It's time to leave... Zhou Chen's eyes fell on Mu Youyu's face, "Something happened."

"We just met and are leaving now?"

The young wood fish pouted, expressing dissatisfaction.

It can be heard from the conversation that Zhou Chen often left suddenly in the past.

The young wood fish had long been used to it and didn't even ask the reason for leaving.

"I can't help it, something is urgent."

Ignoring Wang Yuanyuan standing by, Zhou Chen stretched out his hand to pinch Mu Xiaoyu's jade-like face, and said exaggeratedly, "Otherwise, how could I be willing to leave such a delicate beauty like you?"


Mu Youyu rolled her eyes at him, and the raised corners of her mouth revealed her inner pride, "Kneel down."

Zhou Chen stood up with a smile.

Take out your wallet, take out a card and put it in front of the young wooden fish.

That card is his real wife's book and also his salary card.

At the same time, he also took out a key and an access card.

Put it together with your bank card!

Mu Yuyu's eyes lit up, and his little mouth turned up with a surprise that he couldn't hide.

"My house is..."

After telling an address, Zhou Chen bent down and kissed Mu Youyu on the lips, "My lord, I'm leaving!"

Since you can't hide it anymore, there's no need to hide it.

Give her everything you have so that she won't have to worry about you.

Picking up the bank card, access card and key, Mu Xiaoyu happily looked at Zhou Chen's leaving figure, "You have a conscience!"

"What's this?"

Wang Yuanyuan looked at the card and key and asked the school girl curiously.

"His last secret."

Mu Youyu's eyes rolled around. When he saw Zhou Chen walking out of the restaurant, he took the senior's hand and ran outside, "Let's take you to see something fun."


Wang Yuanyuan's expression was strange, "You're not going to catch someone raping, are you?"

"What are you trying to catch? He can't do it."

After taking the elevator downstairs, Mu Youyu and Wang Yuanyuan ran to the hotel lobby and came to the floor-to-ceiling windows in the lobby.

Her big eyes looked outside the parking lot and fell on one place.

At this time, Zhou Chen was standing there.

"What's there to see?"

Wang Yuanyuan was confused and said, "If you can't bear it, just give it to him generously."

"Senior, you don't understand."

Mu Youyu shook his head and looked at the tall and tall figure with complex eyes, "As long as he doesn't want to, he won't say it. But today... it's different!"

"Is it different?" Wang Yuanyuan was even more confused.

However, the next moment, her expression suddenly changed.

It seemed like she saw something that frightened her.

Three cars came at lightning speed and stopped in front of Zhou Chen.

Compared with the capital city where luxury cars are everywhere, these three cars are very inconspicuous.

What made her expression change drastically was that the license plates of the three cars were white.

There are many types of license plate colors.

Blue, green, yellow, black, white...

The most special one is the white card, which is also divided into four types.

One represents the police, one represents the armed police, and one represents the military.

The last one represents national security!

However, most of the time, except for the police license plate, the other three types rarely appear.

Even if those three types of license plates appear, they are still performing some patrol and security tasks.

Especially Guoan, there are other special license plates, white plates are almost never used.


Three cars, two of which were business cars, opened their doors.

Two young men in Chinese tunic uniforms walked down.

Facing Zhou Chen, he stood like a javelin and raised his hand in salute.

Then quickly open the middle car door.

Zhou Chen didn't pretend like he didn't know he was being spied on.

Slowly turned around, raised his hand, and made a shooting gesture with his hand.


"Haha, what a bad thing."

In front of the floor-to-ceiling window, the young wooden fish smiled with trembling flowers, but there was no sound when the red lips opened and closed, "Come back soon!"

Putting down his arms, Zhou Chen nodded with a smile and got into the car.

Three inconspicuous cars with special license plates drove away quickly.


Wang Yuanyuan suppressed the shock in her heart and her face was pale and bloodless. She twisted her neck and looked at the calm-looking school girl, "Who is he?"

"He?" Mu Xiaoyu chuckled.

"A black-hearted maggot!".

Chapter 4: Scared to death

Wang Yuanyuan is from Beijing.

You may know a little more about Beijing than people from other provinces and cities.

Her father is still a policeman!

She still remembers what her father once said to her.

The capital city is a place with shallow water and many turtles.

If a billboard falls and hits ten people, maybe three are officials, three are rich people, three are people with background, and only one is an ordinary person.

Perhaps these words are too exaggerated.

The real situation... is more exaggerated than you think!

Of course, compared to those real horrors, these are just childish.

Her father had warned her not to be afraid of offending people in the capital.

Regardless of whether they are powerful, wealthy, or have a background...they are more likely to keep a low profile.

Ten times more low-key than ordinary people.

The most terrifying thing was that people from three places came to visit me.

Two parts and one game.

Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of National Security, Bureau of Guards!

If they come to your door and take you away.

You may never have to go home again in your life!

Just now, Wang Yuanyuan was shocked to see the license plate of Guoan.

I even saw people wearing civilian uniforms from the National Security Bureau saluting Mu Youyu’s younger brother.

You must know that Mu Youyu just graduated from college this year and is only twenty-two years old. How old can her brother be?

The most important point.

Who is worthy of having two national security officers open the door for him and have his own private car?

By the way, Wang Yuanyuan's neighbor lives with a "deputy section chief".

Is it speechless to have to squeeze into the subway to go to and from get off work on weekdays?

In fact, this is normal. Under the imperial city, only those above the "full section chief" are entitled to a car.

But ordinary full section chiefs dare not have their own private cars. Those who understand will understand!

In other words, even if Mu Youyu's brother is in the national security position, he must be at least a full section chief.

Or even higher...

Wang Yuanyuan dare not think about it!

"Don't joke."

Wang Yuanyuan's expression changed, "We are good sisters, your brother's family... what does it do?"

"Ordinary people."

Mu Youyu tilted his head and blinked, "His father does a small business, and his mother is a Sanda coach."

Wang Yuanyuan: (⊙_⊙)

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