When it flies to the sky to intercept the target, it will explode quickly, producing regional fragmentation coverage.

The lethality and regional strikes generated by the explosion of one hundred high-explosive grenades are terrifying.

At this moment.

Ten anti-aircraft missiles were activated, launched, and flew at the same time.

It flew to the target area, the factory area where Zhou Chen was just at a speed of about Mach 2.

At the same time.

Standing on the rooftop of the building, Zhou Chen slowly turned his head and looked at the night sky in the distance.

Using the visual doubling and insight eye abilities, he instantly captured the missile.

"Do you really think I will confront those combat soldiers and special forces head-on?"

Zhou Chen chuckled, "Stupid!"


There was a roar under his feet again, and he was ejected.

Using the "flea ejection" ability continuously, Zhou Chen seemed to move instantly, 200 meters at a time, like jumping space, and appeared one kilometer away a few seconds later.

Calmly watched ten anti-aircraft missiles fly over his head.

One second later.


Ten anti-aircraft missiles exploded in the sky more than ten meters above the factory area.

The fragments produced by the horrific explosion were endless.

Instantly covered the factory area within a radius of one kilometer.

No one could describe the horrific scene.

The factory was destroyed.

All living beings inside and outside the factory area were drowned by the explosion and fragments.

Fifty soldiers from various countries and hundreds of special forces.

Under the explosion of ten anti-aircraft missiles, they were like being minced by a meat grinder.

No one survived!

"All nine personnel, return to the country."

Zhou Chen raised his hand and issued the last order to the mobile phone.

"Boss, what about you?"

Zhao Yong's voice sounded in the mobile phone.

"Go and kill those people behind the scenes."

Zhou Chen said calmly: "Maybe I will be back later."

End the call and dial another number.

30 seconds, through confirmation, encryption and other means.

The call was connected to the office of the Minister of National Security.

"When will you come back?" The old man's voice was solemn.

"I don't know... 0"

Zhou Chen smiled a little lowly and helplessly, "Maybe one month, maybe two months, maybe half a year, maybe... I can't come back!"

The old man was silent.

After a full minute, his voice sounded tiredly, "You are no longer the you of the past. For the country, your importance is not worthy of them being buried with you."


Zhou Chen smiled happily, "Am I really that important?"

I used to think that I came to this world to make up the numbers in the human world!

"You are cruel to the enemy, like a devil. But you are loyal to the country and defend the country."

The old man seemed to be sighing, "Do you know that the Dragon Country has long cancelled the special merit. Except for the special meritorious officials of the older generation, this kind of merit is no longer available. But... we have prepared a special merit medal for you!"

Zhou Chen was stunned.

I still remember that there was a national celebration.

Some national heroes were invited to Tiananmen Square to participate in the celebration.

An old meritorious official with special merit had to use a wheelchair to go up to the tower because of his inconvenience in legs and feet.

But because he was a special meritorious official, because the country knew that he had inconvenience in legs and feet.

Therefore, there was a special person who carried the old meritorious official up to the tower like a sedan chair.

Millions of people were paying attention to him, what an honor?

This was the treatment of a special meritorious official!

Zhou Chen came back to his senses and asked with a smile, "I don't think I deserve it?"

"Your contribution is already 5.5, which is enough."

The old man was also laughing, and said with a smile: "It is enough to match the special merit reward."

If I am not careful, I will also become a god of war, and I will be on the same level as the older generation of heroes... Zhou Chen grinned, "I think I still don't deserve that kind of honor. When I go back, I should be worthy of it."

Without giving the old man a chance to speak again, he ended the call.

Chenhui, Xiaolu, Chaoyang.

Zhou Chen looked at the horizon calmly, watching the morning sun bloom.

Facing the direction of Longguo, he raised his hand and saluted.

Pictures emerged in his mind like slides.

Sister, parents, father-in-law and mother-in-law... faces flashed by.

The moment he put down his arms, Zhou Chen's eyes were no longer filled with human emotions.

I am invincible in the world.

Please, kill the gods! .

Chapter 580 Finale

Time passed, and half a year passed in a blink of an eye.

Beijing, National Defense University Hospital.

Outside the birthing center.

The entire corridor was crowded with people.

There were two middle-aged couples, looking at the door of the birthing center with anxious and worried expressions.

Not far away.

The three heads of the family, representing national security, guards, and police, also looked at the door with solemn expressions.

A delivery room in the birthing center has gathered the best delivery doctors and nurses in Longguo, all of whom are women.

This is also because the woman who is about to give birth is too special and cannot be sloppy at all.

She and the child in her belly now represent something too important.

If that terrifying existence comes back and finds that his wife and children have an accident.

No one can bear the horrible consequences.

No one!

"I'll beat this damn kid to death when he comes back!"

He Yuzhu gritted her teeth angrily, cursing her son.

"Okay. 30"

Sun Yulan hugged her good sister, "Chenchen is working for the country, and will come back when he finishes his work."

"Is protecting the family and the country more important than giving birth to my wife?"

He Yuzhu said angrily, "The doctor said that the child is a bit old and it may be difficult..."

"I know, I know."

Sun Yulan smiled bitterly and shook her head, mist appearing in her eyes.

He Yuzhu scolded his son again, and then he hugged his sisters and whispered comfort.

But she is more worried about her daughter-in-law, who is like a daughter-in-law.

The two men looked at each other and sighed.

What can they say?

Defending one's family and country is a man's dream.

But this time Zhou Chen did go a little too far.

He hasn't been home for half a year, what on earth is he doing?

The expressions of the three old people were still so solemn.

Mr. Wang, who represented the Security Bureau, suddenly said, "No news yet?"

The old man from Guoan shook his head.

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