and looked at the other person.

A little strong, but not much.

This is not something he is proud of anymore.

Possess various abilities rewarded by the system.

Even if he is a military king, he still has the qualifications to stand upright.

On the battlefield, it's hard to say who will torture whom.

"Young and promising."

Li Yulong smiled slightly, but looked at Zhou Chen with sharp eyes.

Don't do it well... Zhou Chen was speechless.

Young and promising may seem like a compliment, but sometimes it is also a derogatory term.

It was obvious that the director of the security department in front of him was very unconvinced when he heard that Zhou Chen had taken over his job.

Zhou Chen was not angry.

Because he has many younger brothers who used to be soldiers.

I still remember one of his younger brothers once said in a casual way.

When he was in the army, there was a fight between a soldier in his class and a soldier from another class.

After the fight, the squad leader who heard the news came back and asked: Did you win or lose?

The soldier said: I won.

Squad leader: Good.

He pretended to yell and curse a few times, and the matter was over.

The soldier who lost the fight in another class was slapped by his squad leader and punished to run laps in the playground for a whole night.

This is the military camp. You can fight, but you can't lose. You must be brave and have the motivation to be the best in the world.

In the world of soldiers, it is said that the strong are respected!

Now, the director of the security department in front of him is very dissatisfied with Zhou Chen.

Why do you do that?

"Well, I don't have much time."

Zhou Chen looked at Li Yulong with a smile and pointed to the wall of the corridor, "Did you see it?"

Li Yulong: ? ? ?

Everyone: ???

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