Of course, not everyone fails to simulate it.

There are also very few exceptions, which are particularly abrupt in front of this group of frustrated people.

Behind Lu Xiaojiang, a familiar voice suddenly came: "Xiaojiang, is that you"

It was Liu Yang.

He quickly turned his head.

That familiar figure was still as thin as before, but his face was devoid of the cowardice he had before.


It was a kind of heavy killing intent that even Lu Xiaojiang was a little afraid of.

"I don't know what his Sims has gone through to make him change so much" Lu Xiaojiang thought in his heart, and then replied:


me" "How come I didn't even know me after simulating once, did you successfully condense the wheel of life?"

Liu Yang smiled and nodded, but this smile was simply uglier than crying.

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't be able to stand here calmly

" "But Xiaojiang, you... It should have succeeded,"

Liu Yang's voice was not loud, but it still fell into the ears of some losers beside him.

"Hahaha, Liu Yang, are you funny, whoever succeeds he can't

be" "That is, who doesn't know in the whole simulation academy, Lu Xiaojiang's first simulation didn't last even a day

" "If he can succeed, then I will be an S-grade score"

A group of frustrated people, after a short grief over their failure, quickly found a weaker.

Nothing is a better way to relieve the stress in the heart by mocking a classmate who is worse than them.

And Lu Xiaojiang is a best target in their eyes.

Because even if these people fail the simulation, they can't collect enough energy, but they have more or less gained some simulation points.

Enough for their expenses for a long time.

"Lu Xiaojiang, you have lasted a few days this time, how many simulation points have you gained

" "If you can't eat the next meal, tell my old classmate that I can borrow you a little

" Lu Xiaojiang smiled like a spring breeze: "No need, I'm not short of money

" But this face fell in the eyes of the group of frustrated people, but it became the biggest mockery of them: "It's all up to now, you have to pretend to be forced, and you look good when you go to the treatment plant"

The 2,000 simulation points obtained by Lao Tzu can buy a family business well, and if you work hard, you may be able to form a family before you die, much better than your waste firewood"

Lu Xiaojiang was surprised by these mocking words, in the simulation world, there were few people who questioned and insulted him, but he never cared.

On the contrary, malicious slander can only become nourishment for him to continue to become stronger.

But Liu Yang, who has always regarded Lu Xiaojiang as his good buddy, couldn't bear it.

"You losers, what are you shouting about here, believe it or not, Laozi let you not see the sun tomorrow,"

his tone was very strong.

It's like a superior person.

But that small body is really not a deterrent.

"How much better can you be as a skinny monkey, not like us," someone sarcastically said.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yang just smiled coldly: "Me?

"I'm an A-grade rating, may I ask what are you?"

As soon as the words came out, a circle of noisy students around them seemed to be strangled by the throat.

Looking at this skinny boy in horror.

That's an A-level evaluation, and if nothing else, it will definitely grow to the existence of a master-level simulation master, not something they can provoke.

Even the boys who spoke provocatively fled in ashes after a burst of disbelief.

I was afraid that Liu Yang would find them to settle the account.

And a few girls who showed their tricks were watching him like a lioness staring at her prey.

"Classmate Liu Yang, can you get to know me, I am Rongxin of the fifth class, C-level

evaluation" "My name is Luo Yun, C-evaluation, we are still a classmate in junior high school"

Their fiery eyes do not need to be hidden.

I can't wait to swallow Liu Yangsheng alive now.

All of a sudden, this pure love boy was a little confused.

You know, just three hours ago, Liu Yang was a short student who was unknown and even looked down upon by others.

But after a simulation, it became a sought-after item.

This is the privilege of being a "simulator".

As long as you show enough strength.

Women, wealth.

Everything you never dared to think about before will be posted backwards to you.

Lu Xiaojiang looked at this scene speechlessly.


The limelight is all over for his good brother.

I really don't know what amuseful expressions this group of people will show if they know their S-level evaluation.

But suddenly.

From a distance, there was a sudden burst of fierce shouts.

"Everyone run, Xue Hu, his soul is lost"

The movement of the riot was not far from where Lu Xiaojiang was, so it fell in his ears, which was very clear.

"Laozi is the king of Da Liang, the king of the world, and the women of the world should be mine

" "You wastes dare to stop me, you will all die for me"

Lu Xiaojiang followed the prestige.

I saw a muscular man in the distance, his eyes gushing with red light, striding forward on the Wheel of Life Square.

It's like chasing something.

"Help, who will save me"

The delicate cry for help seemed extremely inconspicuous in the panicked crowd.

But there are careful people, still found the target being chased: "Isn't that the nineteenth class Hua Lian Wangshu, how can she be chased and killed by

Xue Hu" "Xue Hu is crazy, he claimed to have obtained a B+ simulation evaluation after his return, and everyone was still celebrating him, but he soon seemed to be a changed person, and he cut when he saw people"

Someone fled for his life from the direction of Xue Hu's chaos, shouting loudly in his mouth to remind everyone to escape.


Lu Xiaojiang was stunned slightly, his mind kept turning, and he instantly understood the cause of the matter.

You must know that the arrival of the simulator to the other world is not unconditional and unlimited.

The longer you stay in another world, the more likely you are to chaotic your soul.

Therefore, generally speaking, after completing a trip to another world, ordinary simulators will choose to cultivate in the main world for a long time to stabilize their souls.

But their group of students, who already had no use value, did not have such good treatment.

Just two days after the first simulation, he was called to participate in the second simulation.

This move is undoubtedly very dangerous, but their status is here, and no one cares about the life or death of this group of "semi-waste".

That's why there is a "lost" like Xue Hu who can't tell who he is.

"Something went wrong, a B+ level simulator, the destructive power brought by it is enough to kill the people in this entire square" Lu Xiaojiang touched his chin.

Although with his current strength, the simulator of the B+ rating is not his opponent at all.

But it doesn't want to expose its strength so early.

But it was such a stunned look.

A petite figure suddenly sneaked behind him.

"Classmate save me, Xue Hu, he is no longer human"

Before Lu Xiaojiang could see the appearance of the speaker, the already crazy Xue Hu followed and came to him.

"He Fang is a chaotic thief, dare to despise my concubine,"

Lu Xiaojiang had two words written on his face.

He is obviously just eating melons here, how can he pull on himself.

"Xue Hu calm down, this is the main world, not your Great Liang Imperial Dynasty," Lu Xiaojiang shook his head and said.

"Hmph, the thief Hugh wants to deceive the widow, quickly return my concubine, I can spare you the death penalty" Xue Hu was imposing, if it weren't for the school uniform being too eye-catching, it really had a bit of imperial momentum.

At this time, Liu Yang saw that the situation was not right, and also walked to Lu Xiaojiang's side.

"Xue Hu, don't be too presumptuous, this is not a place where you can be wild" He had an A-grade evaluation, and he was not afraid of this crazy Xue Hu at all.

"Where is the wild monkey, do you also want to become a revenant under the widow's sword" Xue Hu pulled out a seven-foot long sword from behind him and wiped the dirty blood on the blade with his cuffs.

A pair of round eyes like a tiger and leopard were suddenly filled with bloodthirsty light.

"The oligarchs have been in the Seven Kingdoms for decades, and I have never seen anyone dare to talk to the oligarchs like this, you deserve to die."

Then he took the long sword and slashed towards Liu Yang.

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