National Spiritual Sacrifice: 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter Seventeen: The Wolf Tribe! 5000 People? That's Not Food Delivery! ?

The shock wave generated by the falling of the giant sword directly shook all the barbarians around them so that they could not stand still and sat down on the ground.

"Shut up!!!"

And the next moment, before these savages could react, big hands lifted all of them from the ground pinching their necks.

"Cough cough cough! Who is it? What's going on!"

A middle-aged man who was the leader among the barbarians asked in horror as he pinched his neck with one hand and blushed.

It's a pity that no one paid attention to him.

The other 20 or so barbarians were also terrified. At this time, they realized that barbarian soldiers in fine iron armor appeared and subdued them at some time.

The powerful aura revealed by these soldiers made them all terrified.

"Bang bang bang bang!!!"

Then the twenty barbarians were thrown into the middle by the soldiers of the ten Divine Tree tribe and surrounded.

The twenty barbarians, dizzy from being thrown, leaned together in horror, like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Although they are not very intelligent, they can clearly feel the terror of each other.

"Step! Step! Step!!"

However, at this moment, the sound of heavy footsteps came from not far away.

The next moment Under the terrified eyes of all the barbarians, Subaru's huge body walked over directly.

"Good! So powerful!"

"What kind of race is this, how did it appear here!?"

"My lord, spare my life, my lord, forgive me, we are just passing by!"

"My lords, please forgive me!"



All the savages cried out in horror at this moment, and many even begged for mercy with Subaru and others,


However, the leader of the twenty savages let out a low drink, and at the same time gave those begging for mercy a hard look. Obviously, these begging for mercy are new believers, and such believers are easy incite defection.

The leader is a devout believer, so even if he encounters danger, he will not waver. Of course, it is still possible to instigate rebellion. Only after becoming a fanatic can he be unable to instigate rebellion and can only be killed.

As for those savages living outside, none of them had faith, so as long as they were brought back to the tribe to train for a few days, they could become new believers, and as long as they gave some benefits, they could become devout believers.

"Everyone strong, we are members of the Canglang tribe. If you kill us, my god will never let you go!"

The leading savage spoke to Subaru and the others in a low voice.

And as soon as his words came out, all the barbarians of the Shenshu tribe immediately saw their eyes light up.

Canglang tribe! ? At first glance, it is not a powerful tribe, even if it is a powerful tribe, it still has Su Mo.

"The wolf tribe? Interesting, as long as you tell the location of your tribe, and at the same time abandon your false gods and believe in the words of my great and noble supreme tree god, we will spare you your death!

Otherwise, all of you will die today! "

Subaru looked indifferently at the twenty barbarians present and spoke plainly.

"Clang clang clang!!!"

And in order to cooperate with Subaru's words, all the surrounding black iron level powerhouses pulled out their own weapons from their scabbards and pointed at all the barbarians.

Suddenly, all the barbarians were scared to pee.

Even the leading barbarian who was a pious believer was sweating instantly.

Although he is a devout believer, he is not enough to give his own life for the god he believes in.

This is even more true for those new believers.

"I am willing to submit sincerely, I am willing to submit sincerely!!"

"My lord, don't kill me, I am willing to surrender!!"

"Great and noble supreme tree god, please protect me!!"



The savages quickly knelt on the ground and prayed frantically.

New believers, as the name suggests, are new to this god, not to mention life-threatening, even if they see some miracles, or gain a little benefit, they will rebel.

This is also a normal thing. Of course, Su Mo's believers can grow from beginners to devout believers in at most three or four days.

As for devout believers, those believers who have received the benefits of Su Mo have gradually grown into fanatics in the past few days.

Only the newcomers still need to develop slowly, but when they come, they will have Blood Essence to transform Talent and strength. This kind of benefit plus the daily invasion of Su Mo's divine power, it can be said that even if there is no benefit, one month will become Fanatics are absolutely normal.

Therefore, it is not surprising to see these savages being scared to betray Subaru by saying a word.

Instead, he turned his attention to the only leader who had not yet rebelled.

And even if this barbarian's life was in danger, he still frowned and his face was tangled.

"This strong man, if you let me go, the god of my Canglang tribe is..."

In the end, he still chose to play around.


Suddenly a black light flashed, and the head of the leading barbarian shot up into the sky, and then slammed down on the ground, startling the twenty or so barbarians who had just surrendered.

He wanted to fight for it, but the Subaru people didn't have such good intentions waiting for him to struggle here.

"Tell me, where is the wolf tribe!? There are other things, so tell me what you know."

Subaru, who watched his subordinates kill the leader, nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at the others.

"Reporting to my lord, the Canglang tribe and that fake Shendu are about one meal away in this direction!!"

A barbarian hurriedly stood up and spoke tremblingly.

"That's right, right in this direction, there are more than 5,000 barbarians in the Canglang tribe, and the most powerful one is the leader, whose strength has reached the Black Iron Second Stage day!

In addition to him, there are three black iron ranks, and the rest are just ordinary people! "

"By the way, I remember that the leader also has a medium-grade black iron weapon that was bestowed by the false wolf god."

"I remember a false god who believed in the wolf said at the earliest that the tribe believed in the wolf god for two years!"



The next few other barbarians told me all about the situation of the wolf tribe.

Subaru and the others were stunned for a moment after listening to the words of these barbarians.

There are only four black-headed iron ranks among five thousand people! ?

so weak? If calculated according to this strength, not to mention all the people coming out, even if only more than a dozen teams come, I am afraid that this tribe can be wiped out.

Of course, they are still a little wary of the most powerful so-called Canglang God. After all, in their eyes, other sacrifice spirits except Su Mo are just false gods, but they can be worshiped, and their strength is naturally not too weak.

"Has anyone among you seen the sacrificial spirit of the Canglang tribe!?"

After thinking for a while, Subaru spoke calmly.

As soon as his words came out, the barbarians around were stunned.

Then a young barbarian came out respectfully and spoke.

"I have seen the noble strong man! Ten months ago at the New Year Festival, the sacrificial wolf appeared once. It was a giant wolf with a height of more than ten meters! But he seems to be a real god. Not only does he have The divine light shines, and can heal all wounds at will."

The fear of giant wolves also appeared in his tone. With such a huge body and great strength, Subaru in front of him was definitely not an opponent. If Subaru and the others went there, they would definitely not be able to survive.

And these traitors will also be punished by offering sacrifices to the spirits and clansmen.

However, Subaru and the others were stunned when they heard that the opponent's god was just a giant wolf more than ten meters away.

The next moment, these people all laughed wildly after looking at each other.

"Hahaha!! It turned out to be a beast!!"

"What am I supposed to be, it really is a false god!"

"A fierce beast more than ten meters away!? That's nothing more than a bronze-level beast. The strength of the priest can easily kill it, let alone my god!"

"Looking for a beast to worship as a god!? It's ridiculous!"



A mocking laugh instantly reached the ears of all the barbarians present.

They were immediately horrified after hearing what Subaru and the others said.

Even the bronze-ranked wolf doesn't To put in one's eyes? Could it be that the tribe these people belong to is a super tribe at the level of a big city! ?

"Let's go, you guys go back with us first, this kind of thing can't be rushed, anyway, the other party has a tribe of 5,000 people, and they can't run away!"

After laughing, Subaru spoke calmly. After all, with his strength, he is naturally not an opponent of the Bronze-level spirit sacrifice. He will report back and see the god's will.

After finishing speaking, several black iron-level barbarian soldiers picked up the two prisoners of the Canglang tribe and ran towards the direction of the Shenshu tribe.



A few hours later, other than the Shenshu tribe, Subaru and the others finally rushed back.

However, at a distance of more than ten kilometers, these captive barbarians saw the terrifying giant tree piercing into the sky in the distance with horror on their faces.

The fiery red brilliance made all of them feel the surrounding temperature soaring when they were more than ten kilometers away.

Soon everyone was sweating from the heat.

But Subaru and others who have been transformed by Blood Essence enjoy it very much.

These heat waves made them absorb the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth much faster.

"That is my god, the supreme tree god, this is the real god!!"

Looking at Su Mo's body in the distance, Subaru spoke with enthusiasm.

And these new savages couldn't help swallowing after hearing this, and a sense of awe emerged in their hearts.

At this moment, they have all directly reached the level of new believers.

After all, the things in front of me are much more reliable than the so-called wolf god.

This is the powerful dominance ability of a powerful sacrificial spirit in front of a weaker sacrificial spirit.

After all, seeing a god with such a terrifying gap almost shakes one's heart, ranging from a decline in belief level to direct betrayal at worst.

Of course, the premise is that the degree of belief is lower than the fanatic level.

Subaru quickly brought everyone into the tribe, and after handing over the newcomers to other tribesmen, Subaru went directly to a luxurious wooden building under Su Mo's huge tree trunk.

This wooden building is the meeting hall of the Shenshu Tribe.

However, when Subaru came in, Batu and Saraka, who had been waiting here for a long time, stood up immediately.

"Hahaha, Subaru, you are finally back! We have been waiting for you for almost a day!"

Saraka smiled and walked up to Subaru directly.

"Leader, Legion Commander, I'm back!!"

The corner of Subaru's mouth smiled, and then he directly told the two of Saraka all the news he had inquired about.

Batu and Saraka's eyes lit up immediately after hearing Subaru's words.

"A tribe of 5,000 people!? My God is glorious, it's actually a medium-sized tribe! As long as we conquer it, our population will at least multiply several times!"

When Batu heard the quantity, he became a little excited.

Although the number of people is almost five times that of the Shenshu tribe, the overall combat power is probably less than one-tenth of the Shenshu tribe.

Now the Shenshu tribe has a fully armed team of a thousand black iron ranks.

You know, Su Mo spent hundreds of thousands of Faith Points in order to arm this thousand-member team.

Most of the 600,000 faith points accumulated in these five days were spent.

After all, each one is a set of black iron armor and weapons.

Those wild titan weapons have a lot of consumables, and the grade is also black iron mid-grade, and a set costs thousands of faith points.

Just these one hundred barbaric titans cost three to four hundred thousand faith points.

With so many faith values, dozens of black iron level powerhouses can be cultivated.

Fortunately, what Su Mo lacks most here is the black iron grade.

What is lacking is people, so this wave has directly doubled the overall combat effectiveness several times.

Absolutely great value for money.

Therefore, if the tribe of 5,000 people is wiped out, they can easily suppress it with half of the 1,000 people.

This is still afraid that there will be fewer people and some people will not be able to surround them if they run away.

"In this case, let's do it, Batu!!:"

Saraka spoke excitedly!

"That's natural, I'll go and ask for instructions from Lord Sacrifice first! See if my god has any instructions!!"

The corners of Batu's mouth rose slightly, and then he strode out of the meeting room and came to the altar under the sacred tree.

And Saraka sent an order to directly call all the tribe believers to come.

Soon, the wild titans who had received the news and were waiting in the tribe brought their own team to the altar and looked at the altar.

On the altar, Salos sat cross-legged on the ground and prayed all the time.

After becoming a saint, only the gods are the most important thing in his heart, and all desires for power are no longer important.

This is why, after he became a saint, he directly removed his own position.

The hundreds of barbarians who had arrived in recent days were all shocked when they saw the stalwart body of Salos on the altar.

There was a trace of excitement in my heart.

They who have been here for a few days know that as long as they are, they can also become a noble wild titan in the future.

"Master Sacrifice, please ask Batu for instructions!!"

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