National Spiritual Sacrifice: 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 60: The Fifth Rank Race, The Elemental Elves! Su Mo's Companion Race!

"Ding...Congratulations on your new summoned race: Elemental Elf (fifth rank)"

When the selected light spots finally settled on the beautiful elves with a pair of elemental wings, a notification sound also came to Su Mo's mind.

Elemental elves, those are not ordinary elves.

This thing is like the patron saint of the elves, but now it has become its own new race.

Moreover, from the inheritance memory of the elemental tree family, Su Mo clearly knows that the element elves and the elemental tree family have extremely deep connections.

So Su Mo directly opened the introduction of elemental spirits.

"Elemental elves: According to legend, in the ancient times, the only elemental tree was disintegrated into countless fragments due to the battle of the gods, and his fragments scattered into the heavens and worlds, and eventually grew into some suppressed A one-dimensional elemental holy tree.

And because of the majestic power and gentle character of the Holy Elemental Tree, countless creatures regard it as a god, and at the same time, there are countless strong people coveting the pump body of the Holy Elemental Tree. In order to protect themselves, many Holy Elemental Trees gradually gave birth to a guardian Their own powerful race: the elemental elves.

Elemental elves are born with a strength comparable to that of a gold rank, and can even reach a strength of a diamond rank after they reach adulthood, and their bloodline level surpasses that of a powerful dragon family.

In some powerful elf tribes, an elemental elf may also be born over a long period of time, becoming the guardian god and ruler of this elf tribe.

At the same time, because they were born from the holy tree of elements, all elemental elves have one or more elements. With the power of these elements, they can unleash extremely terrifying combat history.

And they were born to protect the holy tree of elements, as long as they see your body, they will unconditionally reach the degree of saint faith!

Because it is the fifth rank race, the probability of summoning is: 100,000:1”

Seeing the introduction of the elemental elves, Su Mo laughed immediately. Not to mention his bloodline strength is a little bit stronger than that of a dragon, just say that as long as he finds the degree of faith that is a saint, let Su Mo know that the elemental Elves are definitely more suitable for me than any kind of holy spirit.

"Not bad, not bad, although the summoning ratio is 100,000 to one, who can refuse a saint who is summoned and is a gold-ranked saint!?"

Su Mo nodded in satisfaction.

According to the calculation that hundreds of thousands of new members can be found from the outside world in one day in the current tribe, I can summon several elemental spirits in one day!

"It just so happens that after I return from the murloc tribe, maybe the first elemental spirit will be found. I'm really looking forward to it!!"

The corners of Su Mo's mouth rose slightly.

Thinking of this, his speed soared several times again.

It flew thousands of kilometers away in the blink of an eye.

Soon, Su Mo came to the depth of tens of thousands of kilometers in the ocean.

Searching in the sea is not like searching above the ground. After all, if you search above the ground, believers, fierce beasts and so on are all above the ground.

Just search for what's on the plane.

But searching in the sea is different. In addition to the plane, there is also space. After all, in the deep sea area tens of thousands of miles away from the sea, the depth of the seabed has reached tens of kilometers.

The difficulty of searching Fang Yuan 100,000 miles here is more than a thousand times more difficult than searching Fang Yuan 100,000 miles on land!

Therefore, under the leadership of Salos and Xiaobai, a hundred gold-level powerhouses only searched the ocean of more than 50,000 kilometers in Fang Yuan.

Of course, within this range, three tribes have already been searched, and none of them are very small, directly providing Su Mo with 200,000 murloc followers.

However, because the murlocs are lower than the silver level, they cannot come out of the water and live for a long time, so until now, they have never seen the true god they believe in.

But when Su Mo came to the sky above the murloc tribe, he saw 200,000 murloc warriors in the murloc tribe who had been promoted to silver by him.

And more than a hundred wild titans that have been upgraded to the platinum level.

This batch of wild titans were the first to follow Su Mo.

Therefore, every time they upgrade, they are the first to improve their strength.

The tribes in the ocean are very simple, just caves built with some stones in the coral.

But the terrifying pressure makes these mermaids can only live on the bottom of the sea, but they cannot leave the ocean.

Because of the strong pressure, they have gotten used to the pressure here, not to mention leaving, even if they swim to the middle of the sea, their bodies will explode due to the skyrocketing pressure.

It's like an ordinary person going to the space without pressure, and his blood and internal organs will explode to death.

Of course, now that their strength has reached the silver level, their bodies are more than ten thousand times stronger than before, so they naturally have the strength to leave.

Therefore, it seems that Barak is going to take all the mermaids to pay homage to Su Mo in the God Tree Tribe.

The murlocs are exactly the same as the mermaids in the talk legend. Almost 90% of them are female clansmen, and only a few male clansmen, which surprised Su Mo.

Although it has a fish tail, it is still more pleasing to the eye than the five big and three thick barbarians and goblins.

At this time, a group of beautiful mermaid girls excitedly surrounded Barak, the leader of the barbaric titan team that Saros left here.

"Respected Lord Barak, have you ever seen the glory of my god! We are very curious about what my god looks like!"

"Yes, yes, Barack, just tell us!"

Barak, who was 50 meters tall, looked at the young ladies who surrounded him in the center and had never seen such a battle before. He felt helpless and didn't know how to explain it.

But those savage titans around were watching the show with a smile.

You must know that in Su Mo's tribe, except for the relationship between superiors and subordinates that must be obeyed during battles, those who are strong or weak usually have the same status.

"Okay, stop messing around! Lord Barack and the others still have things to do."

And at this moment, a mermaid who looked like she was in her twenties swam over and spoke to all the little mermaids.

As soon as her words came out, all the mermaids around laughed and left quickly.

And she is the royal family of the mermaid clan, Kaisha, and also the only royal family member present.

The other royal families have long been killed by the previous gods, and the reason is very simple.

The mermaid clan is different from other races. Unless the barbarian clan and the land clan have developed to the national level, otherwise, there will be no distinction between the royal clan and the commoner clan.

But the words of the mermaid family are very fancy to the bloodline.

In terms of the royal family, they were born to rule the entire mermaid family, and of course they also protect the existence of the mermaid family, so almost all mermaids will not resist their rule.

But this is a great hindrance to the gods who serve as sacrificial spirits.

Because this kind of surrender to the royal family comes from the heart, they have almost no ability to make ordinary civilians believe in them.

After all, even if you make the royal family surrender and believe in you, ordinary civilians are willing to sacrifice their lives for you, but the reason why the common people sacrifice their lives is because the royal family sacrificed their lives for you.

Therefore, what they fundamentally believe in is not offering sacrifices to spirits, but the royal family.

Only after the royal family is dealt with secretly, can all the civilians be completely surrendered.

As for Keisha, luck is good, her parents hid her among the civilians after she was born.

Kesha was restored after Thalos killed their god.

But Keisha, who has never really seen Su Mo, even though her belief in Su Mo has reached a devout level at this time, she is still afraid in her heart, whether Su Mo, as a god, will kill her like other gods!

After all, her parents also believed in his gods very much at the beginning, but because their existence affected the rule of the gods, they were directly killed by the gods.

"Kesar, don't worry, my god is the greatest and generous god, and he will definitely not be the same as other false gods!"

Although Barack on the side is stupid, he can see Kesha's worry at a glance.

After hearing what Barack said, Keisha felt a little more at ease.


However, at this moment, a grand bell sounded across the entire seabed in an instant.

The sound of the bell spread crazily in all directions and spread directly to the depths of the ocean.

At this moment, the tens of thousands of miles of ocean in Fang Yuan heard this grand bell.

Barack and the hundred platinum-level barbaric titans were all excited when they heard the grand bell.

"The bell of my god, this is the bell of my god!!"

"Looks like my god is here!!"

"Stam welcomes the arrival of my god!!

"Welcome to the coming of my god!!!"

All the barbaric titans knelt down in one direction excitedly, and they had sensed Su Mo's direction somewhere.

After hearing what Barack and the others said, Keisha and the others were also shocked, and then they all knelt respectfully on the ground of the seabed.

At the next moment, a huge body slowly appeared in the sky!

This huge golden body is naturally Su Mo at this time.

At this time, the height of Suli reached a terrifying 100,000 meters.

With a height of 100 kilometers, half of his body is on the bottom of the sea and half on the surface of the sea.

Such a majestic body made all the mermaids present extremely horrified.

You know, when the gods they believed in before erupted into a divine body, they were only tens of meters tall.

In the silver-level Realm, there are even one or two gods whose fighting power is not as good as the current ones.

Therefore, after seeing Su Mo who is like a real god, the awe of Su Mo in the hearts of all the mermaids is crazily raised.

Some mermaids even reached fanatics directly.

Among them, of course, was Keisha.


Soon, it seemed that own figure was too huge, Su Mo's divine body changed instantly, shrinking to a height of only a thousand meters in just an instant.

Although it is still extremely huge for ordinary people, it is still much easier to accept.

Su Mo looked at all the mermaids kneeling on the bottom of the sea and directly opened the attributes of the leader Kesha.

Name: Kesha

Race: Mermaid (Tenth Rank) (+)

Realm: Silver First Stage Days


Speed: 5000

Soul: 100

Skill: water polo attack (not popular)

Description: A kind of intelligent race that lives in the ocean. There are highly developed civilization systems in almost all civilizations. However, due to the limitations of Innate conditions, the mermaids in most civilizations have been wiped out by other civilizations.

As an ordinary race, there is no special ability, and the water attack is just a normal attack similar to human boxing!

Because their strength comes from their own powerful wisdom.

But it's not the same as the goblin refining direction, but the technology direction.

The Atlantis civilization founded by the mermaid clan in the ancient times on the earth not only developed the earth into a highly developed planet, but also successfully developed it for thousands of years.

The whole family left the earth and began to explore the entire galaxy.

If they hadn't left, there would be no human race on the earth.

Su Mo looked at this attribute and was speechless. Looking at it this way, the attack power of these mermaids is not as good as that of barbarians, and even goblins are not much weaker than them.

If it wasn't for own raising their Realm to the silver level, they would have to lose thousands of people to kill the weakest monster.

However, after seeing the description of mermaids on the earth, Su Mo was stunned. It turned out that the legendary Atlantis civilization really existed. No wonder some people said that it was flooded.

I did not expect that this civilization was originally built on the bottom of the sea.

Thinking of this, Su Mo was also looking forward to it, but soon frowned.

"Technology!? This thing can be seen to see if it can be developed, but the upgrading of technology takes a long time to develop, I'm afraid I can't wait!"

Although the technology is also very powerful, Su Mo encountered many sacrifice spirits relying on technology to make a fortune in the world of spirit worship, but this kind of sacrifice spirit has two major shortcomings.

One is that the development speed will be too slow when it reaches the late stage, and the other is that the rise of science will awaken some people's minds, making it difficult to influence them into believers.

Of course, the advantage of technology is that it will greatly increase the growth rate of the population, and at the same time, it will also greatly increase the force value of the tribe.

A tribe that has also developed for a hundred years, if it develops force value, there may not be many bronze-level tribe believers.

But if technology is developed, nuclear bombs may be created.

No one can resist a nuclear bomb, let alone bronze, even silver or even gold.

After all, it is no joke that the core temperature of a nuclear bomb is hundreds of millions of degrees.

Therefore, the development of the early stage of technological civilization will be terrifying.

But it is difficult at the late stage.

Not only the speed of development of science and technology, but also the issue of the enlightenment of believers is a huge problem.

Therefore, many sacrifice spirits are engaged in technology in the early stage and high in martial arts later.

If the connection is good, refuse to accept sacrifice spirits that can greatly surpass the same batch

However, for Su Mo, even a hundred years is an unattainable time.

"Let's look at the increase first. If the force value increases after the increase, then use the force value!"

Su Mo thought of this, and directly clicked the increase button in Kaisa's attribute table,

At the same time, his right hand also sprinkled a piece of golden light, directly enveloping Kaisha.

"My God!!!"

And this scene instantly misunderstood Keisha.

Seeing the golden brilliance that Su Mo hit, and it was only for her, she thought that Su Mo would get rid of her, the only royal family, like other gods.

With a sad face, she closed her eyes and waited to die.

However, after this golden radiance entered Kaisha's body, it didn't hurt Kaisha at all.

On the contrary, a terrifying power erupted from the depths and poured into every part of Kesha's body crazily.

"Boom, boom!!"

A roar of energy impact crazily impacted in Keisha's body.

At the same time, every inch of her cells, skin and bones began to be rapidly transformed at this moment.

The surrounding water also began to wrap around Kesha's body happily.

A strong force began to surge out of Kaisha's body.

The seawater several kilometers away from Fang Yuan began to be stirred up at this moment.

"This... what kind of power is this!"

Keisha looked at Own's body in disbelief.

Although there was no change, she could feel that even the cells in her whole body had undergone tremendous changes.

At the same time, she could clearly feel that she could control the water flow around her at will.

Obviously, this is like Barack and the others have comprehended the power of water.

"Is this what Master Barack and the others said about God's gift!? Originally, my god was rewarding me, not punishing me!"

Kaisha was immediately agitated at this moment, and his gratitude to Su Hei became very strong after Su's disciples avenged her.

(ceea) Coupled with the more than 20 days of being together, and the teachings of Salos, she and other murlocs have reached a very high level of belief in Su Mo.

Now seeing that Su Mo is completely different from other gods, her inner faith is even stronger.

Of course, she who has reached the fanatic level still has a long way to go if she wants to grow into a saint.

"Great and noble my god, your humble mermaid Kesha is grateful for the gift of my god!!"

The excited Kesha quickly knelt down towards the ground.

And the more than 200,000 ordinary mermaids behind her are also surprised, because even they are aware of Kaisha's changes. Although the appearance and size have not changed, but

But Kaisha's breath has become extremely noble.

The degree of nobility is far beyond that of any previous royal family.

Therefore, even though they wondered what gift Su Mo had bestowed, they also knelt down on the ground together and bowed down to Su Mo gratefully.

"Ding...Congratulations, the racial level of your follower Kaisha has increased by a hundred times! Upgrade to: Deep Sea Mermaid King (Rank 7)!"

And at this moment, a notification sound came to Su Mo's mind.

"Deep-sea Mermaid King!? This race name catches up, it always feels weird!"

After hearing the notification tone, Su Mo smiled helplessly, and immediately opened the other party's attributes.

Name: Kesha

Race: Deep Sea Mermaid King (7th rank, 300% increase in water element)

Talent: Technology Proficiency (Seventh Grade)

Realm: Silver First Stage Days




Attribute: Power of Water

Skills: Tsunami Shock (Silver Top Grade) Water Dragon Roar (Gold Low Grade)

Description: Mermaids with strengthened bloodlines have fighting power far superior to ordinary mermaids. At the same time, manipulating water elements to attack enemies can also erupt extremely terrifying fighting power.

At the same time, after the already powerful brain was augmented, the research and development and exploration capabilities of technology have been greatly improved, which is faster than the technology research and development speed of ordinary mermaids, and

Talent has doubled more than a hundred times!

Seeing the extra skills and the three times increase in combat power of the water element, Su Mo also nodded slightly. This strength is like a powerful race!

The previous mermaid clan was like a bastard.

At the same time, what surprised Su Mo the most was the Tech-savvy Talent.

This hundred times the speed of research and development and creation, with this thing, wouldn't it mean that one year is equivalent to a hundred years of ordinary mermaid research and development!?

No, even more than that, because the research and development speed and wisdom have increased by a hundred times, in fact, this Talent has definitely increased by more than ten thousand times!

After thinking of this, Su Mo's eyes brightened.

This is just the speed of research and development. If you buy some scientific and technological materials from the world of worshiping spirits and gods, it will definitely make a subversive improvement in the technological level of the tribe.

"However, if this is the case, if there is only Kaisha alone, the speed of technological improvement will still not be very fast, but if all the 200,000 people present are increased to be deep sea people

The fish king's words, plus the strong fighting power of all of them.

The development of technology is absolutely exploding!"

Thinking of this, Su Li didn't hesitate!

Just wave your hand!

'Shush, swipe, swipe!!!!"'

In an instant, streaks of dazzling golden light fell like raindrops towards Kaisha and the others in the deep sea.

The light spots condensed by these divine powers are all integrated into all the mermaids.

That's right, he is going to raise everyone's bloodline to the powerful bloodline of the deep-sea mermaid king.

And there are a total of 200,000 murlocs!

This kind of treatment is not even available to the barbarians today.

Because the current barbarian clan is only 20,000 people who have been upgraded to the wild titan.

The main reason is that after the barbarians upgrade their bloodlines, there is actually not much difference in their overall combat effectiveness, but it is different for the mermaids.

With one more deep-sea murloc, the speed of scientific research will increase a little.

That's why Su Mo is going to raise the blood of all people, and try to see if he can create a powerful technological civilization in the near future.

Technological civilization can not only improve combat effectiveness but also increase the speed of searching for other tribes.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!!"

However, as bursts of terrifying aura erupted crazily from the bottom of the sea, the races and bloodlines of all the mermaids began to rise extremely quickly.

Barak and the others separated and surrounded all 200,000 people, and then used the power of their own water to defend against the powerful power emitted by all the mermaids.

After all, if these forces spread, it will cause great damage to the entire ocean.

Originally, the tribe of mermaids was a bit simple, if it was destroyed, all the mermaids would not know where to go to Life!

And under their power, the power that erupted from the ascension of the 200,000 mermaid race was tightly suppressed in the center and did not explode.

Finally, with the passage of time, the 200,000 followers of the mermaid clan have all been upgraded to the deep-sea mermaid king at this moment.

Everyone has comprehended the power of water, even the power of ice, or the power of the ocean, etc., all kinds of elements related to the sea.

"What a powerful bloodline, is this really us!?"

"This bloodline is several times stronger than the original royal family!"

"Thank you for the great and noble gift of my God!!"

At this moment, everyone present knelt down on the ground excitedly and shouted.

But Su Mo who saw this scene spoke slowly.

"Kaisha, I order you to be the leader of the mermaid clan. These are some basic technological development materials, as well as the information of other mermaid tribes within 100,000 kilometers of Fang Yuan. From today

In the beginning, you assist Barack and the others to expand the number of mermaids, and at the same time develop technology with all your strength!!"

Su Mo's calm voice was transmitted directly to the minds of everyone present at this moment, and Kesha and others who heard Su Mo's voice were all excited and quickly knelt down on the ground.

"Kesa respectfully leads the oracle of my god!!"

Keisha spoke to Su Mo excitedly.

And at the next moment, Su Mo in the sky also dissipated directly into the ocean.

The golden light spots that turned into after his divine body dispersed also merged into the ground at this moment.


In an instant, the whole earth is

Started to tremble crazily, Keisha and the others were stunned, thinking that there was an earthquake, but everyone at The next moment was excited.

Because amidst the streaks of golden power, the originally uneven seabed sank directly as if it had been crushed by an invisible force.

The whole land began to level off.

The land within 100 kilometers of Fang Yuan was crushed by this invisible force into a flat station spanning 100 kilometers of Fang Yuan in just a few minutes.

"Boom boom boom boom!!"

And at this moment, huge giant trees rose directly into the sky in this resident.

These giant trees began to splice each other crazily and finally formed huge undersea tall buildings.

There is even an undersea altar that appears along with it.

Not only that, but an invisible force, the power of formation, directly enveloped Fang Yuan's 100-kilometer station.

This formation is the legendary gold-level defense and Spirit Gathering Formation that Su Mo built recently.

It has the defensive power to withstand the full blow of the platinum extreme powerhouse, and at the same time, it also has the terrifying effect of increasing the spiritual Qi of heaven and earth by a hundred times.

He prepared two full, in order to give one to the seabed and one to the tribe.

However, the one from the Divine Tree Tribe has a larger range of action, and it only has the effect of gathering spirits and has no defensive effect.

After all, where is Su Mo's body, what kind of spirit-gathering effect is needed?

And the huge changes in the entire tribe shocked all the mermaids.

Barak and the others were a little horrified, after all, this was the first time they had seen how Suli built it.

Unexpectedly, it was so easy for Su Mo to build such a huge city.

Looking at the suddenly new tribe, Kesha also had mixed feelings in her heart. As a mermaid, to be honest, she had never seen any luxurious buildings.

There is not even a decent building, because under the rule of other gods, what they need to do every day is to look around for their own people, and then conduct an investigation on the gods.


But the gods hardly give any rewards.

Even if there is a reward, it is for those who take the lead.

For other ordinary mermaids, the reward is simply a fantasy, and they only have the fate of running around for a little food every day!

Even so, they still have to maintain their inner faith, because if the faith is lowered, it is definitely the most serious thing for the gods.

At that time, those who lower their beliefs will be dealt with directly.

However, when they became followers of Su Mo, everything changed completely.

Even though he didn't receive any rewards at the beginning, he still has the terrifying powerhouse Saros who has reached the platinum level and the guardian of a hundred gold-level superpowers who are loyal to him.

And these strong men are very friendly to all of them.

Today, it is even more so. Those who have not made much contribution are still gifted by the gods, directly from ordinary people who require thousands of people to kill even the weakest beasts.

, directly grew into silver-level superpowers with terrifying strength.

At the same time, all their bloodlines have been sublimated, and they have all become powerful races that even the gods they believed in once dreamed of.

And now the gods have built such a huge underwater city for all of them.

From the beginning to the end, there were no excessive demands on them.

At this moment, her belief in Su Mo was greatly improved again.

Even, it has reached the zero point of fanaticism.

"Thank you for the gift of our God, Wei, kind and auspicious! My mermaid clan general 1's instructions!!"

So thinking of this, Kaisha knelt down on the ground devoutly and bowed her head to pray to the departing Su Mo.

"Thank you for the gift of my God!!"

"Thank you for the gift of my God!!"

At this moment, all the other mermaids knelt down on the ground and prayed from the bottom of their hearts.

Seeing Su Mo leave, Barack and the others also knelt on the ground on one knee.

"Farewell to my God!!!"

"Farewell to my God!!"

"Farewell to my God!!"

Everyone shouted loudly at this moment.

It wasn't until a few minutes passed that everyone slowly stood up from the bottom of the sea.

"Kesha, didn't my god say that I gave you a layout of the surrounding tribes!?"

But at this moment, Barack flew over with a smile and quickly spoke to Kesha.

Tribal layout, with this, he will be able to take all the team members to sweep all the surrounding tribes at once. At that time [Master Sacrifice and him will all know everything]

Proud of them!!

"The surrounding tribes will trouble you, I am going to let my tribe study the scientific and technological information given by my god!".

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