"I don't know if you have come into contact with killers in the past, but I have."

Yang Xu talked eloquently, "I once caught a killer. The killer organization has a rule. Every time you kill someone, you will leave a trace that is difficult for others to find."


Zhou Chen nodded, "To collect commission for convenience."

The killer profession does have this rule.

Every time someone kills someone, they do leave some 'marks'.

The reason for this is to prevent employers from defaulting on their debts.

Most of the time, the commission does not have to be paid upfront, but a deposit is required.

After completing the killing mission, the killer can get the remaining commission.

Leaving traces is to prevent employers from cheating.

Otherwise, why do you say that you killed someone, not someone else, a homicide, or an accident?

Zhou Chen once led nine divisions to encircle and suppress a killer organization, but there were not many people in that organization, only three.

Every time they committed a crime, they would leave a mark on the victim's teeth for easy identification.

And the plot in the movie where you go up to kill and collect money after killing is just bullshit.

Some people even dare to cheat the country and terrorist organizations.

As long as you have the strength, why can't you rely on your killer's money?

Except for all specific characters, who are inconvenient to leave traces, real killers will leave some traces to prove that the mission has been completed.

"Nose hair!"

Yang Xu said with a cold face, "I found that the victim's left nostril had missing nose hairs."


Zhou Chen nodded, "There is something wrong with thinking of a killer who left such traces. But...you happened to recognize him?"

"It's not a coincidence..."

Yang Xu shook his head, "Our Special Case Investigation Division has been looking for this killer group for a long time!"


Zhou Chen's face changed slightly.

Anything that can be called a 'group' has three major characteristics: organization, purpose, and stability.

The most important thing is that there are many people!

For example, criminals, if there are two or more people, it is considered a gang crime, if there are more than five people, it is an organized crime, and if more than two digits are organized with purpose and the members are stable, they will be called a group.

It can be said that when Yang Xu said that the other party was not a killer organization, but a group.

Zhou Chen had already determined that the number of members in this killer group was at least double digits.

"Since it's so clear, it's all because of the killer you captured in the past, right?"

Zhou Chen asked with certainty.


Yang Xu nodded, "According to the killer's confession, members of the group will leave traces after committing crimes. For example, they shave the victim's nose hair and leave a little blank area on the victim's scalp. If the victim's hand hair is clear, they can also shave it." The hair on one of the victim's fingers was lost... Such traces are difficult to detect, but as long as you look carefully, they are clearly visible and easy to distinguish. "

"The killer group was not wiped out because the line was broken?"

Zhou Chen frowned, "Single-line contact?"

"Is there anything else you don't know about?"

Yang Xu stared at Zhou Chen with complicated eyes, "Yes, the killer group is not a fool. The killers below are all connected by a single line. If something happens to one of them, just cut off the line."

"The reason why it is said to be the work of a suspected killer is because you are not sure that the victim's missing nose hair was an accident in 2.6. Is it because of the killer?"

Zhou Chen smiled, "But be careful if you can sail a thousand-year ship. Are you worried about being killed by a killer? Why don't you go to our nine places to try to steal people?"


Yang Xu chuckled and said nothing.

A killer's job is to kill people, and ordinary police officers may not be able to do it better than others.

Maybe you will die before you can call for help.

To investigate this case, there must be a few big dogs around.

Under normal circumstances, just ask a few special police officers to follow you for protection.

The problem is that since seeing the terror of those people in the Nine Divisions, Yang Xu feels that the special police are not safe.

The people in the Ninth Division can be so powerful, can you guarantee that there are no powerful killers?

That's why Zhou Chen and others arrived.

Of course, even if Yang Xu doesn't look for Jiu Chu.

Zhou Chen will come too! .

Chapter 96: Asking for a slap in the face (8 updates)

Bincheng, Forensic Medicine Bureau, Autopsy Room.

The air in the room is cold to slow down the decay of the body.

Wearing a windbreaker, Zhou Chen felt the cold atmosphere in the autopsy room, the lingering smell of disinfectant, and the stench of blood mixed with corpses.

There are three dissecting tables located in a square shape in the center of the room.

A male corpse was placed on one of the autopsy tables.

"Park Xihua, male, 43 years old, from Bincheng, general manager of a listed toy manufacturing company, has no criminal record. When he was 23, he and his wife had a daughter..."

"Niu Xue, female, 42 years old...the wife of the victim Park Xihua..."

Yang Xu read the personal information of the victim and the victim's spouse.

Zhou Chen was also checking the victim's body in front of him at this time.

Even without bending down, through the angle, he could use his 'Eye of Insight' to see that there was indeed no nose hair in the victim's left nostril, and he could also see the broken marks of nasal hair that should have been left in the nostril after being trimmed with a 'nose trimmer'.

Based on this alone, no one can guarantee that the 'killer' will stay.

Zhou Chen can guarantee it, because the system task has already given prompts.

Ghost killer?

If the victim in front of him was killed by a killer, Zhou Chen would not dare to say arbitrarily that the person who killed the victim was the 27 ghost killer he was looking for.

Maybe there is someone else who is this ghost killer.

Everything needs to be confirmed before it can be confirmed!

"Cause of death?" Zhou Chen asked.

"Hickey!" Yang Xu had a strange expression.

Zhou Chen was stunned for a moment, then he looked like he saw a ghost.

Hickey, to put it bluntly, is 'planting strawberries'.

Many lovers and couples often leave this mark on their partner's neck.

There are carotid arteries distributed on the neck, and the carotid arteries are relatively fragile.

When planting strawberries on the neck, the suction force is too strong, which may cause carotid artery ischemia, carotid artery rupture, or cerebral stroke.

It is fatal!

Real case: A newlywed couple, just the second day after their marriage, the husband died, planting strawberries caused a stroke, and rescue was not timely.

The so-called stroke, to put it bluntly, is cerebral ischemia, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction...

People who understand how high the mortality rate of stroke is know.

If it is caused 'intentionally', the mortality rate is even more terrible.

Basically, nine out of ten people will die!

Planting strawberries includes the so-called 'intentional' ranks.

Knowing the danger, you still do it intentionally!

Whatever I do, I am most afraid of the sudden silence in the air.

At this time, the entire autopsy room was terribly quiet.

After a while, Zhou Chen rubbed his face and looked at Yang Xu, "When your old colleague told the case, you felt something was wrong because middle-aged couples could not be so passionate?"

"Well, I am a middle-aged person myself, and I know middle-aged couples too well."

Yang Xu laughed, "Now my wife and I don't even kiss each other much, let alone grow strawberries, what are you dreaming of?"


Zhou Chen showed a smile that all men understand, "Facts have proved that your idea is very dangerous. Be careful that one day my sister-in-law will change the iron rod in anger."

Yang Xu:...

Why are you so talkative, so talkative that I can hardly complain.

Behind this, is it the decline of morality or the distortion of human nature?

"But this kiss kills people..."

The smile on Zhou Chen's face gradually disappeared, and he slowly narrowed his eyes, leaned down to the victim's neck, and his pupils shrank, "Woman?!"

Can kisses distinguish between men and women?

Lips are made up of an outer layer of epidermis and an inner layer of mucous membrane.

In both layers of tissue, women's outer layer of epidermis and inner layer of mucous membrane are thinner than men's.

This means that women's lips are softer.

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