National Star Sea Era

Chapter 220: Five parts and fourth level, skyrocketing attributes

With his mind turning, Song Chi then took stock of the remaining resources in his hands.

Three components have been strengthened in succession, and a lot of resources have been consumed. Currently, there are still 10 strands of the fourth-order floating land source, 3 law stones, 396 titanium crystals, and 859 strands of the third-order floating land source.

Whether it is the titanium crystal, the third-order floating land source, or the fourth-order floating land source and the law stone, there is not much left, and he can only be allowed to strengthen three more parts to level 40.

Thinking of this, Song Chi fell silent.

If he could only strengthen three parts, then he really had to think carefully about it. After all, there were quite a lot of parts on the Sky that could be strengthened.

[Medal of Slavery] [Dark Matter Energy Shield Generator] [Pure Sun Sword Light Cannon] [Silver III Generation Ultra-Wave Magic Energy Detection Radar] [Void Shadow Killing Tribe Terracotta Warrior Tree]

This is five pieces at random, not counting those purple-quality parts, so naturally you have to think about it carefully.

First of all, the [Slavery Medal] component must be strengthened. Its "Slavery Seal and Fury" feature is a major trump card in Song Chi's hand, and its buffer time must be minimized.

Secondly, the [Dark Matter Energy Shield Generator] component must also be strengthened. It complements the [Neutron Star Core Armor] component and can achieve the effect of one plus one greater than two. The enhanced cost-effectiveness is much higher than that of other orange components.

This last part is where Song Chi struggles.

[Pure Yang Sword Light Cannon] is the strongest and most commonly used attack method on the Cangqiong. [Silver III Generation Ultra-Wave Magic Energy Detection Radar] is the eyes of the Cangqiong, and the [Void Shadow Killing Tribe Terracotta Warrior Tree] 】Components are the key to subsequent exploration of the ancient battlefield in the starry sky.

All three have reasons for strengthening, but when put together, it makes it particularly difficult.

After thinking for two minutes, Song Chi finally decided, and he still set his target on the [Void Shadow Killing Tribe Terracotta Tree].

The reason is simple. After this part is strengthened to the fourth level, the summoned fourth-level void shadow-killing clan soldiers will be able to officially start exploring the super giant three-eyed clan flagship.

With the level of that super giant flagship, you only need to explore the tip of the iceberg, and you may be able to gain a lot, and among them there may be resources such as the fourth-level floating land source and law stones.

With the choice, Song Chi immediately started subsequent strengthening.

[Are you sure to consume 150 strands of the third-order floating land source + 3 strands of the fourth-order floating land source + 110,000 nether energy points + 80 titanium crystals + 1 law stone to upgrade the Slavery Medal from lv39 to lv40? 】


Another large amount of resources disappeared out of thin air, and then the [Slavery Medal] component flashed with a dazzling red light. When the red light dissipated, threads of mysterious power were already flowing on the surface of this component.

Slavery Medal lv40

Quality: red

Features: Bridge of the Mind

Characteristic 2: Slavery Seal·Rage

Feature 3: Ruyi small size

Consumption: 30000/time (psi energy points)

Mark of Slavery: 6/6

Effect: It can enslave life forms whose life level does not exceed level five, and is completely controlled by the captain of the Fire Battleship.

Limitations: The weaker the enslaved person's will to resist, the higher the success rate, and vice versa.

Required for upgrade: 5 strands of floating land origin (level 4), 130,000 nether energy points, 83 titanium crystals, 4 law stones

Note: This component needs to occupy three special slots.

{Slavery Seal·Rage: Consume 20,000 points of psionic energy to designate an enslaved object to enter a violent state at the cost of life. After the rage, the enslaved object's strength will increase by a large level. (The violent duration is 30 minutes, the buffer time is 6 months {176 days and 18 hours}, and the increase in strength cannot exceed the strengthening limit of this component.)}

What Song Chi was looking at from beginning to end was the detailed attributes of the "Slavery Mark and Violence" characteristic. He was extremely excited after seeing that its buffer time was reduced from one year to half a year, and the buffer time was reduced by half. This will greatly improve his safety in the future.

After the [Medal of Slavery] component, there is naturally the [Dark Matter Energy Shield Generator].

Song Chi finally consumed 100 third-level rays, 2 fourth-level rays, 1 law stone, and 60 titanium crystals to successfully strengthen this piece to level 40.

Dark matter energy shield generator lv40

Quality: orange

Features: Shield value increased by an additional 130%

Protection: 3800000

Shield value: 131 million/131 million

Charging: 20s; buffering after overload: 30 minutes

Required for upgrade: 4 strands of floating land origin (level 4), 90,000 nether energy points, 700 tons of mercury crystals, 62 titanium crystals, 3 law stones

After strengthening to level 40, as expected, the attributes of this [Dark Matter Energy Shield Generator] component also skyrocketed, especially in conjunction with the "Neutron Star Core Pulse" feature. Song Chi calculated that the shield value that can be restored per second has reached A terrifying 262,200 points.

When he first calculated this data, Song Chi himself was shocked. You must know that not long ago, it was only more than 30,000 points per second, but now it has soared to 260,000, which is really an exaggeration.

But this is the reason why he is determined to strengthen this component, isn't it? It complements the [Neutron Star Core Armor] component and is extremely cost-effective.

The last component that needs to be strengthened is the [Void Shadow Killing Tribe Terracotta Tree], which goes without saying much.

It also cost 100 third-level strands, 2 fourth-level strands, 1 law stone and 60 titanium crystals. As for the properties of the parts themselves, the changes were not big. Only the summoned Void Shadow Killer Clan terracotta warriors officially reached the fourth level, and the number increased from 30 to 35.

Thinking of this, Song Chi waved his hand, and then a two-meter-tall Void Shadow Killer Clan terracotta warrior quietly appeared in front of him.

Looking around the terracotta warrior for a while, in the end, except for discovering that the surface of its puppet body had some more obscure mysterious power, no other changes were found.

Thinking for a while, he clicked on the detailed attribute panel of the terracotta warrior.

[Name: Void Shadow Killer Clan Soldier]

[Quality: Orange]

[Level: Level 4 (upper limit: Level 5)]

[Level: lv40]

[Active Abilities: Rift, Air Flash, Instant Prison Shadow Kill]

[Passive Abilities: Son of the Void (as a space darling, has the ability to walk and shuttle freely in the void), Soul Shattering Dagger (freely condense a Void Blade with Soul Shattering properties)]

[Description: A space darling born in the void, with the ability to compete with the Void Demon. ]

"Okay, I thought too much. Apart from the changes in level and rank, this soldier really has no other changes..."

Seeing that he couldn't see anything, Song Chi, who guessed that it was likely to depend on the subsequent actual combat results, quickly lost interest. After recalling the soldier, he turned to open the battleship panel of the Sky.

[Name: Sky]

[Model: Xinhuo-Guardian Class Psionic Flying Ship]

[Level: lv20]

[Additional Features: Air Stabilization]

[Basic Components: Purple Xinhuo Hull lv20, Pure Yang Sword Light Cannon (Orange) lv39, Electromagnetic Lightning Cannon (Blue) lv30, Cold Light Sky Frost Cannon (Purple) lv30, Neutron Star Core Armor (Red) lv40, Light Energy Aggregation Engine (Orange) lv40, Dark Matter Energy Shield Generator (Orange) lv40, Silver III Generation Ultrawave Magic Energy Detection Radar (Orange) lv39, Psionic Training Room lv0 (9/11)]

[Additional Components:

Slavery Medal (Red) lv40

Totem Spirit Pillar (Orange) lv30, Void Shadow Killing Tribe Warrior Tree (Orange) lv40, External Armor-Piercing Cobalt Bullet Launcher (Orange) lv30

Brain Wave Remote Control System (Purple) lv30, Phantom Thruster (Purple) lv30, Water Molecule Isolation Membrane (Purple) lv30, Escape Bead (purple) lv30, Plasma Guardian (purple) lv30

Abnormal State Purifier (blue) lv39, Purple River Jump Device (blue) lv30, Fixed-point Delivery Platform (blue) lv30, Blood Soul Seal (blue) lv30, Space Beacon Launcher (blue) lv30, Void Membrane (blue) lv30, Sound Wave Silence Field (blue) lv30, Xinhuo Battleship Manned Certificate (blue) lv30,

Fire Sunflower Soldier Tree (white) lv29, Healing Fruit (white) lv29 (21/34)]

[Psionic Pool: 180000/180000]

[Supplies: 3 strands of fourth-level floating land origin, 509 strands of third-level floating land origin, 22780 strands of second-level floating land origin, 196 titanium crystals...]

Looking at the attribute panel in front of him, Song Chi became more and more satisfied. After this enhancement, the attributes of the Sky have reached a new height.

However, this round of strengthening has come to an end. Although there are still some third-level floating land origins and titanium crystals left, Song Chi still wants to keep them for the subsequent strengthening of [Pure Yang Sword Light Cannon] and [Silver III Generation Super Wave Magic Energy Detection Radar], and is not going to use them for the time being.

In addition, his thoughts on the ancient starry sky battlefield have become hot again. With the [Void Shadow Killing Clan Soldier Tree] component strengthened to level 40, he can once again conduct a deeper exploration of that star field. In addition, there is not much time left for him to explore the star field there, so he naturally knows to seize the time.

There is no doubt that the ancient starry sky battlefield is definitely a great opportunity that is rare in a thousand years.

The owner of the super-giant three-eyed clan flagship is at least a sixth-level, or even a seventh-level existence. Even if he only gets some scraps from his flagship, it is probably enough to benefit him endlessly.

It is precisely because of this understanding, coupled with the fact that he has initially met the requirements for further exploration, that Song Chi is naturally anxious.

Thinking about it, his eyes began to turn constantly.

The ancient starry sky battlefield must be explored again, and the sooner the better, but when to go and what preparations need to be made, all these need to be planned in detail in advance.

A quarter of an hour later, Song Chi exited the Sky, having made plans.

Less than a month later, he will have to go to the Bailing Star Region to take charge.

After all, it is a star region that stretches thousands of light years. If they want to carry out large-scale development, it is naturally not something that can be done by the second and third-level Xinhuo captains alone. The veins need to carry out small-scale immigration there.

There are many zero-level and first-level Xinhuo captains. Of course, there are more ordinary clansmen who have not awakened. Song Chi estimates that at least tens of thousands of clansmen must be migrated there initially.

This is still the minimum standard. There are hundreds of floating lands in the star sea under the jurisdiction of the Bailing Star Region. If they are dispersed, there are only about a hundred people on each land. This is far from enough, and more people need to be invested in the future.

Unfortunately, their Tenth Direct Vein was rebuilt not long ago. Although more than a year has passed and many people from the side branches have joined them, there are only less than 100,000 people in total now. It is already exaggerated enough to devote nearly half of the manpower at one time. If there are more, the normal operation of the entire vein will be affected.

It is precisely because of the shortage of manpower in Pulse that it is more necessary for him to sit in and guard against massive casualties.

However, this is also an opportunity, an opportunity to have a lot of time to explore the ancient starry sky battlefield.

He only needs to leave a slave creature in the Bailing Star Territory to learn the latest news in real time, and leave a space anchor to ensure that he can return at any time if an emergency occurs. At other times, he can completely devote himself to the ancient battlefield in the starry sky.

But if you really want to do this, you must ensure that whenever you return, you can leave a new space beacon on the Ancient Starry Sky Battlefield. In addition, you must also leave a beacon on the Blood Barbarian Continent.

Therefore, the current problem is to ensure that there are enough space beacons on the Sky.


"I need to get another special part like a space beacon... the best quality is purple or above!"

"In addition, those ancient corpses in the ancient starry sky battlefield also need to find a solution. They are all high-level biological source blood. It is too painful to just watch..."

Whispering, Song Chi left the market.

In his personal room, after clicking on the quantum communication bracelet and logging into the Longji Continent Family Forum, he directly started searching for keywords.

"Components related to the blood of high-level organisms"

As you clicked to search, a large number of posts soon appeared on the projection light screen in front of you.

[Bang bang bang, I broke into a small ruins not long ago and got a drop of the fourth-level "Blue Moon Viper" source blood. I can only exchange it for an orange-quality upgraded fire source. If you are interested, please chat privately! 】

[I want fourth-level source blood at a high price. I am willing to provide an orange engine part. Let’s meet in person to discuss it in detail! 】

[I, Song He, the eighth direct lineage, am 550 years old this year. I am willing to use four purple parts as collateral to lend a drop of fourth-level source blood. If I succeed in reaching the fourth level, I will unconditionally support the lender to reach the fourth level in the future! 】

Although there were many posts that popped up, they were either asking for source blood or selling source blood. There were no parts that met his needs at all.

After thinking about it, Song Chi added a new keyword.

[Large item scaling component]

Ben just wanted to give it a try, but unexpectedly, after searching like this, he actually found a post that he was interested in.

[The purple special component "Constant Scale Scaler", the attribute diagram is placed below. If you are interested, please send a private message! 】

Scaler lv0

Quality: purple

Features: Additional zoom factor doubled

Consumption: 2000/time (psi energy points)

Charging: 30s; buffering: 60 minutes

Effect: Scale the specified non-living items equally. The current maximum scaling ratio is 10 times (5x2).

Required for upgrade: 7 strands of floating land origin (zero level), 700 psionic energy points

After reading the attribute screenshot at the bottom of this post, Song Chi's eyes flashed. It was obvious that this part perfectly met his requirements.

Although it can only scale inanimate objects, those ancient corpses have been dead for tens of thousands of years and are no longer included in the biological category.

In addition, it can only be zoomed 10 times at the moment, but when the enhancement level is increased, this ratio will of course be greatly improved.

Moreover, he will also test it in advance to see how much this ratio will be when it is strengthened to the second level. If it can exceed 50 times, it should be about the same.

PS: No more today!

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