Zhou Chen took a step and walked towards the 10th floor, passing the unconscious woman.

Just as he arrived at the security door on the 10th floor.

Instantly, a feeling of extreme danger flashed through his heart.

His feet bounced, and Zhou Chen used his body to push six special agents down the stairs.

Da da da da... The sound of gunfire roared, and countless bullet holes appeared on the security door.

Bullets splashed in the stairwell.

Standing up from his subordinates, half squatting, Zhou Chen sneered and stretched out his hand.

A special agent took off the anti-material sniper rifle on his back and handed it to the director.

Zhou Chen half squatted, raised the sniper rifle to the door, and pulled the trigger.


With a low roar, Zhou Chen, who was squatting on the ground, shook his body and did not move at all.

A terrifying big hole appeared on the security door.

Boom, boom, boom, boom...

The roars exploded from the anti-material sniper rifle.

Zhou Chen was like a human turret, and his sniper rifle became a cannon.

He fired five shots in a row.

He pushed down the magazine and took the new magazine handed over by his subordinates and replaced it.

Boom boom boom boom... Another five shots in a row.

After ten shots, the metal security door was shattered.

Finally, it was knocked off the door frame by the terrifying power of the sniper bullet and hit the ground.

Just as the door fell, Zhou Chen dropped his sniper rifle and instantly shot up from a half-squatting position.

A strong wind blew up, and the special agents squinted their eyes.

Zhou Chen's body had disappeared from their sight.

He rushed into the 10th floor...

Because he jumped from the bottom to the top, Zhou Chen, who entered the 10th floor, was like a cannonball, and he was in the air in the corridor.

But his eyes were like radars, and he saw six people the moment he entered the 10th floor.

In the sight of the "Eye of Insight", all six people were men.

Four Han people and two Uyghurs.

Two of them held rifles in their hands, and one held a pistol in his hand.

One of the other three was holding a fire axe, and the other two were empty-handed.

Because the speed was too fast.

Zhou Chen could see them clearly, but they could not see Zhou Chen clearly.

The eyes of these six people were still looking at the direction of the security door.

Bang, Zhou Chen twisted his body in the air, and his thighs stepped on the wall.

His body instantly half-crouched, and suddenly jumped up, and he jumped towards a man in the air.

A whip-like thigh stretched out, and the leg bent around the man's head, followed by a twist.


As Zhou Chen's body twisted in the air, a strange angle suddenly appeared on the man's neck.

His head was twisted to his back!

Snap, Zhou Chen's feet fell to the ground.

It was not until then that the other five pairs of eyes fell on Zhou Chen.


What they faced was the muzzle of a self-defense pistol.

Bang bang bang bang...

Two seconds, 10 shots!

10 bullets shot through the wrists of the five men.

Without both hands, people can't hold weapons.

The reason why they were not killed on the spot was that Zhou Chen found that the "clothing" of these five people was not affordable for ordinary people.

The cheapest suit of one of the five people cost at least 50,000 yuan.

Can ordinary terrorists afford luxury goods?


The five people who were shot in the wrist screamed, and some weapons fell to the ground.

Six special agents rushed to the 10th floor at this time.

Without Zhou Chen's order, the butts of their guns hit the heads of the five people.

Knock down all five terrorists!

Zhou Chen quickly searched the 10th floor.

The 10th floor was empty, there was no office area, and no one used it.

Leaving a special agent behind, Zhou Chen took five subordinates to the 11th floor.

As a result, it was still empty.

When they reached the 12th floor, seven terrorists appeared.

Six were killed on the spot, leaving one alive.

No... Zhou Chen narrowed his eyes.

What's wrong?

Through the confession of the terrorist Uncle Li, that is, Li Ming.

He said that he had seen several high-ranking officials in the organization and described their appearance.

Zhou Chen killed his way from the 2nd floor to the 12th floor, but he didn't see even one so-called "high-ranking official".

No one matched the appearance of the high-ranking official described by Li Ming.

The question is, where are the high-ranking officials of these terrorist organizations?

Double the sense of smell... Zhou Chen had a thought and activated his ability.

In an instant, a strange smile appeared on his face.

It's not that he didn't see them, but that they were all hiding on the 12th floor.

This is really a sad story... Zhou Chen was happy.

As for who will be sad.



PS: Two chapters were updated for free today, and eight chapters will be charged after they are put on the shelves, a total of ten chapters, 22,000 words.

My dear, I can't work anymore, I'm too sleepy, I'm going to sleep first.

I'll continue working after I wake up, please give me a free flower monthly ticket, thank you! .

Chapter 79 Hiding and Concealing (1 update)

Human body odors. Floating into the nose.

Zhou Chen frowned and distinguished those body odors through his sense of smell.

A lot, very mixed, very weird.

A lot, understandable.

Mixed, understandable.

As for the weird... Zhou Chen couldn't figure it out.

What does that mean?

From the ability of "double smell", he could tell how many people had appeared in the building by smelling the remaining smell in the air, how many men and how many women.

But now, among these body odors, Zhou Chen smelled two "aliens".

Although they also smelled like "people", they were definitely not people born and raised in Dragon Country.

I understand... Zhou Chen laughed dumbly, "So they are foreigners, no wonder they have such a strong body odor!"

Many Europeans and Americans have very strong body odor, and in severe cases, people call it body odor.

When you come into contact with Europeans and Americans, you will often be "knocked down" by the strong odor on their bodies when you meet them for the first time.

In comparison, Asians have very light body odor.

According to the residual body odor, even if the two aliens leave the 12th floor, it will definitely not take more than 25 minutes...The smile on Zhou Chen's face became even more weird.

In other words, they have no time to leave.

Because Zhou Chen took Jiuchu and killed from the 2nd floor to the 12th floor, it took nearly two hours.

And they pushed up layer by layer in a carpet-like manner.

Could these two aliens escape under their noses?

Even if they can fly, fly out of the business building.

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