Time flies by.

In the blink of an eye, another half year has passed.

The second genetic modification program arrived as scheduled.

During this period, all the resources of the experimental team were tilted towards the genetic project team, and everyone worked overtime to save Lu Xiaojiang, who was in danger.

And the results are remarkable.

The new 300 sets of pathological gene sequences represent their sweat and hard work.

"Professor Lu, how have you felt in the past six months, have you had any rejection reactions?"

Before the operation began, the researchers constantly used the instrument to find various body values on Lu Xiaojiang.

As the world's first human trial, this data is invaluable.

"Basically nothing," Lu Xiaojiang clenched his powerful fists.

In the past six months, he has not experienced any abnormalities.

Instead, his body tissues were renewing at a rate visible to the naked eye as those 100 sets of replacement genes were implanted.

Now he feels better than ever.

Although the cancer cells are still spreading, the speed has dropped to a manageable trend compared to before.

"This operation, to replace 300 sets of genes, you can't be sloppy, you have to make a record"

While lying on the hospital bed, Lu Xiaojiang did not forget to remind these colleagues.

"Professor Lu, we will" One by one, the researchers, whether old or young, had a light in their eyes called admiration.

The operation to replace 300 sets of genes is very long.

Lu's father and mother Lu, accompanied by Song Sizhe, waited anxiously outside the operating room.

"Teacher Song, Xiaojiang, he will succeed this time," Lu Mu grabbed her husband's arm tightly, so hard that it even left several bruises on her skin.

Father Lu, on the other hand, kept patting Mother Lu's back.

In the past six months, the husband and wife have spent all the time in torment.

Father Lu is more bearable as a man, so it's okay, but he has become a little haggard.

But Lu's mother's originally black long hair was mixed with mottled silver threads during this time.

"Don't worry, Xiaojiang, he is also my student, and he has never failed in his life, right" Song Sizhe looked at the direction of the operating room with firm eyes and prayer.


It's not just the three of them.

Many people related to Lu Xiaojiang spontaneously came to the hospital to wait.

In this, there is Xu Lao, a master of traditional Chinese studies.

There is also Luthor, a scientific leader in naturalization.

There are also all professors and doctors of the Institute of Hahan University.

At this moment, they are all praying for Lu Xiaojiang.

The one-day and one-night operation finally ended after changing three batches of surgeons.

When the door of the operating room was pushed open, a thin, but majestic figure walked out of it.

"Parents, why are you here, didn't you go home and wait"

The person who walked out of the operating room was Lu Xiaojiang.

Because it is a minimally invasive procedure, there is no need to lie on the hospital bed and be pushed out by the nurse.

On the contrary, on this day and night, Lu Xiaojiang guided three groups of medical staff as if he were doing research as usual.

This made the three surgeons very depressed, obviously I am a doctor, you are a patient, but why do I have to accept your guidance at the same time as the operation.

But Lu Xiaojiang is an authority in this field, and the opinions he gives make them unable to even find points to refute it.

Even the questions that the three professors had during the operation, Lu Xiaojiang could answer them one by one.

This couldn't help but make the three senior professors who had already admired Lu Xiaojiang's knowledge even more admirable.

"Sure enough, he is a man who can change the times, it is so extraordinary!"

The operation finally ended in an atmosphere like an academic discussion meeting, and although the three chief surgeons were young and strong, they were also tired and fell to the ground under such a high-intensity mental and physical exertion.

Lu Xiaojiang, on the other hand, seemed to be a nobody, sorted out his hospital gown and walked out by himself.

Even the hospital doctor who was on the side couldn't help but marvel that for the first time he had seen patients behave healthier than doctors in so many years.

"Teacher Song, why is everyone here, how is the laboratory over there"

After walking out of the second sentence of the ward, Lu Xiaojiang asked about the laboratory that made his heart miss, which couldn't help but make Song Sizhe even more impressed.

The illness that can make everyone despair, in front of him, is like a small cold, not only is not afraid, but he never forgets the progress of the research project.

"Okay, all good, there are people left in the laboratory, and everyone has arranged a time to visit you," Song Sizhe choked.

Lu Xiaojiang nodded, very satisfied.

Only then did I find that the corridor of the ward of Hehan University was full of densely packed people.

The cheers, choked with sobs, came like a tsunami of mountains.

Everyone saw Lu Xiaojiang, who was like no one, and they all understood that this operation was a great success.

"Great, God has eyes that can't take Professor Lu away!"

"Professor Lu, you are my idol for life!"

"Dear Lu, you are really God's favorite, I know that his old man will not take you easily

" "To be able to take your own life from the hands of the God of Death, Professor Lu, you are undoubtedly the god of our time!"

The cheering crowd plunged the entire hospital building into a sea of revelry.

Whether they knew it or not, people hugged each other tightly, celebrating the rebirth of this time-changing professor.


Three days later, Lu Xiaojiang returned to the hospital for a re-examination as scheduled.

"According to the test results, Professor Lu, the value-added rate of cancerous cells in your body has completely slowed down to 10%

", "This speed is already within the acceptance range of traditional targeted therapy and chemotherapy

", "If nothing else, you can already suppress the outbreak of the disease without the need for extremely risky genetic modification!"

The director of the laboratory physician of the Affiliated Hospital of Hehan University held the examination results and trembled in front of a group of biomedical bigwigs.

As the real power figure of this hospital, he is like a schoolboy in front of this room of biomedical bulls.

"Great," Song Sizhe raised his arms excitedly.

Originally, the genetic modification technology was not perfect, and it was still in animal live experiments, and if it were not for Lu Xiaojiang's sudden outbreak of this strange disease, then he would never have agreed to human experiments so early.

It can be said that Lu Xiaojiang can survive two difficult surgeries without the probability of rejection, which is simply less than the probability of being hit by a meteorite.

Now that he saw new hope, Song Sizhe naturally did not want his precious student to take risks again.

"Has it reached the point where it can be suppressed," Lu Xiaojiang's lips murmured, and his eyes were full of excitement.

"Okay, then suspend my transformation plan and wait for the technology to be more mature in the future, and then continue!"

According to his estimates, these two genetic modification surgeries are already the limits of current technology.

The 400 replacement genes identified after continuous experimental verification are equivalent to 1% of the 40,000 genomes of the human body, which is a considerable weight ratio.

Generally speaking, such a large-scale modification of the gene sequence will be due to the obvious trait mutation of the body, that is, acquired malformation.

There are precedents for this in live laboratory experiments on macaques.

I'm lucky right now.

Not surprisingly, at least he will live to be thirty years old.

The time left for himself is several times greater, and there is no need to take any more risks.

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