My father is still working hard to make money, and my mother is also a Sanda coach.

Is this the ‘normal life’ a time traveler should have?

"Compensation?" Zhou Chen murmured.

This kind of compensation seems to also affect the juvenile wood fish?

However, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

Because everything that Mu Xiaoyu has can be said to belong to him.

What the young wooden fish has is equally his.

After thinking about it, Zhou Chen laughed dumbly.

God, you really know how to play!

Four hours later, morning light appeared.

Zhou Chen opened his eyes.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Head, there is a clue!"

The words of a special agent sounded outside the door.

Quickly getting up, Zhou Chen walked out of the door...

"Five minutes ago, Skynet big data compared a suspect who appeared outside the XX shanty town in T city."

At the door, special service team leader Hu Li handed Zhou Chen a palm-sized tablet computer as he walked out.

Times are progressing, and so is national security.

No one writes investigation reports manually anymore.

And paper documents are not easy to store.

Tablet computers are very versatile, have many functions, and are very practical.

He took the tablet and there was a video screen with pause button on it.

Seeing a figure in the picture, Zhou Chen's eyes narrowed.

That's right, it's exactly the person Guoan is looking for.

A suspect who was suspected of being a spy went offline and became an insider, and was followed by the National Security Bureau for half a year.

Guo Houyu!

The picture was captured by Skynet surveillance and scanned through big data.

The shooting location was a street outside a shantytown.

Zhou Chen blinked his eyes.


The system data panel appears.

Zhou Chen looked at the system task items.

[Mission: Seeking revenge and spying (8/10 days)]

The number of days represents the task time limit in the past two days.

If the number of waiting days becomes 0/10, Zhou Chen has not completed the system task.

That means the mission failed, and then he, the host, will be punished by the system.

Randomly eliminate an ability obtained from the system in the past...

The system is really bad, and I don’t know if the time limit is enough... Zhou Chen complained.

"Let's go and find this Guo Houyu."

T city, shanty town.

The so-called shanty towns are areas in the city that have not been planned and have been left behind.

The distribution of houses in this kind of place is messy and uneven, with too many inclined roads, dead ends, arc roads, and simple structures. There are bungalows, simple houses, small dilapidated buildings and the like everywhere.

The original owners of many houses are unoccupied and waiting to move back, and most of them are rented out.

Because the rent is cheap, there are people from all walks of life...

Forty minutes later.

Zhou Chen raised his head and looked at a street light pole and the monitoring equipment above.

This is where the video was shot.

The suspect Guo Houyu appeared here yesterday afternoon.

Passing the other party's walking direction... Zhou Chen turned around and saw a road entering a certain street.

The strange thing is that Skynet only captured this video.

Other Skynet surveillance never captured Guo Houyu's whereabouts.

"Monitoring blind spots?"

Zhou Chen raised the corner of his mouth and walked towards the opposite street.

Xiao Bichi, I'm here to find you! .

Chapter 34: Still not flashy enough (6 updates)

How many blind spots and dead ends are there in urban Skynet surveillance?

In accordance with urban skynet construction regulations.

At least one bayonet every 3 kilometers, at least one networking point every 400 meters, at least one public point every 50 meters, and at least one surveillance camera every 5 meters. Each camera can cover at least four achieve 'five full coverage' .

It may sound like you want to be powerful, but in fact, due to urban construction problems, at least 30% of every city is in a blind spot for surveillance.

Even in a capital city like Beijing, Skynet coverage can only reach 79%.

It can be said that in every city, there are surveillance blind spots and dead ends everywhere.

However, few people appear or enter those areas, and it is impossible to hide in blind spots and blind corners forever.

Because the blind spot and the blind spot are not connected, unless you can hide in the blind spot and never appear.


You will definitely be exposed to Skynet’s surveillance perspective!

In front of you.

An accident that shocked Zhou Chen occurred.

A living person actually disappeared from Skynet's blind spot.

There are no buildings in this blind area, just a street.

As long as you step out of this blind spot, you will be exposed to Skynet surveillance.

But... the person is gone.

Can you believe it?

"There's something."

Standing on the road, Zhou Chen smiled and murmured, "What is your purpose of coming to Earth?"

If this is not an alien, could it be that he has seen a ghost?

Or maybe the other party will do some magic.

Can you go to heaven? Can you enter the ground?

Glancing at the sky, Zhou Chen shook his head.

Ordinary people do not yet have this ability and tools.

If someone were to use that type of tool, people on the streets and roads would have seen it.

National security personnel have visited and have not seen anyone using "flying tools".

After ruling out the possibility of 'flying', Zhou Chen looked at the ground.

The ground is flat and there are no sewage wells, drainage outlets, or ways to enter the ground.

So, how did this person disappear?

"Retrieve Skynet monitoring..."

Zhou Chen gave the order, "From before the suspect disappeared to after he disappeared, all the surveillance videos of the surrounding area!"


The special agents took out their mobile phones and called the Skynet Monitoring Center in T City, asking them to transmit the surveillance videos...

It is impossible for a person to really disappear.

The other party must have used some method to escape.

And this method is quite weird.

It feels like the other party has become a magician.

He played a magic trick of disappearing a living person in front of you!

Ten minutes later.

A special agent holding a laptop received the video file sent by the Skynet Monitoring Center.

A total of nine surveillance videos.

Shot by nine cameras, the suspect was monitored from all angles after entering the monitoring blind spot, and edited into the video.

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