Photography represents the time it takes for a photo to be formed from photographic paper.

[Scanned object: Photo, formation time... 42 days. ]

42 days... Zhou Chen's eyes lit up instantly.

Scanning the location where the photo was taken... Zhou Chen was excited.

[Scanned object: ? ? ? ]

Zhou Chen:...

I forgot that 'Everything Scanning' can only analyze objects, which does not mean that you can do whatever you want with this ability.

It does not have the ability to find certain locations through an object!

Even so, Zhou Chen was very satisfied.

Especially the 42 days of formation time... Zhou Chen looked at Yang Xu and his subordinates, "Check, from 45 to 60 days, in all photography auxiliary equipment stores in Zone X, and all online shopping platforms, has anyone purchased 8-inch photographic paper!"

The size of the photo is 8 inches, and the formation time is 42 days, which means that 42 days ago, someone bought photographic paper and developed these photos.

There is a high probability that they were developed in Zone X.

To develop photos, you definitely need photographic paper, and there are only two ways to buy it, physical stores and online stores.

Nowadays, almost no one buys photographic paper, so there must not be many physical stores in District X.

If you buy it online... it is also easy to find.

Because the fifteen photographic papers in front of you are not the special photographic papers for Polaroid.

They are just professional-grade developing photographic papers, and not many people buy this kind of photographic paper.

The National Security Special Service and the police in District X have all started to investigate the source of the photographic paper.

At this time, Zhou Chen took the fifteen photos, turned on the "Eye of Insight", and checked the "background" in the photos.

He wanted to use the "background" to find the shooting location of these terrorists.

From the fifteen photos, it can be roughly analyzed that there are three shooting locations.

The factory building, bungalow, basement... The basement at the back may be a cellar.

Because nowadays, most people build basements with cement floors.

But the floor of this basement is loess, which looks like a cellar.

As for the bungalow, this is easy to distinguish.

The lime applied on the wall prints the brick body, and there are traces of "dust falling" in some places.

And you can also see the old wooden "triangular beams" in the house.

Finally, there is the factory building.

From the background of the photo, it can be easily found that it should be an abandoned factory building.

Assume... these three shooting locations are all in District X.

There are two places that are already very obvious, the cellar and the bungalow.

Such places are mostly found in shanty towns, county towns, and rural areas.

Factories are generally not built in cities, but mostly in the suburbs.

So... Zhou Chen's mouth showed a cold mockery.

"Locard's material exchange law tells us that crimes must be caught!".

Chapter 69 Satellite fixed-point monitoring (1 update)

"Search all small factories in District X, and focus on factories that have not been reopened after bankruptcy and abandonment."

Zhou Chen looked at Yang Xu with a serious expression.


Yang Xu nodded, knowing what Zhou Chen wanted to find.

The address in the background of the photo!

As for why not looking for bungalows and basements?

Don't be funny.

Do you know how big District X is?

The permanent population is more than 24 million, and there are 14 prefectures, cities, and 88 counties in the district...

Can you find bungalows and basements?

As for factories, it's not necessary to say, which is relatively easier to check.

Especially some abandoned and unused properties, there should not be many.

Terrorists dared to "pose" in a factory building.

This means that there should be no one near this abandoned factory building, and they are not afraid of being exposed.

And there should not be many such places.

It only took half a day to mobilize the entire X-district police force for a comprehensive search.

A total of 19 suspected crime sites were found.

In order to save time, Zhou Chen called the National Security Bureau directly.

Requested the local garrison to dispatch two helicopters...

Zhou Chen and Yang Xu led the National Security Special Service to check 19 locations one by one.

When checking the 13th location, they found suspicious points...

"13, it's really an unlucky number!"

In a factory building, Zhou Chen scanned the interior and muttered.

Walked to the center of the site and looked at the cement floor.

There was a circular cement mark on the ground that did not match the cement marks around it.

People who understand civil engineering, especially those who understand "bricklaying and plastering", know.

After the cement is formed, the color will be different due to different years.

The hardness of the later filling is different from that of the earlier forming.

This is related to the sand and stone ratio, the number of mud, the time... It is a big deal.

The circular mark in front of you is darker in color, and the surrounding cement is grayer in color.

It can be easily seen that it was filled in later.

Judging from the size of the circle, it used to look like a small round hole.

Why did Zhou Chen pay so much attention to this place?

I still remember the fifteen photos, one of which was like this...

The photo is a factory (warehouse).

A group of masked terrorists.

There are five bodies around them.

All five bodies are pierced by five thick steel bars.

From the lower body to the mouth, the whole body is pierced out.

Five steel bars are inserted into the ground, and the five bodies are suspended on the steel bars in the air...

Zhou Chen's sight moved, and then he found four "dots" on the cement floor.

There are exactly five in total!

Comparing the size of these "dots", it looks like someone has used a pneumatic drill to drill five holes in the ground.

It is convenient for someone to insert steel bars into the ground!

Zhou Chen stood up and pointed at the five 'dots' on the ground.

It took two hours for the special service to prepare the tools, and some methods were used.

The cement that was filled in later was dug out of the five round holes.

Restored to its ‘original’ appearance!

"A foot deep?"

Yang Xu looked at the five 'holes' on the ground with a sullen face, then turned to look carefully at the abandoned factory in front of him, "It should be here!"

At this time, a special agent brought a photo.

Through photo comparison, we can compare the round holes in the ground, angles, and the interior appearance of the factory building.

Make sure it matches the ‘background’ in the photo!

The medical examiner arrived.

After arriving, these forensic doctors prepared some potions and sprayed them on the concrete floor.

Ten minutes.

Mottled black and red traces magically appeared on the ground.

Human blood!

It should be the blood stains from the bodies dripping on the ground after a group of terrorists killed someone.

The forensic doctors used various methods to ‘restore’ them all!

About forty minutes later.

Special agents dug up five skeletons in a depression 200 meters away from the abandoned factory!

The forensic on-site autopsy showed that the time of death was no more than three months based on the degree of decomposition of the body.

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