
Yang Xu's eyes brightened as he looked at the five figures walking out of the airport hall door.


Yang Xu looked calm and his eyes were complicated.

Looking at Zhou Chen and four special agents approaching.

Some people say that the eyes are the windows to the soul.

However, every time he saw Zhou Chen's eyes, he felt that the window was too deep.

Let Yang Xu basically see the fluctuations inside, like a black hole in the middle of the universe.

Unfathomable, bottomless!

Yang Xu's face showed surprise.

Originally, he just dispatched a few special agents from the Ninth Division to assist through the big boss of the police department.

Because he had cooperated once, he knew very well how powerful and terrifying the special services of Section 9 were.

It doesn't take much, there are three or five special agents accompanying me.

Yang Xu dares to fight wits and courage with any criminal in the world.

He thought he would be satisfied if he could send a few special agents, but he also thought it was too extravagant.

Why didn't I expect that the chief of the department, Zhou Chen, would personally take action...

"We meet again!"

【内篰群(jiu qi wu liu san er si yi ling)】

The coldness on his face disappeared, and Zhou Chen smiled and stretched out his hand.


Yang Xu was somewhat excited and held Zhou Chen's hand, "You said last time that we would cooperate again, but I didn't expect it would be so soon."

"Stop making small talk."

Zhou Chen asked, "What's going on?"

"Get in the car first."

Yang Xu's expression froze and he sighed.

Everyone got into three police cars.

Two division chiefs were sitting in the back seat of one of the vehicles.

Yang Xu didn't waste any time and handed Zhou Chen the tablet.

It contains all the cases, investigations, and files.

These are normal routines for police criminal investigation.

In the process of solving a case, first investigate, then investigate, make bold assumptions, rigorous reasoning, and draft dossier, which are all necessary preliminary tasks.

The last step is the verification during the case and the collection of evidence...

Zhou Chen knows this stuff well.

Moreover, the files produced by a police king himself are definitely not comparable to those of ordinary police officers.

As a result, when he woke up the tablet desktop, looked at a file on the desktop, and clicked on it.

People are confused.

No investigation?

No, there are still some.

Five photos, a scene, autopsy report, a lot of miscellaneous things.

The only thing missing is...the investigation report!

It's a case, and it's a case involving a killer.

There is no investigation report, can you believe it?

"Play with me?"

Zhou Chen turned to look at Yang Xu, whose expression looked like he was constipated.

He felt that a police king still had professional ethics.

I wouldn't make such a stupid joke at this time.

"Do you think I have that much free time?"

Yang Xu sighed, "If I hadn't come here, this case might have been classified as a natural death. It took me two days to find some clues, and found out that the perpetrator might be... a killer!"

A police king.

Still, even with the victim's body, it would take two days to confirm homicide.

Zhou Chen's pupils shrank rapidly.

My scalp is a little numb! .

Chapter 94 I seem to see a devil (6 updates)

Zhou Chen smoked a cigarette and frowned.

Listening to Yang Xu describing the case process.

But as I listened, I suddenly felt an unexpected sense of surprise in my heart...

Three days ago.

A couple discovered something strange at home

The wife had a nightmare and woke up from it.

I found that I couldn't move, I could only move my eyes.

His body seemed to be pressed hard against the bed by something.

However, the wife did not find anything on her body.

Her husband - was also asleep beside her.

The wife was frightened and confused.

I could only open my eyes and stare blankly at the ceiling of the bedroom.

However, she could feel an unspeakable fear.

The aura of fear seemed to be pervasive and suffocating.


The wife was shocked to find out.

The ceiling light on the ceiling actually turned on.

It wasn't the normal light, but a blood-red light.

Something terrible happened.

A drop of blood slowly seeped out from the ceiling lamp and dripped down from the lampshade.

On her head!

The wife wanted to scream and get up.

But she couldn't do anything, couldn't move, couldn't make a sound.

I could only watch helplessly as drops of bright red blood fell.

Falling on her face, flowing across her cheeks...

Maybe it was because I couldn't bear the horrific sight any longer.

The wife suddenly sat up.

I actually found that I could move.

Then, something even weirder happened.

Her husband, who used to sleep peacefully next to her, has changed.

It became fragmented and became all over the bed...

The wife first saw a severed hand lying on her lap.

That hand was so cold, so cold, and so familiar.

Even the gold ring I bought when I got married was worn properly on my ring finger.

The wife screamed and was frightened, and she quickly opened the severed hand.

But the severed hand was opened.

The husband's legs, feet, torso... covered the entire big bed.

What frightened the wife most was that her husband’s head was placed in the middle of the bed.

Then, slowly open your eyes.

There seems to be some force controlling it.

The moment the head opened its eyes, it slowly floated up.

It floated in front of his wife.

His wife was stunned.

A chill ran from the soles of her feet to her forehead.

Her heart almost jumped out of her throat.

She was so scared that she dared not move except trembling.

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